Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 1566: Goodbye Ouyang Nannan

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Chapter 1566: Goodbye Ouyang Nannan

Woo...what should I do? What should I do? "Xu Ruoyan grabbed his head in pain and cried on his bed. He couldn't calm down for a long time."


And in the royal garden on the other side.

Bai Ruoxi and Qin Kexin have arrived here. At that moment, the two of them, together with Lin Luosen, were feeding the cat in the cat hall. For a time, the whole mood was better.

There seems to be no discomfort at all because Dongfang Yu didn't come to pick her up after school.

Bai Ruoxi waited for several people to feed the cats together, watching these cats grow so cute, Bai Ruoxi couldn't help but laugh, "I don't know, Dongfang Yu often comes to feed you with you These cats? These cats really look cute!"

"You said Brother Yu? He also has it occasionally! It's just that Brother Yu is very busy. The cats here are all given to me and Lin Luosen to manage, so we are the bosses of these cats!" Qin Kexin smiled He said, looking at Lin Rosen, "Did you say that? Lin Rosen?"

Lin Luosen smiled, nodded at Qin Kexin, then looked at Bai Ruoxi, comforted, "Don't worry, the commander he found his cell phone, he will definitely contact you."

He listened to them chatting, but he could feel from his heart that although Bai Ruoxi was feeding the cat here, in fact, the whole heart had already flown to the captain.

"Thank you Lin Luosen, I know." Bai Ruoxi said with a smile, looking at this very handsome man. At that moment, was she really happy for Qin Kexin?

Because she can tell that this boy is really good for Qin Kexin.

Maybe this is the love in the midst. Let both of them look right in an instant. This is already destined for this fate!

But when Bai Ruoxi raised his head, the other side saw a man and a woman coming from far and near, walking towards this side, no one else, it was Dongfang Yu and another wearing a casual navy uniform Woman.

And that woman happened to be Ouyang Nannan who hadn't seen it for a long time.

The other party's face was bright and sunny, hair was ponytailed, and there was a soft, Yang-like smile on the entire face, which made the person really charming.

For a while Bai Ruoxi watched their arrival, slightly shining.

But unexpectedly, she can see Ouyang Nannan again here, and remember that at that time, after they parted in Causeway Bay, she would never have any news about her again.

Bai Ruoxi stood up, and then walked towards Ouyang Nannan and Dongfang Yu, but had not approached them yet.

Suddenly, she saw that Dongfang Yu's arm suddenly grabbed Ouyang Nannan's shoulder. At that moment, a drop in the bottom of her heart fell extremely, and a sharp thing pierced her soul.

The sight was a little painful, Bai Ruoxi stopped, and the light and windy flowery face immediately turned pale.

Her body is standing in place like a sculpture, how can she believe all that she sees in front of her?

All this made her feel dazzling! It made her feel that there was no way to accept it!

But why? what is this? How could she believe that what she saw before was actually true? !

Ouyang Nannan saw Dongfang Yu put his shoulders on her shoulders. At that moment, there was a slight unspeakable feeling in her eyes, but soon, she pretended to let the other party ride her like this, and then, He walked towards Bai Ruoxi with him.

At this moment, she believes that Dongfang Yu does this, and he has the truth, then she should not do more actions!

Qin Kexin and Lin Luosen were surprised when they saw this scene!

They did not expect that Dongfang Yu actually was with another woman?

And that woman was Ouyang Nannan who once helped Dongfang Yu and Bai Ruoxi in Causeway Bay?

However, if you look at it, this style of painting is very wrong. How can Dongfang Yu go with Ouyang Nannan? And the two of them looked very ambiguous.

Dongfang Yu and also put Ouyang Nannan on the shoulder?

This feeling makes people too different. How can Dongfang Yu, who has always been stable and mature, make such a frivolous manner?

Qin Kexin couldn’t help but look at Dongfang Yu, “Brother Yu, how did it happen? How could Yu brother be with that woman? Didn’t Yu brother always love Sister Bai? The two talents are a natural match. what!"

Lin Rosen did not speak, but at that moment, his eyes also sink heavily.

He didn’t know what happened between Bai Ruoxi and Dongfang Yu, but then, there was always a very bad hunch in his heart. For example, Dongfang Yu and Bai Ruoxi wouldn’t be so calm. The twists and turns of this.

I really don’t know if it’s God who tossed them intentionally or what? But why do two people who love each other always torture each other like this?

It seemed as if the roughness between them, wave after wave like the wave, seemed to never end.

Finally Lin Rosen whispered, "I believe the commander."

Then his eyes narrowed, and he said nothing more.

Qin Kexin looked at them without saying anything, and his eyes were gray.

But in any case, Sister Bai and Yu brother are a pair.

Sister Bai finally left Ye Yejue's side, but now Yu brother is hooking up with other women like this. And this is still the case before Sister Bai?

Qin Kexin looked at Bai Ruoxi with some worry, and saw that Bai Ruoxi's cheeks were very pale. At that moment, she could see what she was thinking. Qin Kexin could not help but took a step forward and came to Bai Ruoxi's side. , Holding her arm with one hand, said softly, "Sister Bai, are you okay? You should believe that Brother Yu, Yu brother is not that kind of person, don't worry, wait a moment, we can just ask him !"

After listening to Qin Kexin's comfort, Bai Ruoxi smiled reluctantly, but she still didn't want to believe the truth in front of her.

It wasn't until Dongfang Yu came to his eyes that Bai Ruoxi looked at him, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

How difficult it is to put on a smile, and at this moment, she finally knows what is called embarrassment?

"Dongfang Yu, why? Did your phone drop? Just now I called you, your phone was turned off?" Bai Ruoxi asked pretended to be calm, at this time she deliberately ignored the person around Dongfang Yu Woman wearing a beautiful navy suit.

Dongfang Yu heard Bai Ruoxi say this, at that moment, his eyes also remained unchanged, still expressionless.

His hand still didn't let go of Ouyang Nannan, who was still on her shoulder, as if they ignored Bai Ruoxi's eyes at all.

Although Bai Ruoxi's eyes were unpleasantly fixed on the hand that Dongfang Yu put on Ouyang Nannan's shoulder.

It seemed as if I wanted to wear it.

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