Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 1510: There is no need to help him compose a story!

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Chapter 1510 There is no need to help him compose a story!

"No! He didn't give me a penny benefit, and I didn't need to help him compose a story! Besides, even if he gave me a benefit, I can't help him! My Xueli marks just respect the facts! Fact, do you know? Sister, that’s what happened before, no one was going to obliterate its existence and authenticity.” Xue Lijian said quickly, at that moment his eyes were also very calm and very cold Brilliance.

In other words, whether it was Ye Fei, or Dongfang Yu, he didn't like them. There are too many reasons, and he doesn't want to mention those words.

"That Dongfang Yu now, shouldn't I know that I am Huangfu Ruoxi? Not even that I am, the cat he adopted 12 years ago?" Bai Ruoxi asked again, a pair of amber eyes. There is a brilliant brilliance in it.

Xue Likan looked at her eyes and said with arms around her chest, "Of course he doesn't know who you and I are, and he doesn't know that you are that cat! Sister, when you want to tell him, it's all up to you You are yourself. And I will not interfere with your decision at all."

Bai Ruoxi thought about it and looked at Xue Lihen.

"Why didn't you tell him before me?" Bai Ruoxi frowned slightly.

She couldn't figure it out, if she really wanted to be so good with Dongfang Yu before, then she told him that her identity was a proper thing, but she didn't concede him for so long, she didn't admit anything to him?

This is so incredible!

When Xue Lizhen heard it, she spread her hands and made a very helpless look towards her.

"Sister, ask me? I don’t know what you thought about it. But if you look at it now, don’t think about it too much, just let it be. The two men are not good to me. Things, sister, you better ignore it!" Xue Lijian said simply, picking the corner of her lips.

"The two men?" Bai Ruoxi looked at Xue Lizhen and felt funny.

"Of course it is Dongfang Yuhe Yejue. One is domineering and cruel, with different appearances. The other is ambitious and hidden, especially that Yeejue, I think it is very sinister. Sister, I see you and them It’s good for both people to communicate less! Keep the distance, and throw them into the cold palace!" Xue Lijian said to Bai Ruoxi, with a gloomy glory in her eyes.

Well, he really has no good feelings towards these two guys. There is nothing more to evaluate.

Bai Ruoxi listened to his younger brother's evaluation of Dongfang Yuhe Yefeijue, and at this moment it really felt some surprises and surprises.

It seems that the two of them did not like it at all by their younger brothers, and they did not have a good impression at all.

Bai Ruoxi didn't speak for a while, looked at Xue Lizhen, smiled and stepped over his shoulder and smiled, "Okay, your elder sister knows well, you should go back and take care of your wife now. !"

"Ok, then I'm gone, sister, you take a break early, but don't think about it anymore, what happened in the past is gone. And it's better to forget it!" Xue Lijian said with a smile, just like that, there was no Anyway, I quickly left this bedroom. And brought her the door for her.

Bai Ruoxi's younger brother left that time, her eyes gleamed with a dark glory, saying that Xue Lijian told her many, many things, she really has no memory, but no memory does not mean Can't remember what happened now.

Including some things that Xue Lizhen told her about Feng Feng, he will keep it firmly in his mind and will never forget it again.

Of course, she still has her own life, as well as her father, mother, and a lot of things about the Huangfu family. Of course, she must not forget it.

As for those things with Dongfang Yu, and some of the things they have experienced, what kind of feeling they can't tell. In short, she can't remember that impressed touch, but If so, she remembered it in her mind like listening to a story, and she would never forget it again.

Bai Ruoxi quickly lay on the bed, closed his eyes at that moment, and fell asleep in a moment. This feeling is really very beautiful, I don’t think about anything, I don’t think about it anymore. Well, it’s so comfortable to live like this every day, just fine.


Early the next morning, when Bai Ruoxi came out of the dormitory of Jinyuyuan, he still saw the familiar silver-white Maserati sports car downstairs. At that moment, Bai Ruoxi's heart was born with a word that could not be said. a feeling of.

Soon, Ye Fei came down from the sports car, wearing a black leather jacket, with silver-white hair, and that white face, and the people who watched it for a time were slightly unable to wink.

It is undeniable that Ye Feijue is indeed a very handsome boy.

Few boys can interpret this temperament so perfectly.

Especially Ye Feijue's smile seems to infect people!

There was a hint of coldness in his smile, but it gave her the slightest coldness, but a warm feeling.

Yeah, she feels like this now, she can't cheat people at all, she likes to follow her heart, and she doesn't want to think about anything more.

Ye Fei Jue saw her coming over, looking at her beautiful and beautiful face, and it was natural when she wanted to take over her bag.

Bai Ruoxi deliberately carried the bag on his shoulder and said, "No, I can just take it myself, yes, you don't have to come and pick me up every day? You see my home is so close to school, I Just walk over by yourself."

Ye Fei laughed and looked at her and said, "So how can it be the same? I'll pick you up and walk over you are totally different things! Besides, I really enjoy the feeling of picking you up, don't you refuse me Good intentions. I’m going to be angry then."

Bai Ruoxi smiled, but did not argue with him, "Forget it, I can't say you, but I don't want to come here every day if I hope, such words will make others misunderstand!"

"What did others misunderstand? Misunderstanding you fell in love with me? Haha, then let others misunderstand it. In short, we can understand it in our own hearts." Ye Fei said with a smile, and walked forward to Bai Ruo naturally Xi pulled it in his arms.

What does Bai Ruoxi feel? She looked at the boys around her, and at that moment, she suddenly thought of Dongfang Yu in her heart. She could not help but took a slight step forward, and quickly got out of the arms of Ye Fei and walked towards the car.

"Okay, I'm going to class, don't you drive?" Bai Ruoxi glanced at the other party.

Ye Fei laughed, and then walked around the car half a circle, went to the cab, and pulled the car door to sit up.

"By the way, did you really eat with your brother last night?" Ye Fei said desperately, at that moment, there was a smile in his eyes.

Listening to Bai Ruoxi's words made her smile slightly converge. "What do you mean by this?"

Ye Fei smiled, Yu Guang glanced at her, and then started the

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