Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 146: Life and death, the edge of despair...

Pen Fun Club, update Queen Mummy to the latest chapter as soon as possible!

"Give me! Wei, I want you!"

Ears, echoing the command of Huangfu's utter decisiveness, Xue Wei met his eyes full of intense desire, and he couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

He is like a sleepy beast at the moment, but whenever she wants to refuse, she will be eaten up by this man mercilessly! Finally, there is no bone left.


"Call me my name!"

This ambiguous title made Xue Wei more embarrassed: "Don't you think we should maintain this relationship?"

Huangfu Ming simply had no time to think too much.

He only knew that he wanted this woman now, only wanted her, and took her as her own! !

Big hand, quickly extended down the past.

Xue Wei's heart tightened and she sat up with a tenacious resistance.

At this very moment...

"Bell Bell Bell..."

A burst of ringtones broke this ambiguous atmosphere.

Xue Wei was like finding a straw to save her life: "Phone, my phone rang."

"Not allowed!"

"Huangfu Ming, don't go too far. Think about it. It must be urgent to call me at this time." Xue Wei roared angrily.

Huangfu Ming had no choice but to let her go: "Damn!!" An unsatisfied face leaned on the wall.

I don't know why, Xue Wei had the urge to laugh when he saw what he was looking like.

Perhaps, shouting ‘stop’ at such times is cruel for a man?


The strange thing is that they have been talking and laughing all the time, but how did they say, say, tease, tease, how they evolved into the present picture? !

Xue Wei is puzzled and Huangfu is puzzled. He only knows that in the face of this woman, there will always be an urge to conquer her! !

"Hello?" The phone answered.

"Little, Miss." Ning Ning's sobbing voice came across the phone.

Xue Wei immediately reacted to the bad things and asked anxiously: "Ning Ning, you calm down first and slowly say, what the **** happened?"

"Di, Di Manli pushed... to push his wife away from the second floor..."

"What?? You wait for me, I'll go home immediately." Then, Xuewei hung up the phone pale, hurriedly sorted out her clothes and rushed out.

"Wear a coat!" Huangfu Ming worriedly picked up a coat and followed behind her.

Xue Wei went on as if she hadn't heard it.

In desperation, Huangfu grabbed her.


"Something big, I will help you wear it; now... put on your coat first!" Then, Huangfu Ming put the coat on Xuewei's body: "Where are you going?"

"Go, go, go to my house."

"I will send you back."


Huangfu Ming didn't give Xue Wei any chance to refuse, took her hand, and took her to the car...

After a while, they arrived at the Xuejia mansion.

Huangfu Ming had to go in with Xue Wei, but she couldn't let it go, but in desperation, he had to drive away.

"Mom!!!" Straight into the Xue family.

Everyone was there in the whole hall, but Sun Yunyun was not there.

"What about my mother? Where did my mother go?" Xue Wei asked the people one by one, but no one dared to answer.

At first sight, Xue Weiguo, who was sitting on the sofa, was Xue Wei, and asked sharply, "Who allows you to return to our Xue's house?? Have you forgotten that you have been expelled from the Xue's house?!!!"

"My mom? Where is my mom?? I want to see my mom!!!" Xue Wei was obviously out of control and stumbled to the front of Xue Weiguo, questioning loudly.

"Your bitch, you are not our Xue family now, but dare to sack wild in our Xue family?!!!" Then, Xue Weiguo raised her hand and gave her a slap in the face.

"My mother? Father, my mother? I want to see my mother." Xue Wei grabbed Xue Weiguo's arms helplessly, her eyes full of pleading, and she couldn't care about the tingling of her cheeks.

"Huh, I'm talking once, you have been expelled from our Xuejia, leave me immediately!!"

"Father, just when I beg you, as long as I see my mother, I have seen her okay, I will leave immediately, OK? Please..." Kneeled on the knees, Xuewei's eyes were like that. sincere.

However, it didn't change Xue Weiguo's touch: "If you're not leaving, don't blame me for being polite?!"

Before waiting for his order, Di Manli quickly waved his hand: "Wang Guanjia, immediately ordered people to drag this cheap seed away."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Di Manli!!!" The bloodshot eyes slammed into Di Manli: "It's you! It's you who is a bitch** pushing my mother downstairs. If my mother has a length of three or two, I will pull You go to the funeral!!!"

"Reverse, reverse, sir, you look at this uncultivated girl, actually... actually say such a thing?"

"Xue Wei!!!" Xue Weiguo's face gradually became distorted by anger.

Kneeling on the ground, Xue Wei slowly stood up: "I'm talking once, I want to see my mother. Today, if I don't see my mother, I will brag about your entire Xue family at all costs. !!!!!!"

The gloss that filled the eyes was so sharp, and the long-standing resentment in her heart was clearly approaching the critical point at this moment! ! !

Xue Weiguo held his fists angrily: "You... a scumbag!!!" He picked up a vase beside his hand and slammed it on Xuewei's head with a bang! ! !

Suddenly, the vase shattered, and the dazzling blood continued to overflow along the top of her head.

In front of him, it had become a hazy piece of blood, and it was impossible to tell who was right, as if there was only one color left in the world. Everyone's grinning faces reflected in Xue Wei's eyes one by one, and they looked different and real.


People can see everything clearly when they are the most painful; they can see clearly... who is the most real and who is the most hypocritical.

Even family love can be easily abandoned, so... in this world, she can... believe... who?

A tear of blood ran across the corner of the eye, and Xuewei only felt that the whole room was turning...and turning...

"Xue Wei!!!"

Suddenly, a very penetrating voice reached her ear.

who is it……

Whose voice is it? !

Even in this deserted home, would someone voice such concern about her? Really... rare...

With a thump, Xue Wei spread out on the ground, everyone looked and stood like that, but no one called the doctor to cure her...

"Xuewei!" Huangfu Ming quickly rushed into the crowd, an arrow step rushed to Xuewei's side.


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