Songjiang Entrepreneurship Center, located in Xinfei Road, is a newly established base in Shanghai to incubate high-tech industries.

Covering an area of 115 acres.

Compared with other technology industrial parks in Shanghai, the price of factory buildings here is cheaper and there are more options to choose from.

In addition, the most important thing is that it is close enough to Ji Yi's school.

After reading it online, the factories here are probably 400-1,000 square meters.

According to the general rental price of factories in Shanghai, it is about 0.8 yuan/square meter/day.

For a 1,000-square-meter factory, the monthly rent alone would be 24,000 yuan. When Lin Yi came to the Entrepreneurship Center, he quickly found the person who had made an appointment in a white office building.

"My name is Lin Jian, the person in charge of leasing the factory here!" said the middle-aged man

"I didn’t expect it to be my family. My last name is Lin, which means perseverance!"

As he said that, Lin Yi took out a pack of hard-shell Chinese cigarettes and handed them two cigarettes.

When Lin Jian heard that it was from his family, he didn't refuse and took the cigarettes.

"Since this is my family, I won’t say anything, just come with me!"

After that, he took Lin Yi out of the office. Many people called him Director Lin along the way.

Obviously, this man named Lin Jian was very happy here.

The two walked for a while. After meeting, they came to a factory area. There were six or seven factories in front of them.

Surrounded by green trees, there were also some majestic small western-style buildings and rockery ponds.

When the two of them walked over, they saw a lot of them. The factories all have company nameplates on them, including Dongzi Electric, Biyuntian Biotechnology and other companies.

"Many companies have settled here now. Look over there....."

Lin Jian asked while introducing:

"By the way, you still don’t know what your company is going to do?"

"The current goal is new energy batteries, and maybe we will do other things in the future!"

Jin Yi said truthfully

"New energy batteries have a good prospect. Now that the country is reducing carbon emissions, new energy will be a major trend in the future!"

Obviously, Lin Jian, as the person in charge here, has some understanding of various industries.

However, he then changed the subject and looked at Lin Yi:

"It’s just that this industry has very high technical requirements....!"

"I have found several technical masters here, and there is also support from the scientific research institutions where we are studying engineering....."

Lin Yi pulled up the tiger skin

"The combination of school and enterprise is great! Lin

Jian said and took Lin Yi to a factory building.

The main body of the factory is a combination of steel structure and concrete, with a floor height of 6 meters.

It is divided into work areas, research areas, storage areas, etc.

Overall, it looks very good..

Lin Jian said:

"This factory is 960 square meters. Originally, this factory was interested in by a boss from Taiwan Province. However, the guy did not pay a deposit. If you are willing to rent it, I can make the decision to give the factory to you!"

Hearing this, Lin Yi did not speak, but walked straight in.

The inside of the factory was very clean, and when he came to the warehouse made of colored steel tiles, the warehouse alone had an area of no less than 150 square meters.

"There is complete water and electricity here, and each factory building has its own electricity meter...."

Lin Jian continued

"If I want to rent, what discounts are there? Lin Yi asked.

Lin Jian thought for a while and said:

"Because you are a college student, if you start a business here, you can enjoy the government's rent reduction and exemption. You only need to pay 80% of the actual rent. In addition, you can also enjoy a three-year tax exemption policy. This is the most favorable condition for the entrepreneurial center......!"

Ji Yi calculated in his mind that if he followed this standard, he would only need about 18,000 per month to rent this factory.

220,000 a year.

For a factory with an area of thousands of square meters, this price is not expensive.

Lin Yi said:

"I haven't obtained my industrial and commercial license yet, so my check-in time may be later!"

"It's okay, as long as you pay the deposit and sign the contract!"

Lin Jiandao

"Oh well!"Jin Yi nodded.

"Your annual rent is 220,000, and the contract must be signed for at least three years. The rent can be paid half a year or quarterly. You just need to pay a deposit of 100,000!"


So, the two returned to the administrative office building of the Entrepreneurship Center.

Lin Yi directly paid 100,000 yuan, and then got a receipt and a lease contract.

The two parties agreed to transfer the first place to the office no later than next week. Four months' rent was paid every quarter.

When Ji Yi got the lease contract with the official seal, he looked at the factory. Although it was still empty, it was different from the arms business, although it was indeed profitable.

Ji Yi brought a huge amount of money, but it was impossible for this business to be shown openly.

The feeling was completely different for Ji Yi for the next two days. Waiting for the call.

At this time, his industrial and commercial license was approved.

A technology company called"Fengyi Technology" was established.

The reason for this name was that Lin Yi hoped that the company would have wings in the future. Spread your wings and fly high.

The words"yi" and"yi" have the same pronunciation, which is of extraordinary significance. On October


Lin Yi, who was taking a professional course, received a call from Zhao Xuebin.

After finishing everything in Chou Country, he came to the Magic City, hoping that the two parties could agree on a place to meet.

So, Ji Yi skipped class and left without any hesitation.

For him, even if he failed the exam, he could not neglect the system recommendation. To be honest

, since he failed three subjects last semester, Lin Yi felt that he definitely did not have a degree certificate, and it was not even certain whether he would be able to get a diploma. However, Lin Yi did not think about this.

No regrets.

It was more meaningful for him to make money part-time than to get a diploma.

Not to mention that he now had technology that was beyond his time. The two parties made an appointment to meet at a coffee shop in Songjiang University Town.

Within a few hours,

Ji Yi saw a middle-aged man wearing black-rimmed glasses and a suit with some gray hair.

As soon as he saw this person, Ji Yi walked up to him and asked:

"You must be Dr. Zhao!"

Hearing this, Zhao Xuebin looked at Lin Yi and said with a smile:

"You are Mr. Lin...!"

The two shook hands and sat down.

Dr. Zhao ordered a cup of black coffee without sugar, and then started chatting with Lin Yi

"I heard that Mr. Lin is planning to invest heavily in new energy batteries and has already achieved certain results. Is this true?"


As he spoke, Lin Yi took a napkin and wrote on it.

Dr. Zhao didn't pay attention at first, but soon he was surprised.

It turned out to be a new type of battery, a cobalt-free solid-state battery technology As we all know, there are currently two mainstream routes for new energy batteries: the lithium iron phosphate route and the ternary lithium battery route.

The"ternary" of ternary lithium batteries actually means three elements. The mainstream formula is lithium cobalt. Three types of nickel.

According to the latest technology, the energy density of lithium iron phosphate battery cells is only about 110Wh/kg, while the energy density of ternary lithium battery cells can reach about 200Wh/kg. The energy density of ternary lithium batteries is higher than that of lithium iron phosphate batteries, but the shortcomings of ternary lithium batteries are also obvious, namely safety and cost.

In particular, the prices of lithium salts, nickel salts, and cobalt salts, the precursors of cathode materials, have been rising in the past two years. This has led to a significant increase in the cost of cathode materials.

Among them, the cost of cobalt elements in ternary cathode materials is high. Compared with the widespread distribution of nickel mines around the world, cobalt mines are the largest in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

According to the National Geological Survey. Released data shows that the annual production of cobalt metal in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is more than 60,000 tons, accounting for about 66% of global cobalt production.

This number is close to the total proven cobalt ore reserves of the country, so it is rare that makes things more valuable. Coupled with the perennial geopolitical instability in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, futures are still in a long-term high-speed rise and are scarce resources.

Therefore, cobalt resources have become a bottleneck in the cathode material industry.

The design plan given by Lin Yi is one. Completely cobalt-free cathode battery technology

"Are there samples? What is the energy density!"

Dr. Zhao asked.

Hearing this, Lin Yi shook his head, and then put away the tissue paper with part of the technology written on it:

"There are no samples yet, but it is expected that the electromagnetic density of this new battery can exceed 400Wh/kg, reducing the cost by 30%. At the same time, because of the solid electrolyte used, it is lighter and smaller, and its safety is greatly improved....!"

Upon hearing what Lin Yi said, Dr. Zhao was filled with excitement.

In his opinion, even if what Lin Yi said is a bit exaggerated, the optical cobalt removal battery technology can be said to have created a new direction in battery research.

(PS:I beg for flowers for the new book, I beg for rewards, I beg for review votes, your motivation to support the author of the dish! )

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