Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 1608: You let him come to me!

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He thought for a while and then asked again, "Miss Bai, Miss Xu, it seems that you are also in a hurry to find the youngest master. What is the matter?"

Bai Ruoxi looked at the blue wind and thought of how this matter belongs to the privacy of a girl, right?

"It's okay then let's go first. If Ye Xieju comes back, you can ask him to come to me! I really have something to find him." Bai Ruoxi finished, then, holding Xu Ruoyan's elbow in one hand , And soon left this environment.

The moment Lan Feng watched the two girls leave, there was a bit of suspicion in their eyes.

Soon, he also followed the speed of the two of them, until they saw Bai Ruoxi and Xu Ruoyan's taxi going towards the hospital.

"Strange? Why did you go to the hospital?" Lan Feng drove the car alone, slightly puzzled, but he quickly followed.

In the hospital, Bai Ruoxi accompanied Xu Ruoyan to do some checks.

Sure enough, Xu Ruoyan was pregnant and had been pregnant for more than two months.

"Okay, don’t worry, everything will have a result. If Ye Fei is not here now, shall we protect our body first? When he comes back, we are telling him this Things." Bai Ruoxi said comfortingly, at that moment there was a gloom in his heart.

In other words, if it is an operation now, it is still too late. If you wait until 3 months later, the fetus has been stereotyped, and then the operation will be more painful.

So no matter what, they have to contact Ye Fei as soon as possible.

No matter what kind of thought he is, first of all, they want to know his attitude.

Bai Ruoxi thought about it, and secretly decided in his heart.

"Well." Xu Ruoyan was particularly confused at this time, and didn't know what to say. The complex brilliance penetrated into a pair of beautiful eyes.

Then she and Bai Ruoxi left the hospital.

At the moment when the two girls left the hospital, the blue wind that followed them quickly came to the office of the chief physician they had just seen, and soon he walked in and looked at the chief physician, asking, " Sorry doctor, I am the friend of the two girls just now, I want to ask, what disease are they seeing here?"

The chief physician looked up at the man and responded strangely, "Did you not notice? Sir, this is the obstetrics and gynecology department. Of the two girls, one of them, Xu Ruoyan, is pregnant."

"..." Lan Feng was stunned.

But for a moment his eyes moved, and he understood everything.

Lan Feng didn't say anything anymore, and left the doctor's office again at a speed. After arriving at the hospital at that moment, there was an accident in his entire line of sight.

"Xu Ruoyan is pregnant? How could this happen? Is it true that she is pregnant with her own child?" Lan Feng said to himself with suspicion. At this moment, he really didn't know what expression to put on his face.

It can be imagined that they just looked for Ye Feije's expression, and he couldn't help thinking of more.

"It's impossible, Xu Ruoyan and the young master... what happened?" Lan Feng thought about it and thought about it, and always felt that there are some people who are uncertain.

"Who is the child in Xu Ruoyan's stomach?" Lan Feng squeezed his fist slightly. At that moment, he quickly got on his car, and he quickly galloped away in a certain direction.


Until the evening, when Bai Ruoxi wanted to send Xu Ruoyan back to Jinyuyuan in his apartment, Xu Ruoyan insisted on going back to his dormitory, but Bai Ruoxi's idea that the other party couldn't, but still sent Xu Ruoyan to her Dormitory.

When leaving, Bai Ruoxi looked at Xu Ruoyan with some worry. "You are living alone now, and you are pregnant again. I'm really worried about you!"

"It's okay, I can take good care of myself. Ruoxi, I really thank you. Hurry back!" Xu Ruoyan looked at Bai Ruoxi and smiled reluctantly.

"Then I will go first. I just ordered a lot of dinners for you. Remember to eat it. I will come back tomorrow morning. Remember to call me for something!" Bai Ruoxi explained something, Then he said goodbye to Xu Ruoyan and left her dormitory.

When Bai Ruoxi had just left Xu Ruoyan's dormitory, her cell phone also rang.

Bai Ruoxi turned on the phone and saw that it was the number of the mobile phone. Just now there were still some feelings of worry for his friends that he felt happy. Bai Ruoxi answered the call, "Yu, it's you what!"

"Do you have time? Let's have a meal together. By the way, where are you now? I came to pick you up." Dongfang Yu said quickly at the other end, and there was a smile in his eyes.

"Okay, I'm on the street not far from the dormitory of Fenglin College. I'm waiting for you here. Come over here quickly!" Bai Ruoxi said with a smile.

"Okay." Dongfang Yu hung up the phone, and left the president's office at a speed. Then, he got into his Rolls-Royce Silver Charm, and quickly drove towards the dormitory of Fenglin College.

When Dongfang Yu saw Bai Ruoxi and carried her away, the black Lamborghini car that had been spying on the dark side next to it slowly drove out slowly.

The man got down from the car, and then quickly looked at this dormitory. Although it is a dormitory of Fenglin College, this dormitory as aristocratic college is also very advanced. Every two students will arrange a separate dormitory live.

And the student who happened to live with Xu Ruoyan also took a long vacation, so it was said that Xu Ruoyan had been living in that dormitory all the time.

Lan Feng came outside the door of the dormitory, and soon knocked on the door.

When Xu Ruoyan opened the door, he saw the man outside the door, and his eyes were blank for a while, "You..."

But as soon as he said a word, the man walked into the dormitory directly. The whole expression was very casual and leisurely, and he quickly scanned the room.

This unbridled gaze of the other party suddenly made Xu Ruoyan feel an unspeakable aversion.

"How can you enter my house casually? Who the **** are you?" Xu Ruoyan looked at him and said, at that moment, there was a very impatient feeling in her eyes, saying that she was not very familiar with him at all. ,good or not?

How could the other party just do it casually? ?

Lan Feng's smile was clear, and then he looked at Xu Ruoyan, his gaze swept from her face to her belly, and then returned from her belly to her face. The look was speculative and suspicious. , But revealed a gloomy glory.

"Miss Xu, shouldn't you be so forgetful? Just now, you went to the Huanyu Building with Miss Bai to see me, did you forget me so soon? Well, then I will introduce myself, my name is Lan Feng, remember Stay, Blue Wind!" Lan Feng said with a smile in her eyes, saying that she had indeed forgotten everything that happened between them now. Okay, it doesn't matter.

But, he needs to determine an important thing, that is, who is the species in her stomach?

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