Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 1601: Not particularly romantic

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This dinner, plus this movie is not particularly romantic, but also left a deep impression in the memory of the two.


However, they met another couple in the cinema, namely Dongfang Yu and Bai Ruoxi!

It's just that Dongfang Yuhe Bai Ruoxi sat in the leftmost box, they didn't see them, but Dongfang Yuhe Bai Ruoxi showed them both clearly.

Bai Ruoxi's eyes were slightly brightened, and he could not help but glance at Dongfang Yuxiao, and said with a smile, "Yu, let's take a quick look and see that it is Lin Luosen and Qin Kexin. !"

Dongfang Yu smiled for a while, then wrapped her arms around Bai Ruoxi's shoulders and pulled her closer to her arms. "Yeah, they are as romantic as we are. All romantic lovers will not miss the ones in the cinema. opportunity……"

Dongfang Yu said, with a direct, grinning smile, leaned towards Bai Ruoxi's cheek, and a kiss lay on her face, and the warm humidity even reflected Bai Ruoxi's face flushed.

"I hate it, don't be like that, I'm embarrassed." Bai Ruoxi's heart jumped and pushed his chest slightly. At that moment, the entire line of sight was red.

Fortunately, at this time, the movie was being put on, and because there were not many people looking around in this half box. Otherwise, it is really embarrassing.

"It's nothing embarrassing. When watching a movie, it's suitable for flirting." Dongfang Yu said, the voice was very low, and it was directly next to her eardrum.

The magical voice dropped into the depth of Bai Ruoxi's eardrums, with a touch of the soul. Deep down in my heart, I also feel a strange feeling.

"Yu, you said Qin Kexin and Lin Luosen, will they come to the end?" Bai Ruoxi could not help asking, at this moment she was really happy for them, because they can finally take this step, only brave Only by taking this step, can we get that happiness?

Compared to the honest and honest Lin Luosen, Qin Kexin's lively and lovely, kind and beautiful may be exactly what he needs.

Dongfang Yuzhu stopped, smiled slightly, and gently hooked Bai Ruoxi's chin in one hand, letting her look into her own eyes, "You said, will we come to the end?"

Bai Ruoxi listened for a moment and looked at the other party, "I asked them, why are you talking about us? Is your mind jumping too much?"

"If we can go to the end, then I firmly believe that they can also go to the end!" Dongfang Yu replied very cleverly, then looked at Bai Ruoxi's beautiful eyes, and that curly hair, saying This kind of beauty is the most suitable for her, and looking at everything is particularly attractive.

Can't help it, Dongfang Yu's lips touched her face again, just kissed like that.

Even if Bai Ruoxi resisted nothing, she pressed her directly onto the seat with a sideways kiss and kissed her intimately...

Bai Ruoxi was very turbulent, and pushed his shoulders slightly, his eyes panicked a little shyly, "Don't be so embarrassed, this is still in the movie theater, if others see how ugly!"

A whispered voice went directly through her eardrums, "It's okay, no one will see it. You see it is so dark here, everyone is watching movies, and those who don't watch movies will naturally not go. Pay attention to what others are doing? Because they are too busy themselves. Where else is the mind to manage others?"

Dongfang Yu said, and then, he directly wrapped Bai Ruoxi's body with one hand, and half of his body was pressed against Bai Ruoxi's body. The delicate kiss continued to fall on Bai Ruoxi's face.

Bai Ruoxi couldn't resist his heat, somehow it felt more and more dry and hot.

Dongfang Yu's hand directly penetrated her skirt, and then groped for the zipper on the side of her skirt, slightly trying to open it.

Bai Ruoxi was shocked, and immediately pushed his chest with his hand, but at that moment, Bai Ruoxi's sight made her a little shocked, because she saw the light at the bottom of Dongfang Yu's eyes. As bright as that star.

And his face under the darkness became more and more three-dimensional, and it was so beautiful that she couldn't keep her eyes away.

In this moment, Dongfang Yu has slowly opened the zipper on the side of her skirt and reached in with one hand.

When Bai Ruoxi wanted to avoid it, he was still shy.

Dongfang Yu has been pressing the cotton field slightly with his big hand. It touched her with infinite ambiguous care. There was a smile on the corner of the lips.

Bai Ruoxi's heart was ups and downs at this time, and her face was even more embarrassing. I didn't know what it felt like, which made her face even more red.

And Bai Ruoxi's voice also lowered, with that charming charm, "Don't, don't stop like this, hurry up!"

Dongfang Yu smiled and looked at Bai Ruoxi again. At that moment, the expression on her face was so beautiful. He couldn't stop at all. He was in this movie theater, and he felt his fire wanted. Burst out.

"Come on, sit on me." Dongfang Yuqing whispered, wanting to pull Bai Ruoxi's body and let her sit on her body, Bai Ruoxi was shocked, at that moment, he understood his intention, Her cheeks are very, very red.

"Don't!" Bai Ruoxi was struggling again, and he couldn't help but look bad, but it was in a semi-private box. Otherwise, let others see it. I really don't know what to do.

At this moment, a big palm of Dongfang Yu very powerfully took her on her body. Then stroke her slightly with one hand.

Bai Ruoxi was blushing in shock, but when he wanted to stop him, Dongfang Yu was so fast.

With a suffocating groan, Bai Ruoxi gave full possession.

The feeling of passing through the heart made her want to shout out directly, but soon Dongfang Yu bowed her head and kissed her lips tightly, and also hugged her body tightly...

The movie in this cinema continues to be screened, and in the dark corner of a certain box, there are also eye-catching pictures, but the light is too dark, and no one notices their every move.

However, precisely because of this very special environment, it also greatly inspired the enthusiasm of Dongfang Yu, saying that this was the first time he so desperately wanted a woman in the cinema.

Bai Ruoxi fell on his chest, at that moment, the whole person felt unable to breathe. She didn't expect Dongfang Yu to be so bold!

Moreover, her feeling really made her unable to resist his very strong and fierce attack. She seemed to be already a lamb in his mouth, only to let him desire.

Her brain is so blank that she can't feel any sound at all. It seems that the sound of the movie just became their accompaniment when she saw it.

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