Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 1494: Amazingly beautiful

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Chapter 1494: Amazingly Beautiful

After a long time, there was a knock on the door outside the door, and then a man's voice also came through. "Bai Ruoxi, are you asleep, do you want to come in and help?"

As soon as Bai Ruoxi heard it, his cheeks were red, and he immediately replied, "No, I have finished washing, and I will come out later."

Bai Ruoxi then stood up quickly, wrapped herself in a large bath towel, and then wiped off the water on her body, then looked at a white pajama behind the door, she quickly put on Later. Then wiped the water stains on the hair, and then walked towards the door, pulling the door open. Seeing the person standing outside the door, they all smiled.

Dongfang Yu looked at each other, and his eyes were all bright. She was like a hibiscus out of the water. She showed it in front of her. The feeling for him really made him feel very, very amazing.

That's really beautiful, it's amazing.

Bai Ruoxi looked at Dongfang Yu, with a smile on the corner of his lips, "Thank you, I have been guarding me for the outside, I was really comfortable washing."

Dongfang Yu looked at her hair, and there was dripping water. The curly hair roots had a graceful taste, and she couldn't help saying for a time, "Why not, let me blow your hair for you, your hair is still wet." ."

Bai Ruoxi looked at him and said shyly, "Well, then, thank you for your imperialism."

Dongfang Yu also smiled, and then sat with her by the dressing table, took the hair on the dressing table, and then dried her wet.

Her hair is very long and her waist is long. The curls on it are really fascinating.

Suddenly, Bai Ruoxi said, "Yu, my hair feels too long, please cut it for me!"

Dongfang Yu heard it and smiled slowly, "Is it necessary to cut it after the catastrophe?"

Bai Ruoxi looked at herself in the mirror, and that moment was really charming. It seemed good to think he said so!

But she hopes that now she is a pure self, and she no longer has to think about many things before.

"I want to change a new look, it will feel good too!" Bai Ruoxi said, then looked at himself in the mirror and said with a mischievous smile.

In fact, she always feels big and the waves are too mature. If she can straighten or do some other hairstyles, it will be more suitable for her now.

But she just didn't know that she used to grow up, grow, and wave, but it was all because Dongfang Yu liked it.

Dongfang Yu was silent for a while, looked at the other party, and slowly lowered his head and smiled, "What kind of styling do you want? I'm afraid I won't know how, I'm afraid I'll cut your hair, or go to the hair salon outside to trim it Right!"

Bai Ruoxi thought about it, "Alright."

Soon afterwards, Bai Ruoxi changed into a blue dress and walked out of the hotel with Dongfang Yu to a high-end hair salon next to the hotel. Bai Ruoxi sat there and looked at the hair stylist. Yes, "Just fix a broken hair! Don't be too long, you see this is really too long to the waist, a bit cumbersome, give me the shoulder."

The hair stylist carefully compared her head shape and thought about what she wanted to say, "Okay, then I will make you a short pear curly hair! The pear curly hair is very popular now, and if you miss it, your hair type The pear blossom roll must be beautiful."

"OK." Bai Ruoxi smiled.

Soon, the hair stylist trimmed Bai Ruoxi. Then a large piece of long hair with a long waist fell on the ground, revealing the beautiful back.

The hair was cut to the shoulder, and then it was scalded. It looks fluffy.

Then, some oblique bangs were made, and turned inward.

Then he dyed a burgundy hair color, which looked very dazzling.

When the entire hairstyle was done, Bai Ruoxi looked at herself in the mirror, and she really didn't know herself at that moment.

Bai Ruoxi couldn't help but look back, looking at Dongfang Yu on the sofa, with a mischievous smile, "How is it? Am I pretty now?"

Dongfang Yu felt a little pity looking at the hair of a place, but looking at her new style, his eyes were also bright at that moment, nodded, and said, "It's so beautiful, the rest is just like a princess loli. lovely."

Her sexuality and feelings have all turned into that lovely and beautiful feeling. She really gives a new feeling.

Really like a reborn her.

Soon Dongfang Yu stepped forward and supported the short curly hair next to her cheek with one hand, and said regretfully, "I really don't know how long it will take to grow up."

Bai Ruoxi smiled, with a glory in his eyes.

"I think it's good! I think it's refreshing, and I like such pear rolls. It's beautiful."

Bai Ruoxi's eyes were full of smiles, and he held his pear curls twice in one hand, and said in a more foreign way, "Well, I really want to take a rest now!"

"Well. It's a good rest!" Dongfang Yu also smiled, looking at her relaxed and comfortable, and suddenly felt as if she had cut a head to cut all the troubles, which is very good.

She seemed to be back to that happy, lively and cheerful Bai Ruoxi.

Then, Dongfang Yu accompanied Bai Ruoxi back to the hotel.

Dongfang Yu looked at Bai Ruoxi's quiet sleeping bed, and there was a smile in his eyes.

"Have a good rest, don't think about anything." Dongfang Yu said looking at her, and at that moment felt such warmth is very rare.

Bai Ruoxi closed his eyes obediently, and the corners of his lips were bent into a beautiful arc.

This sleep was very reassuring. She didn't do any dreams. She just fell asleep like that. The beautiful face looked at Dongfang Yu's eyes, which was really exciting.

Dongfang Yu smiled slowly, no moment felt happy at this moment.

She came back, and finally she returned to her side! that's nice.


The next morning.

The people on the bed could no longer sleep, and Bai Ruoxi also woke up.

Bai Ruoxi looked at the environment in this hotel and quickly remembered everything.

She unconsciously made a smile, "Really came back."

Bai Ruoxi then got up and looked at several bags from the side. She opened it and saw that they were all brand new dresses and brand new shoes.

Bai Ruoxi was a little surprised and couldn't help but confided to himself, "Can it be bought by Dongfang Yuyu?"

I didn't think much about it. Bai Ruoxi also quickly put on the dress.

A lilac floral dress with long dresses and delicate rhinestone heels. The whole person is very ladylike and beautiful.

Bai Ruoxi arrived at the bathroom and quickly sorted himself out. He looked at himself in the mirror and was satisfied with the change.

This fluffy pear roll makes the whole person very playful and lively.

And then a knock on the door sounded.

Bai Ruoxi walked to the door. Opening the door, a lot of roses came, and Bai Ruoxi looked at the rose, but she didn't see anyone. At that moment she also felt a little puzzled, but when the person behind the door appeared A burst of surprise caused Bai Ruoxi to be stunned.

It turned out that the person who sent the roses was no one else, it was Dongfang Yu.

"Good morning, Bai Ruoxi." Dongfang Yu smiled and sent the rose to her.

Bai Ruoxi looked at the rose, and there was a smile on the corner of his lips. Then he stretched out his hands and took the rose.

"Thank you for the flower, it's so fragrant." Bai Ruoxi said, and her mood was also better at this moment. She also held this flower and put it on the tip of her nose to smell it thinly. At that moment, the heart-pounding fragrance penetrated into her lungs, and people felt so蛧novel Starting book

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