Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 1884: Must be fine

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The mobile phone number of Dongfangyu was quickly located. After a while, the location of Dongfangyu's mobile phone number was found.

No longer saying anything, he immediately called Bai Ruoxi, "I have found the position of the commander, Miss Bai, you hurry up, I will also hurry over here." Soon, he Reported this address again.

"Okay, I know." Bai Ruoxi said, and quickly looked at Ye Xie Ju aside, "Ye Xie Ju, you hurry to the intersection of Zhonghuan Road, where Dongfang Yu is there."

Ye Fei didn't say anything, and there was a dark awn in his eyes.

A reversal of the speed, quickly toward the intersection of the middle ring road that Bai Ruoxi said.

Bai Ruoxi's eyes were all a worry, and the uneasy feeling deeply hit her heart. She looked at the road conditions in front of her. She couldn't control the kind in her heart. nervous feeling.

I even felt my heart beating.

Dongfang Yu must be fine, Dongfang Yu...


At the crossroads of Donghuan Road.

A galloping taxi quickly passed by.

However, when passing this intersection.

The woman inside saw the car that was hitting a big tree smoking.

"Stop, stop, stop quickly!" Qin Yinghong said quickly. At that moment, her heart was beating nervously. She didn't expect that when she found Dongfang Yu, the other party hit a tree.

And what's worse is that his car is now smoking, and an unpleasant odor is permeating the air, seems to be leaking gasoline?

After the car stopped, Qin Yinghong pushed open the door and ran towards the car.

When she got to the car, she saw that the person lying there was lying on the steering wheel and the whole person was fainted, and there was a deep red liquid on his head.

Don't look at it is blood!

Qin Yinghong gritted his teeth, and when he wanted to open the door, he did not expect that his door was locked tightly.

"Damn it!" Qin Yinghong felt that her heart was mentioned in her throat at that moment. She quickly looked down and saw a large rock next to it lifted up, smashing it towards the car glass of the driver's cab. After breaking it, she went backhand and opened the door.

"Dongfang Yu, Dongfang Yu cheer up a bit, you can't die here! Who allowed you to die? You live for me! You must live!" Qin Yinghong said, pulling his elbow with both hands, putting He dragged outside the car.

The door of the main car on his side could not be opened, only to drag him off the top of the car.

But Dongfang Yu fell on the steering wheel, this posture is very difficult to pull!

What's more, it is a woman who drags a man, and the disparity in strength is already manifested in minutes. Qin Yinghong felt the effort of his arms.

And at this moment she felt the smell of gasoline getting stronger and stronger, it seemed that it would explode anytime and anywhere.

At that moment, I did not know whether it was because of the other party's dragging. The faint man Dongfang Yu woke up slightly, he moved, and looked at the woman dragging himself.

"Qin Yinghong...Don't care about me, you...go away." At that moment, Dongfang Yu's voice was very weak, so weak that it was almost impossible to hear.

At this moment, the eyes opened to see the woman's face, he already knew who she was?

It seems that the **** of death has come towards him, so that he can clearly see the land he loves and the people around him before he dies.

At this moment, the thick smell of gasoline was once again in the air, almost reaching that kind of burst point!

Qin Yinghong looked at Dongfang Yu, then bit his teeth for a while, and said fiercely, "No! Dongfang Yu, I will not give up on you! Dongfang Yu, I will never give up on you in this lifetime! Even if it is dead , I will die with you even if I die! Anyway, my life is saved by you anyway, even if I die with you!"

"..." Dongfang Yu didn't say anything anymore. Although the woman said something, he didn't know much about it, but at this moment, his exhaustion and numbness also struck again. It weighed heavily on his eyelids.

The blood on his forehead ran through his eyes, and there was blood red in the depths of his eyes. At that moment, he was so tired that he just wanted to close his eyes.

Unexpectedly, a woman's roar sound rang in his ears, "No sleep! Have you heard? Dongfang Yu! You can't sleep! Your life is mine, I didn't let you die. You must not die!" Save me on the battlefield in the past! Today, I will save you from death!"

Qin Yinghong said, desperately using the strength of the whole body to drag the man out of his cab, and then dragged him to the co-cab in a breath, then out of the door of the co-cab, and pulled out Outside the car, at that moment, she was afraid to stay for another half minute, and she quickly dragged the Dongfang Yuqi to twenty or thirty meters away.

Suddenly, there was a boom.

That car exploded! The car is blazing!

The heat wave kept rushing towards this side. The curly hair of the woman flew up.

And this time.

Qin Yinghong stopped the movement in her hand, and she watched the huge fireball devour the car. He panted all the time, completely shocked and speechless.

Fortunately, fortunately, I finally had time to pull him out of the car. Otherwise, a little later, he really had to die in this car, and the bones were crushed.

When Qin Yinghong thought this way, he slightly lowered his head and looked at Dongfang Yu. The heart mentioned his throat again, because Dongfang Yu's situation was so bad that he didn't really escape from danger.

The blood on the forehead had already covered half of the cheek. He has passed out completely.

"You can't die! Dongfang Yu, I must save you! Take this life out, I will save you too!" Qin Yinghong said fiercely, and then walked on the road towards the oncoming galloping vehicle , Regardless of life, rushed to the middle of the road.

The fast car was forced to stop quickly. But just now, Qin Yinghong pulled out a pistol from his waist and pointed at him.

"Get off! I'm a plainclothes policeman from the police station. I requisitioned your car!" Qin Ying's red eyes were cold, so scared that the man didn't dare to say anything at all, and quickly opened the door, and then got out of the car.

"Don't shoot, I am a kind citizen, I am a kind citizen..."

Qin Yinghong ignored him at all and quickly ordered the man to carry Dongfang Yu to the car.

Qin Yinghong sat on the cab and glanced back, a heavy look in his eyes, "Dongfang Yu, you must not die!"

The car drove and brushed like an arrow from the string towards the nearest hospital in front.

When Bai Ruoxi and Lin Rosen came to the crossroads of this middle ring road from two different directions. In front of me is this still burning picture.

At that moment, Bai Ruoxi got out of the car, seeing the fire, his face paled, and his legs and legs became a little soft.

Fortunately. A silver-haired man who followed him grabbed Bai Ruoxi's whole person and grabbed him directly. "If Ruoxi, calm down."

Bai Ruoxi looked at the burning car. She could see clearly. The car was a military jeep. Then the entire Phoenix of this car is banned except for the Suzaku military area.

And this car also happened to be the one that Dongfang Yukai opened in the afternoon. Although it was very hot now, she could still see the shape of the car clearly.

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