The icy rain seemed to be poured down directly by God holding a water basin. It was dense and heavy, and lightning flashed and thundered in the sky, and Harry's heart was also chilled.

The end of the game whistle sounded in his ears, and five seconds into the game, Jemini caught the Snitch.

The Slytherin stand was completely boiling, and the huge cheers seemed to overturn the rain curtain. The cold torrential rain could not extinguish the enthusiasm in the hearts of this group of people.

But unfortunately, this is only an intramural competition. If it is a professional competition, this speed completely breaks the world record of eight seconds.

Wood knelt in the mud, roaring in despair, like a wild beast.

This was his last year at the school, and in the years he'd been captain, he'd gone crazy without a single Gryffindor Cup.

Wood's enthusiasm for Quidditch is much higher than Harry's. In the original book, Harry graduated as an Auror, but Wood joined the professional team without hesitation.

Even before the game, Wood was giving Harry his famous quote - catch the Snitch or die on the field.

However, in the first five seconds, the Gryffindor team lost the game cleanly, with no room to struggle.

He doesn't blame Harry, he understands Harry's ability, he can quickly catch the Snitch every time he trains, and as long as he doesn't face Jemini, Harry has never lost to anyone.

He didn't blame Jemini either. After all, the two sides were opponents, not enemies. Compared with Slytherin's former captain, Marcus, Jemini was already very friendly. As an opponent, it was understandable to go all out.

But a lot of things are like this, obviously no one is wrong, but they still can't accept it.

Derian carried the broom and looked at Wood, who was crying, with complicated eyes, then sighed and said softly, "I'm so glad you joined Slytherin."

Jemini shook his head: "All games after Slytherin this year, all abstain."

"Huh?" Derian suddenly looked shocked: "Why? We obviously won the game."

"Actually - I fouled." Jemini shook his head and smiled apologetically.

He just rolled his eyes subconsciously at the start of the game, which is why he caught the Snitch in just five seconds.

But it was only after the game that he remembered that it was a foul to use the magic eye in a Quidditch game.

The magic eye is Alastor Moody's fake eyeball that always turns around. Although the white eye is not a magic eye, its power is still higher than that of the magic eye.

With Jemini's own strong strength and keen five senses, it's okay to open his eyes and play around during entertainment, and it would be too self-deceiving in the official competition.

"Where did you foul?" Derian asked in astonishment.

Jemini pointed to his eyes, which instantly turned snow-white: "My eyes have the ability of magic eyes. It was raining too much just now, and my subconscious turned on."

Derian's eyes widened and his mouth widened.

"Do not!!!"

When Jemini left the field, the man kneeling on the ground became Derian.

During dinner, after learning that Slytherin abstained, Wood just got rid of Shirley and Adria's obstruction, hugged Jemini with snot and tears and thanked him loudly.

In contrast, Snape's face is not very good, after all, he is the head of Slytherin.

But he can't do anything about Jemini. He couldn't beat himself as a student last year.

"Do you have magic eyes?"

He found Jemini and asked, and then his eyes fell on Jemini's blue eyes: "Or is it your excuse?"

Jemini didn't argue either.

Directly opened white eyes, snow-white eyes and raised meridians, at first glance, it is not the eyes that ordinary humans can have.

"I'm curious, where do you get so many strange abilities..." Snape said slowly, staring at Jemini's snow-white eyes.

Judging from his eyes, he wanted to dig out and study...

"Besides...why didn't you tell me about your magical eyes earlier?" Snape said with a cold expression, "You just need to open your eyes and turn around when searching for Sirius Black before..."

"No need to turn, my field of vision is three hundred and sixty degrees." Jemini said proudly.

"Really? Great." Snape looked annoyed. "So… what do you do every day?"

"I guess you don't want to know." Jemini shrugged: "You see so many hot girls around me, what else do you think I can do?"

Snape: "..."

Since the news that Jemini has the magic eye spread, some conservative girls have thickened their clothes, some girls are wearing cooler clothes, and some senior school sisters always like to tease Let Jemini guess the color of their underwear.


Facing Hufflepuff-senpai who was teasing him at Professor Sprout's tea party, Jemini asked with a smirk.

"No, don't you have magic eyes?"

That senior crossed her arms and raised her chin, and a group of Hufflepuff girls surrounded Jemini and yelled loudly.

"Um..." Jemini squeezed his chin, frowning slightly: "Yes, very good... My magic eye saw it... You are actually not wearing underwear!"

The girls suddenly screamed loudly, and the senior slapped Jemini with a flushed face, indicating that she was actually wearing underwear.

The smell of hormones wafted in the air, and it was clear that winter was coming, but Jemini felt the breath of spring.

The rainstorm continued until it was almost December. The sound of the rain made people feel calm, but it was also a little too dull. Jemini could only rely on molesting the senior sisters every day to maintain a good mood.

As for school girls, Jemini only likes mature girls.

Finally, at the end of November.

The Quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff begins today.

Because Jemini used the magic eye before, the reason why Slytherin abstained, this year's Hogwarts Champions Cup will be selected from the other three academies, and the original six games of the four academies have become three games.

But Wood is very happy, because without Slytherin, Gryffindor is invincible!

It was still raining heavily in the sky, but it was much better than the previous burst of lightning and thunder.

There was a lot of noise in the stands, half of the stadium was for Ravenclaw, the other half was for Hufflepuff, the number was even, Slytherin was a little more Ravenclaw, Gryffindor more Yes to support Hufflepuff.

Jemini chose to support Ravenclaw, because there are many Ravenclaw girls and many rich people...

"Bet, bet, bet!"

"Anyone want to bet?"

Before the game, Fred and the two were shouting around with a small box.

"Jemini, do you want one?" Fred asked with a smile.

"I'll win if I buy Ravenclaw, two hundred Galleons." Jemini said, about to pay.

Ravenclaw itself has a high win rate, and if I remember correctly, this is the Ravenclaw victory in the original book, and he knows which side to press without thinking about it.

"Wait!" George reached out his hand, stopped Jemini's behavior, and said calmly: "It's too much, we can't afford it, everyone uses Sike."

"What's so funny about Xi Ke?" Jemini pouted: "One hundred, one hundred, is it alright?"

Fred and George looked at each other, and if Jemini won the buy, they had to pay Jemini with all the bits and pieces they earned, and if Jemini lost, they netted a hundred Galleons.

Ravenclaw's winning percentage is relatively high right now...

The twins were struggling.

"Come on, the game is about to start."

"Take it!" The two of them said in unison, with a heartbeat, and accepted Jemini's 100 Galleons.

The next second, the whistle blew and the game began.

First update today! There's one more hiccup at night

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