Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 1573: There is no need to leave his clothes

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Chapter 1573: No Need To Leave His Clothes

Xue Li looked at Bai Ruoxi, his eyes suddenly paused, but he didn't say anything very quickly, and he hurried toward the balcony. When he came over a little later, he already had a precious black suit. , "Sister, you don't need anything from Dongfang Yu since today, right? Then you can throw this suit in the trash!"

When Bai Ruoxi looked at it, he immediately recognized that it was Dongfang Yu's clothes, frowned and asked, "Why is his clothes here?"

"How can I stay here? You took care of him last night before going back in the middle of the night, and you vomited him all over, so myself, I made a good person, changed him into my clothes and let him take his The clothes stayed and dried, and then let him come to get them."

"Now, since my sister hates this person so much, then I don't think it's necessary to leave his clothes, just throw it in the trash bin." Xue Lijian said, and he moved forward deliberately. A step was taken towards the door, "Sister, you take a break here, I'll throw it."

Before going out, Bai Ruoxi snatched the suit, hesitated, and said, "I'll give him back."

Xue Lijian looked at his sister like this, he knew. My elder sister is just **** the surface and soft on the inside. Where would you be willing to throw this dress from Dongfang Yu!

"Okay sister, what's the matter? Your young couple should explain it clearly. There is no misunderstanding in this world. Besides, I think Dongfang Yu really has you in his heart, otherwise he will not be so. Take care of you like that. Last night, I looked at everything, these are really not deceiving people! Well, I should also make breakfast for my daughter-in-law." Xue Lizhen finished, Zhao Zhao Bai Ruoxi smiled, and soon walked toward the kitchen.

Bai Ruoxi held this suit jacket of Dongfang Yu, and the whole suit was still wet and semi-dry. For a time, her thoughts fluctuated with each other.


This day in the school, Bai Ruoxi was a little unconscious, and the day's classes were also listless.

And she is also listless, and her condition is similar to Dongfang Yu. Dongyu sits in the office of the skyscraper, and a meeting is exhausted.

But this whole day, he didn't talk to Bai Ruoxi again.

Because he knew that it was mainly difficult for her and him to go back to the past before the matter in the photo was investigated.

But what kind of investigation is needed?

The photos are not synthetic. Even if the computer technology is brilliant, how can she be as realistic as when she played in person?

The messy thoughts are tangled in my mind, making Dongfang Yu's class on this day very uneasy.

Until the afternoon of the next day after school, and this time is also to shoot the second scene. This is the scene of Bai Ruoxi jumping into the sea.

After school, Ye Fei soon came to Bai Ruoxi's class, walked towards her seat, picked up the bag for her, and a slight smile was drawn around her lips, "Bai Ruoxi, You don’t have to be nervous about this scene, I’m by your side, you can relax and jump boldly!”

Bai Ruoxi looked at Ye Feijue, didn't know what to say, but smiled reluctantly, and then said, "Come on, don't let Yu Hanxi wait."


Then Bai Ruoxi and Ye Fei left the school together, and the car started and drove towards that place along the seashore.


Inside the skyscraper.

The exhaustion of Dongfang Yu just ended from a meeting. Back in the president's office.

Unconsciously, his eyes quickly glanced at the big clock hanging on the wall, only to see it pointed at 5 o'clock. This is when Bai Ruoxi is out of school.

Thinking of Dongfang Yu's eyes also showed a bitter bite, but at this time, he could not say anything, and this time, after sitting in the office for 5 minutes.

Dongfang Yu's eyes darkened slightly. He stood up quickly, took the car key and left the skyscraper quickly, then jumped on his own Rolls-Royce Silver Charm and headed towards Fenglin College.

After arriving at Fenglin College, Dongfang Yubo had a good car and quickly moved towards Bai Ruoxi's classroom.

The result did not see the familiar figure in it.

Seeing a classmate walking past him, Dongfang Yu quickly asked, "This classmate, may I ask if Bai Ruoxi has already left?"

The classmate looked at the man and said, "The school grass in the next class has been here. He said it was filming or something, and then Classmate Bai Ruoxi left with him."

This sentence directly stunned Dongfang Yu's entire nerve, and immediately thought of what? He quickly looked at the classmate and smiled, "Thank you, I know."

Dongfang Yu rushed out of the classroom eagerly.

At that moment, his whole heart could not calm down, and he thought of the picture more quickly... It seems that he misunderstood her!

Dongfang Yu walked down the stairs and made a decisive call directly to Bai Ruoxi's phone.

And Bai Ruoxi was sitting in Ye Feiju's car, watching the phone call coming, and after it rang twice, she hung up the phone.

Ye Fei on the side swept her with Yu Guang and asked directly, "Who is it?"

"No one." Bai Ruoxi said flatly, feeling very depressed at the moment. Thinking of many things that happened, it was really disturbing now.

Ye Fei never spoke again, and Lan Yi's eyes showed a cunning light. Soon an accelerated car continued to drive forward.

Dongfang Yu saw Bai Ruoxi hanging up his phone. At that moment, his whole eyes narrowed tightly, but soon his own phone rang again. Dongyu Yu felt happy in his heart and thought it was Bai Ruoxi. Called, but at a glance, it is another number.

Soon Dongyu answered the call.

The voice of the other party came through before speaking, "Dongfang Yu, I found out about the picture. That is Yu Hanxi's new drama "Shengcheng Jie". Those in your hands are the beginnings he just took."

"I know." Dongfang Yu said, and at that moment his eyes were heavy. He blamed Bai Ruoxi for mistakes. This is really just a movie clip shot, not a reality at all.

"You know?" Ouyang Nannan was a little surprised. When I just wanted to say something to him.

Dongfang Yu quickly asked again, "Do you know where their second shot was taken?"

"The second shot is said to be shooting sea scenes. It should be in the port of Minghai." Ouyang Nannan said quickly. But at that time she had just finished speaking, and Dongfang Yu's phone had already hung up.

At this time, she could feel the other party's impatient mood.

"Dongfang Yu, be sure to cheer!" Ouyang Nannan murmured, pinching the phone in his hand, and there was a dim light in his eyes.

At that end, Dongfang Yu has quickly jumped into his car and quickly headed towards the port of Ninghai. The weight of the eyes is heavy again!

I rely on! Actually choose the Nether Harbor? !

Don't they know that the place is...

Dongfang Yu bit the inner lip tightly, and his fresh heart once again set off a stormy wave, completely unable to calm...


Nether Harbor.

There is a luxurious white yacht on the azure water ahead. From a distance, it looks like a white eagle floating on the sea. It is very magnificent and brilliant.

It is said that this yacht is Yu Hanxi's private yacht.

This book was first published

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