Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 1507: Is there love in the world?

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Chapter 1507: Is There Love in the World?

Dongfang Yu looked at her, and a slight arc was drawn around the corner of her lips, which seemed more like a sneer.

"It's really nice to say. Don't cling to the previous things, I want to do it too. You tell me, what method can I do? For a man who still retains his previous memories, this is really true It's too painful. Is there any love in the world? If there is, at this moment, I want to buy it to spend a lot of money!" Dongfang Yu said, at that moment there was an unbearable dark light in his eyes. All emotions will be suppressed here.

Well, he is really self-reliant, who made him remember that kind of relationship? But the other party has forgotten to be clean!

This world is really cruel to him. Now Bai Ruoxi makes him find it difficult to accept, because her heart is no longer attached to herself, but he is so stupidly attached to her?

How much hope that she can think of his and her memories earlier.

It's stupid enough.

But he did not know that the heart of the woman he loved was no longer on him.

Bai Ruoxi was very uncomfortable to hear, but at this moment she really couldn't say a word, and the delicate and beautiful face even had a tangled pain on it.

And at this moment, Bai Ruoxi's mobile phone rang suddenly. Bai Ruoxi took out her mobile phone from the bag and looked at a phone number, which was called by Ye Xiejue. Pick up or not pick up?

Dongfang Yu was sitting next to her, and at that moment his face was always very dark, with an emotion in his heart, with that pain.

"If you want to pick it up, don't care about my feelings." Dongfang Yuqiang said bitterly, opened the door, and quickly walked out of the car.

Bai Ruoxi's cell phone has been ringing, but her eyes are following Dongfang Yu. She sees Dongfang Yu getting out of the car and then walking dullly under the tree, looking at the scenery of the lake shore.

At that moment, he knew that he had no intention of enjoying the scenery at all. Some are just that sentimental and painful that cannot be said.

Suddenly, she seemed to understand him, and her cell phone kept reminding her if she should answer the phone.

Bai Ruoxi thought for a while, and finally hung up the call.

She put the phone back in the bag, and then opened the door of the co-cab to get out of the car. Walk towards the Eastern Royal.

"What are you looking at? This scenery is really beautiful." Bai Ruoxi said to Dongfang Yu. His profile gave her a feeling of depression, but she hoped he would not take such a copy. Painful life.

Although she can't remember some things in the past, but this does not mean that life should be suppressed.

Since they live in this sunny place, should their mood be sunny?

She also doesn't want to make others unhappy because of her own affairs, which will make her feel a sense of guilt.

Dongfang Yu did not speak. He took out a cigarette and slowly smoked it until the smoke was quickly extinguished by the wind, and he never smoked it.

He looked back and looked at the girl next to him, looking at her beautiful face and her beautiful hair. This brand-new image seemed to remind him that she no longer belongs to herself.

And her words are also consoling herself from time to time, not to cling to the past.

But I couldn't let go, and I couldn't let go of many things.

So he is still suffering so far. The pain is attached to some emotions and he can't extricate himself...

"Do you think it's beautiful? Still, the person with you is wrong, so you can't feel whether the scenery is beautiful or not?" Dongfang Yu asked, looking at Bai Ruoxi.

His heart gradually revealed a sense of desolation.

Because from the bottom of her eyes, he couldn't feel such a deep affection at all. Some of them were only a very understatement feeling. Isn't it true that her love with him is only described by these four words?

This is really funny!

Bai Ruoxi looked to Dongfang Yu, listening to these words he said, thoughtfully.

In fact, it really makes sense to stand on his standpoint, but if you look at it from your own standpoint, it is not at all the case.

Because for a person who has lost her memory, she should need their tolerance and understanding, rather than forcing them to impose their emotions on themselves, which is wrong.

Life is beautiful, and life must continue, so how can we continue to live a good life in this beautiful life?

Isn't that just looking at a mentality? Rather than letting myself remember this memory and continue to suffer, it is better to look down on everything and live a happy life. Isn’t it the best state of mind?

Why should I continue to suffer because I can't remember the past, and my life is so unhappy, so my own idea is totally contrary.

"Dongfang Yuwo found that you are really a very persistent person. In fact, the attachment is indeed very good, but does everything have its two sides? For you, it is some very good memories, for me What is it?" Bai Ruoxi looked at Dongfang Yu and said slowly. The waves of Lianyuan rippled in her heart, making her exceptionally calm.

I can't say how touching it is, or how unhappy it is. In short, she is still very happy to live in this sunshine, smiling heartily.

Isn't that alright? Why do you have to think about such complicated things again?

"..." Dongfang Yu remained silent for a long time without a word.

He thought carefully about what Bai Ruoxi said, and at that moment he looked at the breeze-like smile on Bai Ruoxi's face. At that moment, he suddenly realized what he had realized?

Perhaps, it should not be too attached to the past.

It seems too naive to force the other party to remember something that happened. Instead, such an idea would backfire.

At this moment, the dark face of Dongfang Yu gradually faded away, as if the cloud was blown away by the wind, and the two of them faced the lake wind and looked at the lake shore scenery.

That piece of scenery gradually intoxicated the sight.

It doesn't matter how much emotion, nor how much emotion, some are just a touch of calm and leisure.

"Is it his phone just now? Why didn't you answer it?"

For a while, Dongfang Yucai slowly asked, a pair of black eyes revealing an unpredictable brilliance, his heart was slightly confused, maybe he should really correct his mentality and re-clarify This complex emotion.

Yes, she has forgotten the memory, and she now retains this feeling, so it is only herself who is complicated, but the other party is already simple.

So with such a simple person, he must also become simple.

So how to make yourself simple?

The first book of the novel

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