Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 1615: Underground love, human relationship

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"Lanfeng, what are you doing? You quickly release Xu Ruoyan, and what do you mean by saying those words to her?" Bai Ruoxi said to Lan Feng, and then quickly took a step forward to support Xu Ruoyan. Shoulders.

Lan Feng unexpectedly saw Bai Ruoxi appearing in this room. At that moment, he also had to release the hand holding Xu Ruoyan's wrist and looked at Bai Ruoxi slowly, "Miss Bai, it turns out you Also here! Xu Ruoyan and me! In fact, it has always been an underground relationship, a relationship between people, and she is pregnant and has not told me, so I will ask this matter clearly."

"..." Bai Ruoxi was surprised to hear this, but did not expect it last night, did this blue wind say so?

But Xu Ruoyan didn't tell herself before, the child in her stomach was absolutely night-time? But suddenly how did another blue wind emerge?

Xu Ruoyan shivered with anger, she looked at the blue wind, pointed her finger at him, and shivered loudly, "You nonsense! My child is not yours! My child has nothing to do with you! You are a person, I don't know why Are you going to make rumors here? I have nothing to do with you! My child is not yours! You get me! Get me far away!!!"

Lan Feng looked at Xu Ruoyan so emotionally, at that moment, Bai Ruoxi couldn't help her. Can't help but quickly stepped forward, directly raised the palm, the moment seemed to slap the woman slap.

"What are you doing? Lan Feng, Xu Ruoyan has said that the child is not yours, what else do you want to get entangled with?" Bai Ruoxi quickly stopped, pulling Xu Ruoyan over.

Bai Ruoxi looked at the dark face of this man. At this moment, her heart jumped a little, she was afraid that the other party's slap would fall, what happened to this woman! That's impossible.

Lan Feng looked at Bai Ruoxi's eyes and narrowed his eyes slightly. Some unpleasantly said, "This child is not mine, who will it be?"

Bai Ruoxi and Xu Ruoyan were blocked by his interrogation. During that moment, Xu Ruoyan cried in shock, panic and fear.

"Don't cry, don't cry, I'm here, he didn't dare to bully you." Bai Ruoxi quickly hugged Xu Ruoyan and comforted, and then glanced at the blue wind, his eyes gleaming with a deep dark mane , "You have to ask who the child is, then you will find Ye Yejue for me! Let him, in front of Xu Ruoyan, admit what he has done."

"..." This made Lan Feng a little speechless. It seems that his guess is correct. Is it really a species of Ye Fei? !

Yes, when I was with Xu Ruoyan at that time, there was indeed something wrong with the time and month of her pregnancy.

If she had another man after she followed her, and then she became pregnant again, then the time was right. Didn’t expect this person to be a night stare?

But it’s no wonder that Xu Ruoyan has always been in love with Ye Xiejue. Then, when Ye Feijue is not in a good mood, it is very likely that the other party will take the opportunity to dedicate himself.

Lan Feng was still not reconciled when he thought of this. He didn't think that Xu Ruoyan was such a lowly woman? Actually still ran to dedicate to Ye Xiejue?

"Really Ye Yejue?" Lan Feng's eyes directly looked at Xu Ruoyan and asked.

There was a dark brilliance on the handsome face that could not be said. It was the ups and downs of that moment of thought with the bottom of my heart.

I couldn't calm down this time.

Xu Ruoyan cried a lot, but at this moment, she also clenched her lips and her eyes were all red. She looked at Lan Feng and said, "I need to answer you again? What the **** are you?" ?I have to tell you, who is the child in my stomach? Why do you question me like this?"

"I tell you, I have nothing to do with you! Don’t think that holding that broken video can prove what kind of relationship I have with you? I tell you, I don’t believe it! I don’t believe anything!! I just believe it The feeling in my heart. I have nothing to do with you! My child is not yours! You can go for me! Go far! I don’t want to see you anymore!!!"

Xu Ruoyan burst out of complaints.

At that moment, her emotions really collapsed, and her whole body was trembling slightly, even Bai Ruoxi's hand holding her shoulders was shaking tremendously, as if her tremor was also transmitted to herself.

Bai Ruoxi looked at Lan Feng's face reddish as Xu Ruoyan said, but the other party seemed to have good psychological qualities. After being said by Xu Ruoyan in this way, he could stand firm, just like a sculpture. Time Ruoxi's brows were slightly frowned.

"Lanfeng, you go! What are you doing here with the pestle? Are you still too angry about her?" Bai Ruoxi said quickly towards Lanfeng this time, with a bit of sternness in her eyes.

She never thought of coming here tonight, and saw this scene?

And what happened in this scene is really surprising.

Lan Feng looked at Bai Ruoxi, and then looked at Xu Ruoyan. For a time, the fist slightly squeezed in the palm of his hand, he finally suppressed the anger in his heart. Turning his head without saying anything, he quickly left the dormitory.

"Okay, okay, he's gone. I'm not afraid, are we afraid to go in?" Bai Ruoxi said comforting the woman beside him quickly.

At that moment, she felt that Xu Ruoyan was getting more and more angry, but he was really worried that her body would continue to collapse if she continued like this.

And there is another fetus already in her belly!

She doesn't care about herself like this, what should the child do?

"I don’t want to see him, I don’t want to see him again! Ruoxi, that man is a terrible man! Did you know he made such a horrible video, he showed me? How can he get it? Show me? I hate him! I really hate him!!"

"He's entangled me tightly like a demon! Ruoxi, how can we get rid of such a fate! Oh woo... Ruoxi... you must help me, you must help me. "" Xu Ruoyan looked at Bai Ruoxi, his eyes were swollen and his entire complexion was spent.

Bai Ruoxi looked at her, patting her shoulder slightly with great distress, comforting, "You can rest assured, I will not let him come to harass you again! Come on, let's hurry into the house, right Don’t cry anymore, your body is important, and don’t you mean to keep the baby in this body? Then you must have this brave confidence!"

"Uh huh." Xu Ruoyan sobbed terribly. Then he entered the room with Bai Ruoxi.

After that, Bai Ruoxi accompanied Xu Ruoyan in this dormitory for a period of time. After watching Xu Ruoyan fall asleep in bed gradually, closing her eyes, she walked out of the dormitory with peace of mind.


At night, the wind blows.

Bai Ruoxi came to the street outside the dormitory, and the night breeze was slightly cold, blowing her body slightly.

She thought of Xu Ruoyan's things and couldn't help sighing. Then she gathered her bags and didn't intend to call Dongfang Yu. Anyway, just a few steps, just go back.

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