Arms Dealer Dad, Yang Mi Comes To Visit With Her Baby At The Beginning

Chapter 86 Iron-Blooded Means! Countless People In Beijing Circle Died Unexpectedly And Tragically,

Not only that.

Su Ze doesn’t want to waste time with these people anymore.

Call your subordinates abroad directly.

tell him.

"Arthur Chen is no longer useful, get rid of him.

Su Ze's order was concise and cold.

As if he was just dealing with a trivial matter.

But for Arthur Chen.

This was the end of his life.

the other side.


Arthur Chen who was locked up in a small dark room.

Suddenly, I saw a light again in front of my eyes.

I thought I was saved.

Arthur Chen's eyes suddenly lit up.

But he never expected it to be.

The person who came in was actually holding a gun.

Arthur Chen seemed to understand something.

I felt cold at that time.

"Who are you? What are you going to do?"

Arthur Chen suddenly turned pale with fright.

He struggled wildly.

But it's a pity.

He has been tied up for a day and a night.

He was already extremely weak at this moment.

Where is the strength left to struggle?

And the other party seemed to have no intention of talking nonsense to him.

One shot killed him.

And not long after Arthur Chen died.

News of his death also spread to Beijing circles.

As the mother of Arthur Chen.

Chen Hong was about to faint at that time.

She originally sent Arthur Chen abroad.

It was to save Arthur Chen's life.

How could she have imagined the result.

in the end.

It turned out to be because of her action.

Instead, it harmed her son.

Faced with such overwhelming hatred.

But Chen Hong had nothing to do in the end.

Because it is difficult for people in the Beijing area to protect themselves now.

Even she is the same.

And it’s not just Chen Hong.

People from the entire Beijing circle.

Everyone is worried.

Because they all know it.

All this is because of Su Ze.

They messed with the wrong people.

If they had known Su Ze's identity.

Even if you lend them ten courages.

They didn't dare to take action against Su Ze.

But it's too late to say anything now.

Now the entire Beijing circle is involved in matters in northern Myanmar.

They themselves are already like clay bodhisattvas and cannot save themselves when crossing the river.

How could he care about Arthur Chen's life and death?

And Chen Arthur’s mother Chen Hong.

In the Beijing circle, he is just a small role.

Others didn't take her seriously at all.

So even if Chen Arthur is dead.

No one will sympathize with her.

Some people even laughed at her behind her back.

She said this was retribution.

Who told her to provoke Su Ze in the first place?

It's better now.

His son is gone.

And it also affected the entire Beijing circle.

She really deserves death.

But they didn't have time to blame Chen Hong.

They are most critical right now.

You still have to find a way out for yourself.

None of them want to get caught up in this incident.

And they have also thought about their own future.

But that's it.

Su Ze also took action again.

Treat this group of people.

Su Ze naturally wants to kill them all.

Capital giants such as Yi Brothers and Xinli Media.

The scenery is endless on weekdays.

At this moment, he was like a frightened bird.

They gathered in the conference room.

All of them looked solemn.

The atmosphere was so oppressive that people couldn't breathe.

Everyone is thinking about their own way out.

Thinking about how to survive this storm.

"We must take action."

A deep voice broke the silence.

He is the chairman of Huayi Brothers.

But when he said it was still possible, he was full of helplessness and anxiety.

"Yes, something must be done"

The CEO of Xinli Media also echoed.


Their actions seemed a bit feeble.

They try to connect various relationships.

Want to find a way out.

But he found that he had been completely isolated.

Even the Dragon Kingdom officials began to suppress them.

And there are other capitals behind them that are attacking them crazily.

The connections and resources they were once proud of.

They all seemed so pale and weak at the moment.

At this moment, a piece of news exploded among them like a thunder: Su Ze had already started to take action.

Their company began to have serious problems with its capital chain breaking.

Investment projects that were originally stable have also gone wrong.

Not only did they receive a termination notice from their partner.

I even started receiving summonses from the court.

For a while.

The share prices of these companies plummeted and their market value evaporated.

Investors also withdrew their capital one after another and stopped losses in time.

At the same time, they are all afraid of being involved in this turmoil.

Such an ending.

This is something that no one in big capital has thought of.

The chairman of Huayi Brothers became even more distraught.

He didn't expect that.

A business empire that he worked hard to build.

It was completely destroyed!

Wang Jun, chairman of Huayi Brothers.

just reached home.

The sight before him made him feel like he had fallen into an ice cave.

A group of formally dressed liquidators with expressionless faces were busy at his home.

He also put seals on his furniture.

Wang Jun is someone who has seen big scenes.

He understood immediately.

They were taking inventory of his property.

An indescribable panic suddenly filled his heart.

"You, what are you doing!"

"Mr. Wang, you are back."

A man who seemed to be the leader raised his head and looked at him expressionlessly.

"Sorry, we need to liquidate your property to preserve evidence."

Wang Jun was stunned.

He looked at the person in front of him in disbelief.

"what are you saying?"

The man didn't even raise his eyelids.

"These things must be sealed to facilitate future settlement by the court."

"Oh yes, and your bank card."

"We have blocked all your bank cards."

"In addition, your family members and some suspicious bank cards related to you have been frozen."

"Don't worry, once we find out that the matter is not related to you."

"We will naturally unfreeze your bank card."

Wang Jun was completely confused now.

His bank cards, his possessions, his everything.

They were all frozen!

"Why? Who allowed you to do this!"

Wang Jun asked with a trembling voice.

His eyes were filled with despair.

"Mr. Wang, you should know that the current situation is no longer under our control."

The leader said calmly.

"The things you are involved in have attracted the attention of the above. We are just executing orders."

"If you have any dissatisfaction, maybe you can contact our superiors."


The other party no longer paid attention to Wang Jun.

Instead, he continued to work on his business.

Wang Jun instantly became more confused.

at this time.

The other party did not restrict Wang Jun's personal freedom.

So Wang Jun walked out in despair.

And no one knows what Wang Jun did.

But it was a day later.

Suddenly the news came out.

Wang Jun's body was found in a river.

No one knows why this happens.

But guessing by eating.

It is not difficult for everyone to guess.

Perhaps it was because Wang Jun could not accept this fact.

That’s why I jumped into the river and chose to commit suicide.

But for Wang Jun’s old friends.

Cao Huayi, chairman of Xinli Media, said.

This matter is different.

Cao Huayi saw it.


Not even Wang Jun could survive this storm.

Not just watching his property being frozen.

company bankrupt.

Finally choose to commit suicide?

Anyway, Cao Huayi didn’t believe it.

People like Wang Jun will commit suicide.

After all, even if something really happened.

But as long as people have nothing to do.

They can always make a comeback.

The reason for this situation.

I'm afraid that's why.

Wang Jun did not commit suicide.

Maybe someone harmed him, maybe!

Think of this.

Cao Huayi was even more frightened.

He already had a premonition.

Maybe something like this.

Not far from him either.


It didn't take long.

Something happened to Cao Huayi.

He originally planned to spend money overseas.

After all, the situation is already obvious.

The opponent's methods are beyond their ability to deal with.

If you run away now.

You can also save your own life.

If it were a little later.

Maybe they will be like Huayi Brothers.

Completely stuck in the quagmire.

Even if you want to get out at that time.

It’s also difficult.

You might even lose your life.

That's why Cao Huayi planned to leave now.

At least others can't lose their lives again. .

But who knows.

He has just stepped out of the company's door.

Someone knocked me out on my back foot.

Wait until Cao Huayi wakes up.

He was already lying in a dark room.

He looked around.

I want to find some clues to escape.

But this time.

The door to the room was suddenly pushed open.

A man wearing a black suit and sunglasses walked in.

Cao Huayi suddenly trembled with fright.

"Who are you?"

Cao Huayi asked with a trembling voice.

The man didn't answer him.

Instead, he walked directly in front of Cao Huayi.

"Mr. Cao, it seems that you want to escape from the country.

"We just detected that you have booked a flight for tonight."

"So we originally wanted to be polite to you, but we can't do that now."

Cao Huayi suddenly turned pale with fright.

He didn't expect that.

What I just did.

It was actually already known by the other party.

he asked stammeringly.

"W-who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am."

"You shouldn't choose to escape."

"This will make my superiors very dissatisfied."

"So my superiors decided to let your body appear on the ceiling of my house tomorrow morning."

As he said that, the other party even took out a thick hemp rope.

See this.

Cao Huayi understood immediately.

I understand better why something happened to Wang Jun.

He didn't even run away.


Everything in the Beijing circle was turned upside down.

How many

Big capital, big boss.

All committed suicide.

And everyone died miserably.

Not one of them died seriously.

It was either jumping off a building, a car accident, or drowning under the influence of alcohol.

This also makes bosses who are not dead yet.

Cold sweat broke out on every back.

They all wanted to run away.

But I didn't expect it.

In the end, I want to save my life.

It’s all difficult!

For a while.

Everyone in Beijing is in danger.

No one knows.

What happened this time.

When will it end?

Anyway, let’s look at it now.

There doesn't seem to be any intention of ending.

And those bosses who are lucky enough to be okay for the time being.

Everyone is ready to run away.

They all know it.

If they don't run away now.

Then I'm afraid I really won't be able to run away after that.

And now for them.

Their best option is to run out of the country quickly.

Because I definitely can’t stay in China anymore.

They all know what northern Myanmar time means this time.

This means that their electronic fraud matters must have been discovered by the above.

The above must have been clearing the money for electronic fraud.

The origin and whereabouts of the money must be found out.

Then they definitely won't be able to escape.

The higher-ups must know about their involvement in the electric bombing.

Maybe the previous boss died.

It's because the people above have already found out these things.

That's why it was specially arranged.

And when I think of this.

They are also worried that they are already in a state of being liquidated.

There's no telling which day it will be their turn.

So they don't even think about it.

I quickly booked a flight to fly abroad.

Although they still have some assets abroad.

But there wasn’t much left in the last reckoning.

But at least they can still survive.

It’s just that there is no way to maintain or live that wealthy life.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

After all, for now.

They must save their lives first.

Many people had already gone abroad that night.

But what these people never imagined was that they would go abroad.

This is what hit the muzzle 743.

Su Ze is listening to Lin Qinglan’s report.

These bosses have endured overseas.

They couldn't help but laugh.

"Do they really think they can escape by running abroad?"

Lin Qinglan also laughed.

"If these people stay in the country, we will handle it. They still have to arrange some minor accidents."

"But if these people go abroad, then we really don't even need to perform."

"It saved us a lot of trouble."

These big bosses have no idea.

As the initiator of it all.

Su Ze didn't know how happy she was to know that they had gone abroad.

Because this does not mean that they have hit themselves at the muzzle of a gun.

Su Ze sneered twice.

"Lin Qinglan, I'll leave these matters to you.

"Since you are abroad, you should know what to do."

Lin Qinglan nodded.

I immediately went to make arrangements.

Those are the first batch of bosses from Beijing to go abroad.

At first they had some luck.

The moment I set foot on foreign soil.

They all thought they had escaped.

You can usher in a new life in the future.

But what they didn't expect at all was.

At this moment when they come abroad.

The real disaster has arrived.

They have just arrived abroad.

Even the jet lag hasn’t reversed yet.

I received the news that my bank account had been frozen.

At first they thought it was just a system error.

But when they go to the bank to ask.

But they were told that their account was involved in some domestic illegal cases.

That's why the account will be frozen.

And if they want to unfreeze their accounts now.

Then we must cooperate with domestic investigations.

if not.

The money in their account can never be withdrawn.


The people at the bank also gave them a special reminder.

They'd better stay still now.

Because their accounts are now not only frozen domestically.

Even many foreign banks are investigating them.

If anything is found.

Then not only their accounts will be frozen.

Even their people.

I'm afraid they will all be detained too.

When I heard this.

All these bosses were dumbfounded.

Not only that.

They just got off the plane.

Get ready to check into the hotel.

But at this time.

A group of soldiers with guns directly surrounded them.

They saw this scene.

I was stunned for a moment.

what on earth is it?

Could it be that they have been targeted by someone from above?

But they have obviously just arrived abroad.

Could it be that the people above have been waiting here for a long time?

The soldiers pointed their guns directly at them.

The leading soldier spoke coldly.

"Who is Zhang Yongxin?"

Zhang Yongxin heard his name being called out.

I was stunned for a moment.

He quickly stood up.

"I, I am Zhang Yongxin."

The soldier sneered.

"Okay, come with us.

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