Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 1377: There is an intolerable anger

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Chapter 1377: An Unbearable Rage

You traitors, today I will take off your mask! Let's take a look at how you guys have faces in our ranks in the Suzaku Military Region! Dongfang Yu said coldly. The beautiful face revealed a burst of ice. Looking at these people, he really had an intolerable anger.

How could his Suzaku Military Region raise these scum?

Actually these traitors have to assassinate themselves? It just makes me unbearable!

Today he is going to teach them a lesson, to make them regret, and betray himself in this life.

He hated the traitor the most in his life. So there is simply no way to be forgiven!

Dongfang Yuyi thought of this. The two guns picked up and opened fire at them, and the other side quickly engaged him.

Li Jiajun thought that there was only Dongfang Yu. At this time, he still looked at Dongfang Yu proudly and ordered: "Kill him immediately! If anyone wants to kill Dongfang Yu, there is a lot of reward."

At this time, all the people took the gun and shot at Dongfang Yu directly, and Dongfang Yu looked at the person who was speaking, at the moment the other party was wearing a dark and grim ghost mask.

Through this voice, he has already identified who that person is, and that person is not someone else, that is, the general Li Jiajun he once trusted.

Before, he called himself and said about the mad students on the phone. Later, he was attacked from behind by the mad student in the old building called "Tong Ange".

Afterwards, although he had some doubts that this might be a trap?

However, he did not really doubt that it would be Li Jiajun, but now this fact tells him that this person really betrayed himself, betrayed the Suzaku Military Region, and betrayed the trust of the Fengdu people in him.

The general of a splendid Suzaku Military Region actually sent someone to assassinate himself. This is absolutely intolerable and unreasonable!

At this moment, suddenly more people joined the battle, all of them were soldiers of the Suzaku Military Region who rushed in. Numerous gunshots traversed the air.

The flames of war in the ice room were in full swing, but it didn't take a moment. Those in black who wore black masks could no longer resist, and retreated towards the gate one after another.

At this moment.

The crowd led by Li Sanghua continued to surround them. Li Sanghua came to Dongfang Yu quickly and said quickly, "Commander, are you okay?"

Dongfang Yu's face darkened, looking at the men in black who had fled in front, a cold light showed through the line of sight: "Must catch Li Jiajun! He is a traitor to the Suzaku Military Region!!"

Li Sanghua was stunned for a moment, did not expect Dongfang Yu to recognize the true identity of those masked men in black?

But he wondered how he could immediately recognize Li Jiajun?

Dongfang Yu looked at Li Sanghua and clearly felt the suspicion in his eyes, but he sneered and said directly. "You don't have to doubt what I'm saying, my ears are inherently stronger than others, and I can tell who is who I am by listening to anyone's voice!"

Then Dongfang Yu picked up the gun and crossed Li Sanghua. Continue to chase out. He must not be able to let the traitor run away.

As of today, such a traitor has appeared in his Suzaku Military District, which has seriously hurt the feelings of the soldiers in the Suzaku Military District.

Li Sanghua watched Dongfang Yu rushing out, and he quickly chased Dongfang Yu with a speed.


At this time, there was lightning and thunder outside. There was a heavy rain outside.

The two silhouettes holding umbrellas on the other side also walked slowly towards this side. No one else is Bai Ruoxi and Qin Kexin.

The other group is Lin Luosen and Lin Xiaoyun. They accompanied the two of them in the rain.

It turned out that Qin Kexin and Lin Luo Forest Xiaoyun had heard about the news of the Eastern Imperial Death, and that Bai Ruoxi had fallen ill. In the past few days, the three of them have been accompanied by Bai Ruoxi.

They were afraid of Bai Ruoxi's cranky thoughts, so they kept staying and comforting Bai Ruoxi's side.

Unexpectedly, Bai Ruoxi said that he wanted to come to the Suzaku Military District to see Dongfang Yu, and the other three people came with him.

Bai Ruoxi, wearing purple-framed glasses, looked at this familiar place, and her nerves were a little numb. She didn’t know how to walk in, but she knew that her mood at this moment was low and low. .

I don't know how to live in the future without Dongfang Yu?

"Sister Bai, don't you be sad? I'm really sad to see you like this. You mustn't shed tears. Your eyes have just been operated on. I beg you, okay? Don't cry!" Qin Kexin looked at Bai Ruoxi, at that moment her mood was very uncomfortable.

These days she accompanied Bai Ruoxi in Jinyu Garden. Not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

Every time she looked at her with her eyes open and no way to shed tears, it was really painful for her.

And at these times she went to visit her sister, and was also comforted by her sister.

Because the sister also found someone she really loves her, she also saw how the man Xue Lizhen was loving her sister, and she was relieved.

Relative to the older sister's obsession with the love of Dongfang Yu, she now left Dongfang Yu and was very close to Xue Lizhen, which is the most sensible choice.

Bai Ruoxi didn't say anything, and she gradually walked towards the morgue of the rockery in the Suzaku Military District.

She wanted to see Dongfang Yu again, and then talk to him with her own eyes.

And at this moment.

When Bai Ruoxi and his party walked out of the environment of the rockery mortuary of the Suzaku Military Region, they suddenly heard the sound of gunshots across the air.

That instant white nerve side, and then looked towards the cloudy air, she seemed to see a figure, and that figure galloped in the rain, very fast.

And the people who followed him were all wearing military uniforms, and the figure was also wearing military uniforms and military caps, and the whole person was heroic, and the thunder and rain falling on him seemed to give him one after another. Tao, his figure is so dashing and heroic, like a galloping horse, the whole person looks bright!


"Yu...Yu! Yu is still alive! Yu is alive!!" Bai Ruoxi opened her eyes in surprise, at that moment, she could no longer control the feeling in her heart, desperately towards that The figure washed away.

"Sister Bai, Sister Bai, you don't want to go over there! It seems to be fighting over there! It is too dangerous!!" Qin Kexin said, and hurried forward, rushed over and pulled Bai Ruoxi And covered her head with an umbrella.

But at that moment, Bai Ruoxi watched Qin Kexin pull his arm to death, his eyes shined brightly in the rainy night, and said aloud: "Qin Kexin, no, I really see Dongfang Yu! Alive! He is over there! I am going to find him!!!"

Qin Kexin saw that the lenses on her eyes were all water drops, and the water droplets kept falling on her body, and she couldn't help but said distressedly: "Sister Bai, you must be looking at the flowers, now the black weather, Moreover, it was raining, thunder and thunder, and there seemed to be gunshots from there, Sister Bai, shall we leave here as quickly as possible?"

Bai Ruoxi looked at Qin Kexin and didn't believe what she said. She couldn't help but shook her head, pushed Qin Kexin away, and quickly ran towards the rainy night.

The unwavering words penetrated the air of the rainy night, "No, I saw Yu, Yu is okay, he is clearly in front! I'm going to find him!!"

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