Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 1539: Bai Ruoxi must be killed

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Chapter 1539: Bai Ruoxi Must Be Killed

Lin Luosen said, a clear and sharp gaze also looked coldly at this savage with open teeth and claws. At that moment, his eyes were no longer so gentle, but a very lingering light. .

At any time, no matter what kind of situation, he will absolutely not allow anyone to hurt Bai Ruoxi, even his own loved ones.

Bai Ruoxi watched the barbarian's open teeth and claws growl in front of Lin Rosen, and roared, as if he was talking to him. At that moment, the barbarian's eyes stared at Bai Ruoxi when he saw the fire.

It seems that Bai Ruoxi must be killed to vent her anger.

Bai Ruoxi looked at the savage horror. At that moment, she seemed to see what she wanted to express as if she really hated herself, but she didn't know the savage at all. Why did she have to Want to kill yourself?

Bai Ruoxi looked at the savage, and in her heart she actually had a slight sense of familiarity.

But her memory is not so strong. Oh, she must blame this memory suddenly, or else she will remember all the things before, maybe she also recognizes this savage.

Maybe she still has something to do with her, but, at this moment, she can't remember anything at all.

Lin Rosen looked at the savage, his eyes were full of cold light, and even his hands clenched his fists towards the savage and waved twice into the air, to show his determination and attitude, so that the other party could see Clearly.

I saw that the savage couldn't speak at all and yelled at Lin Rosen. Finally, Lin Rosen picked up a stone at his hand and slammed it towards her. I saw that the wild man opened his eyes wide under his attack. It seems that I can't believe Lin Rosen's attitude, but Lin Rosen's eyes are more fierce at the moment.

Lin Rosen scolded at him, "I don't allow you to hurt her. If you hurt her, I will spare you! I tell you, we will definitely report the hatred of our savages! But if it is, it is not relevant at all. Anything Bai Ruoxi and Dongfang Yu! They are good people. They saved me and saved Lin Xiaoyun. If you trouble them here again, I will not spare you!"

"Also, if you have self-knowledge, you should go back to the human world with us, instead of continuing to be a savage here! This will not benefit you at all."

But the savage was still screaming in spite of this persuasion, as if he was resisting, and discussing the other party's words, Lin Rosen squeezed his fists tightly again.

He never imagined that the other party was still so stubborn. If she were not so stubborn, he believed that Bai Ruoxi would not go to Causeway Bay to suffer and suffer like that for no reason.

Before that, he and Dongfang Yu found savage claw marks in the woods next to the Huameitian Hotel near the 105 National Road where Bai Ruoxi disappeared.

Since that time, he and Dongfang Yu have already doubted whether a savage had captured Bai Ruoxi.

A series of things that happened later confirmed their speculation, and they had also caught the two black traffickers who had trafficked human beings, and, the unscrupulous hunter Li Ke, already knew that the savages had indeed captured the white. Ruoxi, so there is a series of things behind...

So, the culprit was to blame this wild man!

If it weren't for her, Bai Ruoxi would not lose her memory, nor would she suffer so much.

But Lin Rosen did not expect that the savages could escape after being sold, and she also fled back to the dead forest to continue to track them for evil?

This really makes him a little unbearable!

Bai Ruoxi around him looked at the savage. At that moment her eyes widened. She looked at Lin Luosen and said slowly, "Lin Luosen, do you know her? He seems to hate Mine, why?" Bai Ruoxi looked at the savage in front with a puzzled look, his eyes full of doubt.

Because this lack of memory really made her feel that many things could not be understood, but in the impression, these things are very important in her memory, but she couldn't remember it.

And the only thing that can be done is to listen to other people telling about the previous things.

Then in his own memory, a new memory was built.

Lin Luosen glanced at Bai Ruoxi, and then did not speak. When he grabbed the ground again, he picked up a big stone and threw it toward the savage. Then the savage saw Lin Luosen. Bai Ruoxi, knowing that there was no chance to hurt Bai Ruoxi again, and after howling twice, he quickly ran away and disappeared in front of the two.


The forest finally became quiet.

Lin Rosen looked at Bai Ruoxi and sighed, "He was a brother and sister I used to be in the death forest. After our death forest was attacked by terrorists, there were only three people left, except me and Lin Xiaoyun. Is another survivor."

"But she still thinks that the East has ruled the people in our village, so she has always hated you. Sorry, Bai Ruoxi, I have no way to persuade him to come back, nor can I explain to him. All these situations, but you can rest assured that I will not let him hurt you again, I will protect you." Lin Luosen said, he stood up to look at Bai Ruoxi, with a calm in his eyes .

"Oh, that's what it is." Bai Ruoxi nodded, and his amber glass-colored eyes showed tenacity.

At this time, I just felt that this situation was very complicated.

At this moment, she suddenly thought of something more worrying, looked at Lin Luosen and grabbed his arm, said, "Lin Luosen, you hurry to rescue Dongfang Yu, Dongfang Yu he is under siege by men in black."

"What? How could there be such a thing?" Lin Luosen's eyes widened, and he immediately grabbed Bai Ruoxi's arms and looked at her straight, "Miss Bai, You are waiting here, I will rescue the commander immediately!"

Lin Luosen finished, and then let go of Bai Ruoxi, and then quickly leaped up, one leaping is equivalent to dozens of steps of ordinary people, that fast speed is simply incredible.

After a while, Lin Rosen disappeared in front of Bai Ruoxi's eyes, and quickly flew towards the place where Dongfang Yu was under siege.

Some of Bai Ruoxi also felt uncomfortable, watching Lin Luosen's figure away, and at that moment, she also speeded up and walked towards the circuit.

At that time she had only one belief, and she must return to Dongfang Yu as soon as possible. She must see Dongfang Yu's safety.

When Bai Ruoxi walked up the circuit, the sound of the shooting became more and more obvious.

Bai Ruoxi was a little shocked, and she kept worrying about how they were fighting in front?

She was more and more worried about the safety of Dongfang Yu, but if she had known for a long time that she would encounter such a shootout, she would never let Dongfang Yu accompany herself to release the white snake here.

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