Arms Dealer Dad, Yang Mi Comes To Visit With Her Baby At The Beginning

Chapter 101 The Rise Of The Dragon Kingdom, A Historic Moment! It’S An Honor To Be Born In This Era!

Such a big thing happened to Yingjiang.

Although Commander Yingjiang has been trying his best to conceal the truth of the matter.

And has been working hard to fill the holes.

Want to keep secrets hidden.

In order to avoid this incident affecting their dominance of Eagle Sauce.

But there is no airtight wall in the world.

Eagle Sauce's economy quickly went into a downturn.

Many people in the country are unemployed.

Prices skyrocketed.

Wait for multiple things to happen at the same time.

How could other people not see such a big thing?

So naturally those countries have heard about it.

And after continuing to investigate further.

Those countries were even more shocked.

No one would have thought of it.

Eagle sauce actually appeared like this.

A major event that shakes the foundation of the country!

Especially in my childhood and in Kimchi Country.

Yingjiang has always been a loser.

They saw that their big brother was under the design of the Dragon Kingdom.

It has become shaky.

He couldn't help being shocked and immediately convened a high-level meeting.

Small days in China.

A secret high-level meeting quietly unfolded.

The then leader, Ichiro Komoto, looked solemn.

"As for what happened recently in Yingjiang, after some investigation, I determined that these are all true."

"At this time, Yingjiang is facing a heavy blow from the Dragon Kingdom on the stock market!'

"At the same time, Longguo also united with Su Ze and launched a fierce attack on Yingjiang.

"Now that Yingjiang is on the verge of collapse, their Yingjiang commander even wants to ask us for help."

Hear what Ichiro Komoto said.

Everyone present was silent for a while.

None of them expected it.

Such a thing could happen to Eagle Sauce.

To know.

Eagle Sauce has always been their big brother.

And over the years, Yingjiang has also taken their younger brother countries to show off their power all over the world.

Got a lot of benefits.

But now.

Yingjiang is actually in such big trouble.

This made the younger countries like them couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

"Then what should we do now?"

"Should we help Yingjiang, or should we take the opportunity to break away from them and develop ourselves?"

A senior executive asked.

His words made everyone present fall into silence.


Today's Eagle Sauce is no longer able to protect itself.

If they, the younger countries, continue to follow Yingjiang.

Then he might also be dragged into the water.

But if you leave the eagle sauce.

Then they will lose a strong backer.

This is also a big loss for them.

So, now they are really in a dilemma.

After thinking about it, Komoto Ichiro said.

"I think we should wait and see first."

"Let's see if Yingjiang can survive this crisis."

"If Eagle Sauce can survive this crisis, then it won't be too late for us to continue following them."

"But if Yingjiang cannot survive this crisis, then we should consider whether we should break away from them."

His words made everyone present nod their heads.

They though over the years.

I have always been respectful to Eagle Sauce.

I dare not pay less than the protection fee that should be paid.

On the surface, he has always been an obedient little brother.

But they don't have any ambition.

It's just that the power of Eagle Sauce is too powerful.

And they have strictly controlled their childhood for so many years.

The armed forces are severely restricted.

If there is a huge crisis in Eagle Sauce this time.

Maybe it can give them a chance to get rid of Eagle Sauce.

"Yes, the chief is right."

"We really should wait and see."

"We'll look at the situation and then make a decision."

Everyone else nodded, agreeing with Komoto Ichiro's view.

After all, for them.

The most important thing now is to ensure that your own interests are not lost.

As for the eagle sauce.

We can only wait until they get through this crisis first.

And the topic comes to this.

Komoto Ichiro suddenly noticed it again.

A key figure in this hawk sauce crisis.

That's Su Ze.

"This Su Ze is said to be Ying Jiang's most wanted target now."

"Although Yingjiang didn't explicitly issue a wanted order for him.

"But someone has been called to deal with him."

"Who is he?"

"You can actually stir up the eagle sauce and turn it upside down?"

Komoto Ichiro fell into deep thought.

"I've heard about this Su Ze too."

Another senior executive spoke.

"It is said that he is an arms boss."

"We have a large amount of arms resources under our control."

"And it is said that he has a very strong background and strength."

"This is also the reason why he can turn Yingjiang upside down."

His words surprised Komoto Ichiro and others.

They didn't expect that Su Ze would have such a back injury.

This made them more afraid of Su Ze.

"Then this Su Ze, isn't it very dangerous?"

someone asked.

"That's right."

Another senior officer nodded.

"If we offend him rashly, I'm afraid it will cause us a lot of trouble.

"So, our best choice now is to wait and see."

"We'll look at the situation and then make a decision."

Xiao Qianlang and others all agreed to his words.

They all felt that what this senior executive said was very reasonable.

After all, they don't want to offend Su Ze, a dangerous person.

They don't want to be like Eagle Sauce.

Also suffering from the same crisis as John Bull.

And at this time.

Over there in pickle country.

The top executives of Kimchi Country also held a meeting.

After they learned about Eagle Sauce.

I also felt shocked.

You know, they have been following Yingjiang's footsteps over the years.

They do whatever Yingjiang tells them to do.

Sometimes, he even takes the initiative to please Ying Jiang.

I just hope to be appreciated by Yingjiang.

So as to gain more benefits internationally.

But now.

Yingjiang is actually in such big trouble.

This made their younger brother countries feel uneasy.

"What should we do now?"

"Should we continue to follow Ying Jiang, or should we take the opportunity to break away from them?"

The top executives of Kimchi Country also began to discuss.

Their ideas are almost exactly the same as those of the senior executives of Xiaoli.

After all, they are also ambitious people.

It's just because Eagle Sauce is too powerful.

That's why they never dared to have any rebellious intentions.

but now.

Eagle Sauce can no longer protect itself.

This is undoubtedly the best opportunity for them.

If you can take the opportunity to get rid of the eagle sauce.

Then they might be able to be independent.

No longer controlled and restrained by Eagle Sauce.

And at the same time.

They noticed too.

Su Ze this person.

So among the senior management, discussion immediately started again.

"This Su Ze can actually put Yingjiang into such a predicament."

"How strong is his strength?"

The top executives of Kimchi Country were all amazed.

They did not expect that this Su Ze actually had such strength.

This made them more afraid of Su Ze.

After some discussion, they.

Their thoughts are the same as those of Xiaoli.

Now I don’t want to offend this dangerous person Su Ze.

And, they want to see it too.

Can Eagle Sauce survive this crisis?

If Eagle Sauce can survive the crisis.

Then maybe they can continue to follow Eagle Sauce.

After all, Ying Jiang is still very powerful.

But if Eagle Sauce cannot survive the crisis.

Then they might be able to take the opportunity to get rid of Yingjiang's control.

thereby gaining true independence.

After all, Kimchi Country has always been oppressed by Eagle Sauce.

The soldiers of Eagle Sauce are acting recklessly in their country.

He even seizes women from the countryside.

But in this regard, they have always dared to be angry but dare not speak out.

Now under the action of that Su Ze.

Finally, Ying Jiang was retaliated.

For them, this is a great thing.

But even the top brass think so.

But under repeated pressure from Eagle Sauce.

In the end, they chose to compromise.

not to mention.

There are many pro-Eagle elements within them.

Under the control of these people.

In the end, Xiaori and the top leaders of Kimchi Country decided to help Yingjiang.

Be a loyal licking dog of Eagle Sauce.

But this time.

But the people in both countries were unhappy.

These people started shouting.

"Make a mistake, make a mistake, you don't want to help Ying-chan because of your strength?"

"Then Ying-chan can't even protect himself, so what can you do?"

"Take a good look. The Dragon Kingdom is so powerful now. Even Yingjiang can't resist it. Why are you still joining in the fun?"

"Can you please stop confronting Long Guo? You are no match!"

"The top management are just a bunch of trash who don't know what they can do. I really don't understand what these people think!"

"Does our country exist just to be used as a licking dog for Eagle Sauce?"

"We also have our own dignity and integrity, why do we have to follow Yingjiang all the time?"

"If we continue like this, our country will never get ahead!"

The roars of the people echoed in the streets of Kimchi Country and Xiaoli.

They began to take to the streets to protest.

They asked their country's top leaders not to continue to follow Eagle Sauce.

Instead, we should be independent and seek better development for our country and people.

Seeing the anger of the people, the senior officials of Kimchi Country and Xiaoli also felt a headache.

They knew that the people's emotions had reached an uncontrollable level.

If they continue to insist.

I'm afraid it will arouse greater public outrage.

However, they don't want to offend Eagle Sauce either.

After all, Ying Jiang is still very powerful.

If they dare to betray Yingjiang.

Then Eagle Sauce will never let them go.

This puts them in a dilemma.

The two sides have been in a stalemate.

Things are getting worse.

And this time.

Xiaori and the people in Kimchi Country also discovered some interesting things.

That is the key person in this whole incident.

Because with the investigation of many netizens.

they already

The root cause of Eagle Sauce's crisis was clarified.

Everything points to one man.

That's Su Ze.

Netizens couldn't help but be shocked.

And became curious about Su Ze's identity.

In the Dragon Kingdom.

Netizens in Long Kingdom are also paying attention to this matter.

After all, the commotion caused by this incident in the international community should not be too great.

After the netizens of Long Guo learned what Long Guo had done.

Everyone was confused.

"What's going on? Is our Dragon Kingdom so awesome now that it can turn Yingjiang's economy upside down?"

"This is not the Dragon Kingdom I am familiar with."

"Didn't our experts always boast in the past that our economy is decades behind 460 countries [and it will take at least fifty years to catch up?"

"It suddenly happened this time and we crushed Yingjiang. This is incredible."

"This is the War Bureau's strength. Maybe the Dragon Kingdom has already become very powerful without our knowledge, but we don't know it."

"Then when will our wages increase - increase haha."

Netizens were shocked.

They all couldn't help but become very interested in this matter.

Because they don't know when their country became so fierce.

Even able to kick Eagle Sauce.

Even netizens couldn't help but doubt life after seeing it.

And the news that was originally hot on the Internet.

It was a rumor about Yang Mi that was widely publicized by foreign capital.

At this time, not many people are paying attention.

The news media focused all their attention on this international event.

But the reason for changing their focus.

It's not that they realize how much money this thing could bring.

But this is a matter involving the country.

The authorities will naturally take action.

Even those media want to make money.

But they did not dare to go against the authorities.

If they go against Yang Mi, they will end up in the worst possible outcome.

In other words, there is no way to continue to work in the entertainment industry.

But if they dare to feel sorry for the official.

Then they won't even be able to continue to hang out in China in the future.

So no one dares to do that.

We can only obediently follow the country’s intentions.

Mainly to promote this international event.

And this is also within Su Ze’s intention.

Su Ze is going to make this matter bigger and the whole world will pay attention.

Only in this way can he better implement his subsequent plans.

And netizens are also very excited.

Now netizens pay attention to the latest developments almost every day.

Take a look at how much money Eagle Sauce has lost recently.

Seeing Yingjiang losing more and more, they became even more happy.

This undoubtedly means that their dragon kingdom is rising.

And what makes them even happier is that.

They can see it too.

Obviously now is the time for their Dragon Kingdom to rise.

And they are honored to witness this important event of national destiny.

All of them will become witnesses of history.

From now on, it will even be enough for them to brag to their juniors.

Especially the rise of the Dragon Kingdom.

For the people of the Dragon Kingdom, they are undoubtedly the most proud.

Who doesn’t want to see their country grow?

Especially this moment standing on top of the world.

Being a Chinese is undoubtedly the most proud thing.

This is a deep sense of national pride.

They are all honored.

Born in this era. .

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