Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 1637: Must speed up

Pen Fun Club, update Queen Mummy to the latest chapter as soon as possible!

"Back to the commander-in-chief, the area at that time was in the blind zone of the surveillance area, so no surveillance was taken. The situation I learned from Miss Xu was just a black car. As for the model and license plate, she did not see it clearly. I have sent someone Visited nearby, and the reward was announced to find new witnesses. I believe that there will be results soon!" Lin Rosen returned quickly, and his hands were slightly fisted.

He did not expect that Bai Ruoxi would encounter such a thing? But the hateful thing is that the driver who caused the accident, not only did not send Bai Ruoxi to the hospital after such a thing happened, but just escaped like this?

Such a person will certainly not escape the sanctions of the law!

"We must speed up, I want to know this result!" Dongfang Yu's face was very cold, saying that now Bai Ruoxi was lying on the hospital bed, and almost passed the ghost door.

The driver who caused the accident was able to continue the impunity, so that is absolutely not allowed! !

"Yes, Commander, I know what to do!" Lin Rosen replied, with a sharp glory in his eyes. Then he thought of something and asked, "Commander, is she waking up now, Miss Bai?"

"People are awake, but if I'm afraid she has to recover for a long time before she can be like our normal people." Dongfang Yu said with a deep voice in her words. In other words, Li Sanghua said that it was very easy, but he knew that it was definitely not so easy to cross the past if he wanted to recover half a year.

Lin Rosen lowered his head slightly, and at this moment did not know what to do to comfort the other party, "I believe Miss Bai will certainly be able to survive this difficulty."

"Yes, she has always been strong, and I believe in her." Dongfang Yudan smiled lightly, then continued, "Okay, go do what you should do!"

Lin Rosen nodded, then turned around quickly and left the environment.

The office was empty and Dongfang Yuwang was in this quiet environment. At that moment, his thoughts were gradually dignified. In other words, he saw the weak woman lying on the bed. At that moment, his heart was really Very stressful.

She was beside him, but unfortunately he did not take good care of her, but instead caused her such a great torture, he should bear certain responsibilities.

Dongfang Yu walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the scenery in front of it, feeling anxious for a moment.

"If it's you, you have to hurry up." Dongfang Yu muttered to himself, and the painful cloth was deep in the bottom of his eyes and there was some pain in the soul.

Within two days, Lin Rosen had already found the witness. And the witness reported the model of the car. It is a luxurious black Bentley, and I also saw that the driver was a young man wearing sunglasses.

As for the specific license plate number? I didn't see it clearly. But even so, they also provide a lot of clues.

Then Lin Rosen is also stepping up the investigation of this luxury Bentley car.


One night a few days later.

In Jueji Bar, still singing and dancing, countless young people are indulging here. Not to mention how happy and happy it is, as if here is an eternal city that never sleeps. It is the most desirable place for young people.

In contrast, the air in a private room is suffocating.

A man with silver hair was sitting on the soft leather sofa, leaning on Erlang's legs, holding a cigar in his hands from time to time.

It was so arrogant to mention that, even his thoughts gradually became numb.

His eyes were very narrow, as if he was about to close, but that little bit of movement would make his nerves a pain!

I don't know why he is particularly troubled recently!

Suddenly, the door of the box was pushed open.

Several messy footsteps sounded loudly in the air.

Lan Feng's arm dragged in a young man wearing sunglasses. The man's face was also terrified. At that moment, the sunglasses on his face were about to fall off.

When the man saw the silver-haired man sitting on the leather couch in the box. I was so scared that I couldn't say anything tremblingly.

"Will you kneel when you see the young master?" Lan Feng said, and then kicked the other side's late joint.

With a thump, the man in sunglasses kneeled on the ground on his knees, and the sunglasses frame fell directly on the ground.

"Forgiveness, young master, forgiveness..." Gong Xianwei said terrifiedly. At that moment, there was a sense of panic in his eyes. Looking at those nights, I really don't know what to do for a while.

But he knew that he had hit the wrong person, he had hit Bai Ruoxi, the other party must not let him go!

So he has been hiding in the east and hiding in the past few days. I was afraid that Ye Fei would find it. However, I did not expect to be found by his people.

"Rao Ming? Your mother also knows that someone should be spared?" Ye Fei sneered a bit, and the fierce light appeared.

Then Ye Fei stood up in awe. The one with arms around his chest walked in front of him. Lifted one foot. Stepped on something on the ground, and shattered the sunglasses that fell in front of him.

The heart of Gong Xianwei, who was directly shocked by this sound, jumped wildly, fearing that his heart would be broken like this spectacle frame in the next second.

"If you don't flee, I might spare your life! But now you... how can I spare you Gong Xianwei?" Ye Xie Jue looked at this man, and at that moment the fire in his eyes came out, It seemed that a fire would ignite in a moment.

If it were not for the gift from this man, Bai Ruoxi would not lie in the hospital!

But then again, he didn't let him hit Bai Ruoxi, but this **** thing, actually drove the car to hit Bai Ruoxi? !

He really ate the bear heart leopard guts!!??

In a word, he didn't want to live at all!!

"Rao Ming, Rao Ming, young master, I really don’t know that Bai Ruoxi will suddenly rush, otherwise I will never hit her, I will never hit her, I am a hundred guts Dare to hit her... Master, don't you spare me?" Gong Xianwei still said in excuse for himself, at that moment his eyes were filled with that very chaotic panic.

He knows that Ye Fei Jue is powerful, and he also knows that Ye Fei is definitely not the simple one on his face!

Behind him is a powerful force of his own.

Therefore, offending Ye Feijue is tantamount to finding your own way and digging your own grave! !

Ye Fei laughed when he heard this, and then went directly to the bar, took two bottles of whiskey from the bar, and put it in front of the table.

"Okay, I'll spare you. You can give me two bottles of whiskey in one breath today. If you drink it, I will spare you! Let you get out of Fengdu! If you can't drink it. Then don’t blame me Ye Fei Jue... Turn your face and don’t recognize people!!" Ye Fei Jue said, then, looking at the blue wind aside, directly commanded, "Look at him, let him drink! Be sure to drop Let him drink everything that is not left!!"

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