Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 1390: A time bomb

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Chapter 1390: A Time Bomb

Bai Ruoxi came to this place, with a faint smile on his eyes, and slowly said: "Do you want to invite me to dinner? In fact, there is no need to eat, just say anything! I listen!"

Bai Ruoxi's eyes were flat, she knew what he wanted to say when he came to her?

But now, how can she tell Dongfang Yu?

She has been thinking about this issue, and she has been thinking about how to speak to Dongfang Yu. Even more, she wanted to say no to the rude requests previously made by the person in front of her.

When she went to him to find him this afternoon, she didn't talk about these things. It didn't mean that she hadn't thought about these things. Instead, beside Xu Ruoyan and Qin Kexin, it was difficult for her to say these things.

Ye Fei took off his sunglasses and looked at Bai Ruoxi. There was a faint smile on the corner of his lips, but he didn't speak, but he sat directly on the sofa next to it. He raised his legs and looked at her as if Examining an extremely exquisite sculpture.

Looking at Bai Ruoxi with such eyes, she felt uncomfortable. She looked to Ye Feijue, thinking of what he said to Qin Kexin in the afternoon, to be honest, how could such words make her forgive him? I don't know if he really divination out? Or is it that he deliberately opened the river.

"Ye Fei Jue, why did you say that to Qin Kexin in the afternoon? Do you know how many people's feelings will hurt if you say that? Ye Fei Jue, I think, you really shouldn't be like that." Bai Ruoxi looked towards Ye Fei Ju said. Thinking of him saying that Lin Rosen was a disaster star, it made people sad.

Ye Fei outlined a smile slowly, looking at her: "Bai Ruoxi, you think, do you really understand that savage? I tell you that the wildness in the savage body can never be wiped out, No matter how he becomes a human being, he is also a savage. Neither you nor Dongfang Yu can control the wildness of the savage. Leaving him and the little guy beside you is a time bomb."

Bai Ruoxi heard the words, his eyes tightened.

"No, I believe that neither Lin Luosen nor Lin Xiaoyun will be a time bomb." Bai Ruoxi said quickly, at that moment she really could not bear the other party to slander Lin Luosen and Lin Xiaoyun.

And since the two of them came to them, they didn't come to hurt them at all, but did a lot of meaningful things.

These things moved them, so she already regarded them as her friends with Dongfangyu, and now Dongfangyu has let him join the Suzaku military area as a qualified soldier.

She believes that neither her nor Dongfangyu's vision will be wrong, neither of them will misunderstand him. She has always believed so.

"Ok, you are such a dead-hearted person, then I have nothing to say, but another thing is that you promised me yourself, then you should make it clear to the man, let him stop entanglement with you. And let him Thorough utter despair," Ye Fei said desperately to her, with a faint glory in her eyes.

The long silver hair hit the eyes. Slightly brought up a very gorgeous arc.

Bai Ruoxi looked at Ye Feije, frowning heavily. "Why do you have to do this? You know my heart..." When it came to this, Bai Ruoxi couldn't speak anymore, she took a deep breath. She knows that some things are really uncomfortable to say.

Ye Feije's eyes narrowed slightly into a slit, and a hint of danger was transmitted through it. She looked at the other party: "You wouldn't want to tell me, do you want to regret what you said before?"

Bai Ruoxi's amber and glazed eyes were dark, and he grabbed his bag with one hand and looked at him. "What the **** do you want me to do?"

"It's simple. You offered to break up with him. Then you refused to answer every call." Ye Fei said these words lightly. These words are what she promised herself before.

And now she looks like she doesn't want to do what he said.

Bai Ruoxi frowned, and after a while, she said, "Ye Xie Ju, if you need such a result, then, I can fulfill you. I can break up with Dongfang Yu. But two years later, you Can no longer stop me from making any decisions."

Ye Fei looked at her and smiled again.

"Two years is a long time, how do you won't fall in love with me?" Ye Fei said with a smile. There was a faint smile in the eyes.

Now, let her make such a decision indeed she will be uncomfortable, he is not afraid that she will hate him, because he has the confidence to make her fall in love with him!

Bai Ruoxi didn't speak, looked at him, her face pale slightly, she knew that the other party would force herself to say what she said.

But every time she was with Dongfang Yu, she couldn't help herself, and she didn't think about what she had thought of or thought about being together.

No, she was really natural with him without any worry.

"If there is nothing, then I'll go first." Bai Ruoxi finished, holding his bag tightly with one hand, when he was about to walk towards the door of the box.

"Bai Ruoxi, since you're here, why can't you stay and have a meal? Isn't it reluctant to even accompany me to a meal? After that, when we play together, how can we continue?" Ye Fei absolutely said faintly, looking at her back, for a while, he couldn't help but look interesting.

Bai Ruoxi was about to step out of the door and stopped. She thought of something and looked back at him: "You can rest assured. I will be very serious when I play with you, even if I don't eat this meal. , I can do myself well."

Bai Ruoxi didn't stay here any longer after saying this, and quickly opened the door of the box and went out.

Ye Fei desperately sent her away, but did not retain her. He also looked at the far back, until he could no longer see it.

But his mind was sinking heavily.

Ye Fei provoked the corner of her lips thoughtfully, and the gorgeous shadow cast deep in the corner of her eyes.

It seems that he did something that upset the other party, but who said he was wrong to do so?

For his own love, for what he wants, is he wrong to do so? If love is wrong, then what is right?

When he killed his teacher for her, he knew that his feelings for her had already gone wild.

Even if it was the tumor buried in his heart, he couldn't let anyone steal his Bai Ruoxi.

Ye Fei didn't think about it anymore, and quickly got out his phone and turned to the familiar number, and then dialed it out.

The call was quickly connected, and Yu Hanxi's wicked voice was mixed with a chuckle: "Ye Xie Ju, you are really hard to find!"

Ye Feije said at the other end unhurriedly, "Is it hard to find? Did you find me if you found Bai Ruoxi?"

He knew that this guy would find his trace from Bai Ruoxi, but, in a word, everything is limited.

He can tolerate as long as he has not touched his bottom line, but if he was to let him know that he had any bad thoughts about Bai Ruoxi, I was afraid that God would not tolerate it.

"It seems that Bai Ruoxi is your weakness!" Yu Hanxi also smiled easily. Then do it quickly: "By the next week, you are about to enter the crew, are you ready?"

"Does this need to be prepared? As long as Bai Ruoxi hasn't pushed your schedule. Then I'm still ok." Ye Xie replied faintly.

This book was first published in the book

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