Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

Chapter 92 Peach Wood Sword

Time has turned into October.

Red brought Jemini a letter from the United States, saying that the MK-48 had been put into production, and 600 of them had been sold so far. The level of indiscriminate killing within the scope of the light machine gun market.

However, there is still a period of time before the cost can be recovered. Reid invested four million US dollars just for the equipment to produce this gun, so until the money is recovered, Jemini has no dividends for the time being.

After all, the funds put into production are all provided by Reid. If you want people to work for themselves willingly, then the food should not be too ugly.

In the case of capital, money is always the best to earn, but it is difficult to find a reliable subordinate.

Judging from the response of the MK-48 in the arms market, it is time for Jemini to make money. Because of the excellent performance of the gun, the US military in the Middle East alone has placed an additional order of 1,000.

On the other hand, the Firebolt, which has already made its name around the world, brought Jemini a net profit of 200,000 Galleons in September.

So far, Jemini's total deposit is 850,000 Galleons and 100,000 pounds, and Jemini's wallet is full again.

The only thing that bothered him was that it was almost the end of October and Jemini still had no clue about the diary.

During this period, he returned to the library several times, but he searched the library and could not find it.

"Ah... irritable."

On the corridor behind the castle, Demini looked at the Black Lake with his chin up.

"You look worried? Jemini."

A gentle voice sounded behind him, and Jemini turned his head to look, and Nick, who was almost headless, was floating behind him.

"Good afternoon, Nick." Jemini smiled. "You look frowning too."

"Ha...Yeah." Nick said sadly, "You were slashed forty-four times with a dull axe on your neck. Are you eligible to join the Headless Hunter team?"

"But judging from the name, this seems to be a club that only ghosts with completely separated heads are eligible to join..." Jemini blinked.

"Yeah, but only one layer of skin is attached to my head and body! If possible, I would like to do things neatly and neatly more than anyone else..." Nick's face became more and more sad when he heard Jemini's words: "But they only Willing to recruit people whose head and body are completely separated..."

Jemini looked at the weapons store.

Commodity: Shallow play.

Price: One hundred thousand Galleons.

Note: If you can't do the first solution and the swastika, it's better to buy an ordinary knife.

"If you can come up with 100,000 Galleons, then I can help you solve this problem." Jemini said gently.

"Really?" Nick's eyes suddenly glowed, but then he became depressed again: "But where am I going to get 100,000 Galleons..."

"Then how many do you have?"

"It's just a few hundred Galleons..." Nick said sadly, "After all, I'm just a ghost."

"All right."

Jemini continued to rummage in the weapon store and found a weapon with a suitable price.

Item: Ninth Uncle's Peach Wood Sword.

Price: £10.

Description: It can only be used to deal with ghosts and other creatures. If you use it to hit people, you will be beaten to death, very cruel!

"Please stretch your head over and pull it away." Jemini motioned Nick to come closer.

Nick lowered his head, his head trembled, revealing the large scar on his neck.

Jemini took the peach wood sword and swiped lightly on the fleshy skin connecting the head and the body, and the transparent fleshy skin was cut open instantly.

Nick's head fell off, and his body hurriedly caught it, holding it in his hands, and then the head smiled at Jemini.

"Oh!!! Thank you so much! Jemini!" Nick was incoherent with excitement.

"Uh..." Jemini looked awkwardly at the terrifying picture in front of him and twitched the corners of his mouth: "You're welcome."

"By the way, there is one more thing to ask you..." Nick seemed to remember something: "This wooden sword has the power to hurt the soul, so I want to ask you, 100,000! Don't let Peeves Know that this thing exists!"

"Don't worry, I'll never let him know..." Jemini laughed dryly.

" much should I pay you?" Nick looked at Jemini gratefully.

"I don't need it this time, it's a gift of friendship." Jemini took the peach wood sword back into the storage space.

Nick looked at Jemini in shock: "Oh—really? This is incredible!"

Jemini's face suddenly turned black: "Are you thinking of something rude?"

"No...nothing." Nick smiled: "By the way, the day before Halloween is my 500th birthday, and then I will hold a party in a relatively spacious basement classroom, and my friends will come from all over the country. Come, if you can participate too..."

"Nick, regarding your death anniversary dinner, first of all I want to congratulate you, um... happy death day."

Jemini said helplessly: "But you should know that the dinner of the dead may not be very appealing to the living. What do you think I can eat when I go there?"

"Oh...I think you're right, it's my lack of thought." Nick looked a little lost.

"But..." Jemini thought for a while: "If your place isn't over after I finish eating, I think I'll take a look."

"Ha! That's great, I'll be waiting for you anytime, Jemini! Of course, Miss Gray and Miss Foley are welcome too," Nick said excitedly.

After saying goodbye to Nick, Jemini is in a much better mood. Sometimes he feels happy when he helps others, although it doesn't solve any problems.


"Death anniversary dinner?" Adria looked at Jemini speechlessly: "Are you really going to go?"

"You don't like it?" Jemini smiled.

"That was when I was a kid... My grandfather had a friend who died and turned into a ghost, and then the ghosts of Welfare Village wanted to give him a death anniversary dinner."

Adria looked pale: "I guess you won't like it, it was a nightmare."

"Yeah, I can probably imagine what it will be like, rotten food, ghosts everywhere..." Jemini smiled: "But it seems very interesting, if you don't like it, then I will do it myself go."

"I'm going!" Adria didn't hesitate.

If she doesn't go, then Shirley will be alone with Jemini.

With Jemini's aggressive personality, he really wouldn't necessarily do anything to Shirley.

Adria isn't worried about what Jemini will do to Shirley, she's worried about not having her share...

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