Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 1499: I am teasing you!

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Chapter 1499 I Am Playing With You!

At that moment, Bai Ruoxi opened his eyes carefully. Seeing that the pair of very bright blue eyes of the other party was equivalent to the brilliance of starlight, suddenly, he became very beautiful.

And his beautiful silver hair, a few strands of light on the corners of his eyes, brought a vivid and sensational feeling.

At this moment, Ye Fei Jue was very close to her, but Ye Fei Jue didn't immediately hit her lips. He looked at this beautiful woman in such a surprised way, he really couldn't bear it. To hurt her.

But the moment she opened her eyes, he smiled slyly again. Then, no longer waiting for her to say anything, suddenly she stepped forward and kissed her lips...

This moment made Bai Ruoxi jump in her heart, and she suddenly felt a shock.

Ye Fei absolutely pressed her against the elevator wall and kissed her deeply...

Time and space seemed to stagnate, and time seemed to be still. Only his affection for her seemed to be still in this space.

Bai Ruoxi's heart trembled violently, with a touch of softness covering the corners of her lips, and she almost fainted. She felt that she seemed a little unbearable.

At this moment, the elevator stopped suddenly, and Bai Ruoxi pressed his chest directly with his hands. His eyes were red and his heart was beating, and he couldn't say anything at all.

Ye Fei desperately embraced the people in her arms, with a satisfying arc on her lips.

"Okay, get in the car quickly, otherwise you must be late." Ye Fei laughed, pulling Bai Ruoxi's hand, quickly pulled her out of the elevator, and then towards her silver-white Maserati sports car Go.

Bai Ruoxi got into the car, and at that moment her heart was still pounding, her eyes were afraid to look at the other party at all, her eyes kept looking at the scenery outside the window.

Ye Feije drove for a while, and was already at school.

Didn't expect her home to be so close to school?

Bai Ruoxi has some stunned gods, and Ye Fei quickly grabbed her hand, "Bai Ruoxi, you were not angry just now? I am teasing you!"

When Bai Ruoxi heard it, he immediately turned a little red on his cheeks, but he didn't know what to say at this time. He took her hand and made her still feel that part of the temperature, still slowly from him 'S hand transitioned to his body, and then there was a slight feeling of change.

Bai Ruoxi couldn't help but withdraw his hand and whispered, "This is my school, then I should go to class."

Ye Feije looked at her, it really made people want to spoil.

"Do you remember what major you studied yourself?" Ye Feije asked, but looking at the other person's blank face, he couldn't help but laugh and continue, "You are studying finance and fine arts here!" And you are also the vice president of the student union, outstanding students in the school, teachers and principals in the eyes of outstanding representatives. But the academic achievements are very high, every subject is either the first or the second."

The white eyes that said this didn't blink. She looked at the handsome silver-haired man beside her. At that moment, she was a little unbelievable. Was she really a very good student?

"Then you! How old are you?" Bai Ruoxi asked the other side, looking a little serious on his beautiful face.

Ye Fei desperately looked at the other party, holding her hand tightly, and did not want to let go of her.

"If you are the first, I am the second, if you are the second, then the first must be me! The two of us are always flying and flying, you know? Oh, and the president of the student council is me, you are My vice president is my wise assistant. We left the school this time for a while, but it delayed the school's dance competition. Otherwise, the first one already belongs to you and me! Yu Hanxi's play was also postponed, which also indicates that I and you can meet again in the same film." Ye Xie said with a smile, the elegant temperature outlined on the corner of her lips. The silver hair was at the corners of his eyes, bringing out a gorgeous luster!

Bai Ruoxi listened to the meal and missed what the other person said. She couldn't remember it in her impression. What dance competition, what Yuxi drama? I really don't have any impression.

For a time, Bai Ruoxi's complexion was a little difficult to look at.

"I'm sorry, I can't think of anything. Is it because I haven't finished some work yet, is it a hindrance for everyone? Is it troublesome?" Bai Ruoxi looked at Ye Feije and said, worried.

At that moment, Ye Fei was holding her hand tightly.

A look in the eyes definitely gave her more comfort.

"You didn't drag everyone's hind legs. Those jobs didn't do it. It doesn't matter. The key is to look at the interest. We will do it if you like it. We won't do it if you don't like it. It's a simple thing that doesn't need any Barely." Ye Fei said easily.

Chatting with her in the car, I really felt that it was much more fun to listen to the lectures of the teachers than in the classroom.

In terms of his current grades, even if he doesn't go to class, every exam will still be the first.

This is not only done by hard work, this is talent.

A glance at the talent that will never be forgotten.

After the original textbooks, he spent several nights reading through the textbooks and remembered the contents of those books in his mind, so he didn't need to take classes at all.

He went to class just to show off.

He is a genius at night, these are really unnecessary. The only reason he still wants to stay in class is to stay with Bai Ruoxi. Although different classes, but it feels there, it is still good.

Bai Ruoxi is different from herself, she is a very hard-working person. If the talent is a little worse, of course, only time is desperate.

And Bai Ruoxi's talent is not bad, especially in painting, she seems to have a natural inspiration.

Bai Ruoxi heard Ye Feije say this, and inexplicably settled in his heart, but he still thought of something, "By the way, what drama did you just say about Han Xi, and said that we met in the drama, what does this mean?" "

Ye Fei smiled at her desperately, "This is a filming, you can go to a movie or TV show, do you want to?"

Bai Ruoxi's eyes widened as he heard, "Filming? Can it really be filmed? Can I?"

"You can! Of course you can!" Ye Fei said with a smile, the other party's expression, some of which infected himself, and he felt a very comfortable feeling in his heart.

Bai Ruoxi was a little surprised at the moment. It was really a very exciting thing to film, and it was really surprising to be able to go to the movies.

But at that moment she felt the hand tightly held by the opponent again.

Bai Ruoxi looked at Ye Feijue, looking at his gaze, and at that moment, he felt an illusion that he was deeply caught in the blue vortex in the other person's eye.

Ye Fei Jue is really an extremely charming man.

"Playing with me will make you feel comfortable, and you will feel very secure, Bai Ruoxi." Ye Fei said with fascination, and there was a smile on the lips.

Although Bai Ruoxi felt a bit hesitant, he was still very excited.

I also want to perform my thoughts and desires in this respect, hope!

This novel comes from the book reader

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