Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 1520: Who is your wife!

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Chapter 1520 Who Is Your Wife!

Bai Ruoxi quickly put on a skirt, and then carefully looked at this environment, at that moment, there really was a sense of inexplicable familiarity.

Soon the door was pushed open, and a footstep sound stepped in. It is accompanied by a strong and fragrant flavor, which is refreshing.

"My wife, I just woke up and my soup was all right." Dongfang Yu said, and the rhythm came in quickly. Looking at her on the bed, the moment was really gorgeous.

Her hair is all unkempt, but her face is white and rosy, so different!

The luster on that face was even more attractive.

Let him glance at it, and he immediately felt it. The whole body is about to move.

Bai Ruoxi's face was embarrassed when he heard the name he said, and he said angrily, "I hate, what are you screaming? Who is your wife!"

Dongfang Yu looked at her and smiled, then walked to her bed with soup, sitting in front of her, looking at this beautiful face, smiled and said, "Little boy, I promised to marry me last night Wife, I woke up early in the morning and regretted it. That would not work!"

Bai Ruoxi's face was ashamed when he heard it. I remembered that when I was intimate in the car last night, the other party simply asked me to marry him as a wife after graduation.

Thinking of this, Bai Ruoxi's cheeks were even redder, like a ripe tomato, which made a man almost unbearable for a while.

Fortunately, he had a soup bowl in his hand, and he was still able to keep that sense.

"Wife, drink this bowl of soup first." Dongfang Yu said, a beautiful face was full of that gentle smile, and the eyes of the woman were drunk.

She is really amazing.

And her beautiful and bright face is like the blooming peony flower. It's almost in sight.

Bai Ruoxi looked at the bowl of soup and slightly curled his lips, "What kind of soup is this? It looks very light."

"Pigeon soup, the most filling body, nourishes the yin and qi. It will be better if you drink it." Dongfang Yu said, and brought the soup in front of her, watching Bai Ruoxi want to take the soup bowl with his hands At that time, Dongfang Yu spoiled and said, "Good wife, just open your mouth, let me feed you."

Bai Ruoxi was stunned, but at this moment she could not refuse his kindness. Because he had scooped the soup spoon to his mouth, Bai Ruoxi also opened the corner of his mouth obediently, drinking the soup he fed.

A heart is sweet. Ripples rippled in my heart.

After drinking the soup, Bai Ruoxi got up from the bed and walked in this familiar palace. He couldn't help but ask, "Where are you? Have I been here before? It feels so familiar!"

Dongfang Yu looked at her with a smile and nodded, "Well, you did come here, this is my Suzaku Palace! And this place is the royal garden. You have not only been here before, but come often."

"Oh, that's what it is." Bai Ruoxi muttered to himself, a sense of familiarity emerged again.

And at this moment, Dongfang Yu had walked to her side, and she naturally embraced her shoulder and smiled and said, "Go, I will take you out for a turn, the scenery here is really beautiful, maybe Also helps you remember what?"

When I just said this, I saw Bai Ruoxi's silent expression. I couldn't help but Dongfang Yu said a little embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, in fact, I didn't mean to make you think of anything, I just thought everything was Let it take its course. In fact, this is also very good. At least, we are still together. I will still love you forever."

Bai Ruoxi looked at Dongfang Yu. At that moment, there was a smile in his eyes. "I believe in the feelings and feelings deep in my heart, although I can't remember anything? But, I think I used to Really love you."

Dongfang Yu laughed, couldn't help but caress her hair with one hand, and said spoiledly, "Yes, we are truly in love. Real love is not afraid of any difficulties, any ups and downs, even today. The ups and downs we have experienced will get better and better, and these ups and downs are just the cornerstones for us to increase our feelings. We have no need to fear it at all."

Bai Ruoxi looked at him with a smile, and the luster in his eyes became more and more brilliant.

He gave her the feeling that it makes you more and more positive and full of positive energy. Such a man, she really didn't love the wrong person before.

"Yu, what you said is so good. Since yesterday when I understood the deep love in my heart, I knew that I used to love and love you..." Bai Ruoxi said with a smile, looking into his eyes There was a glimmer of water, and the thought was really because of the words they said in the rain last night, and the feeling that broke out in the depths of love. It really made her feel very very.

So familiar, so familiar that people feel that if they do not own each other, they will feel hurt to their hearts.

Yeah, she really didn't want to see him as sad as last night.

She is willing to embrace the future of tomorrow with him, willing to be with him, willing to let him be with her, and spend this wonderful future time.

Dongfang Yu smiled and looked at the beautiful face of the other party. At this moment, she really felt that it didn’t matter what she paid. As long as she could truly return to him and truly love herself, then, even if she sacrificed everything , He is worth it.

"So now? Do you love me more now?" Dongfang Yu smiled slyly and looked at her with all kindness.

At that moment, I really felt that happiness really came suddenly, yeah, I thought I could never have her heart again. I did not expect that all of this seemed to have returned to me overnight. As before, they never separated, and no matter how many difficulties they will not resist the pace of their together, and now, it is still the same, really makes him feel very very lucky and happy.

This world is fair to everyone. As long as you love with all your heart, as long as you care for each other, the other party will know one day that you love her so much, whether it is amnesia or not, even if it is amnesia, she Will also retain the deepest touch of the soul.

Dongfang Yu was deeply moved by this emotion. He knew that if he didn’t persevere so much and didn’t care for the other person’s heart so deeply, then she would never feel it at all. By the way, he loves her so much...

Bai Ruoxi smiled, didn't answer, and then walked to the dressing table over there, said with a smile, "Come and help me comb my hair, you see my hair is messy..."

Dongfang Yu looked at her, smiled and did not speak, but at the moment his heart was full of sweetness, because he could see from her expression that the other person's heart was all his own.

At this moment, he really felt unmatched. He is really very happy, he hopes to have such a happy time every day.

Dongfang Yu also quickly walked to her side, and then picked up a wooden comb on the table, put her hair, which was her delicate glass to her hair.

The first book of reading novels

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