Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 215: My son’s life, I’m in charge

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The heart he just put down once again mentioned his throat, and Xue Wei looked at Huangfu Ming, who was getting up to pull the trouser chain, and said in shock: "Hey, what do you say? Don't you feel sick?!!!"

"Have you not tried it?" This time, it was Huangfu Ming's turn to feel fresh.


"I teach you!"

"Are you sick?? Who wants to learn?"

"Damn, you see what I look like!" said Huangfu Ming, who pulled Xuewei's hand and pressed it into the trousers room.

Even though the iron-hard thing was across her trousers, she jumped on the palm of her hand. It felt so scary.

Xue Wei's eyes widened in a pale complexion, as if she was soulless, and froze silly...

Immediately, Huangfu noticed something was wrong: "For the first time?"

The godless eyes blinked... twice...

Xue Wei's eyes were slowly cast on the hand that he was holding on to his own, and then slowly on his face, almost crying out, "What do you think...?"

All the ambiguous atmosphere disappeared instantly due to her words.

Huangfu Ming finally recovered his intellect.

Xue Wei looked silly as he had just touched his... palm.

Although they have ‘experienced’ several times between them, she has never touched the play directly with her hand. But Huangfu Ming pulled her hand without warning. God knows... at that moment... she almost fainted...

"You're not..." Huangfu Ming said slightly suspiciously, but when he noticed something wrong, he immediately swallowed back.

But Xuewei still guessed what he wanted to say! !

"What do you want to say?" Forcibly suppressed the panic just now, Xue Wei looked coldly at his face: "If you want to say that I'm not a virgin, what should I do "meet" and "live", right? ?I tell you, the one who lives well may also be a young lady. If you feel uncomfortable, you can go and find it, anyway, you don’t lack women!!"

Huangfu knot.

He was just curious. Since she was not the first time, she should not be so jerky that she was touching a man... being scared like that. I didn’t even think about ‘live well’ or ‘live well’. Who knows, this woman satirized Barabara a lot, which is unreasonable!

The two were sulking in silence.

I don't know how long, Xuewei's swollen face finally eased.

"Hey." Patted his shoulder.

Huangfu Ming slowly moved his gaze to her face.

"Men have men's battlefields, and women also have women's battlefields. I think I can still cope with it, so you don't have to worry about my things. Use your energy exclusively on your "battlefield"! He... …"

Fingers pointedly pointed at his abdomen, Xuewei's eyes suddenly swept a bit of luster: "It is my Xuewei's child, and his fate can't be decided by others. Only I can say it! ""The words fell, and she walked out of Huangfu Ming's villa wisely.

Looking at her back, she suddenly smiled lightly.

He just likes the domineering power of this woman, but... Say that he is completely at ease? That is impossible! Yefei Yali's great...

He has seen it! ! ! !

Outside the villa.

Xue Wei stood under the moonlight, and a small face that was still full of arrogance gradually and gradually showed an impatient blush.

"Damn, obviously came to him just to tell him this sentence, what's the result...?" The fingertips gently covered the lips.

Recalling the kiss that she had had in the past, she felt that it was not herself... Certainly not! ! ! !


In the Imperial City, there is no one in Longshan High-end Department Store. The manager on duty of the mall blocked the whole mall as soon as she received the news of Mrs. Ye Fei's patronage, and only received her.

The face of the Huangfu family is so big! All places where Huangfu's family travels, unless notified in advance, are heavily guarded everywhere, and the scene is emptied. That scene can be said to be a match with the ancient royal travel.

"This one, this one, this one, this one don't need. The rest are all packed." In a luxury shop, Ye Feiyali lily pointed a few clothes, and the staff went out to pack for her. Clothes.

Xuefeier, who was nearby, was almost dumbfounded.

The people from their Xue family come out to buy clothes, but they only buy up to a few dozen pieces at a time. Where would they be like the Ye Feiyali, directly select a few pieces, and buy the remaining hundreds? ? !

Thinking of this, Xuefeier couldn't help but envy the superiority of being the daughter-in-law of Huangfu's family!

"Aunt Huangfu, you are so good-looking. The few pieces of unwanted clothes you picked are really not good." Seizing this opportunity, Xuefeier flattered Yefei's ass.

"Oh, girl, are you okay to be ill, and go back to our Huangfu's house. It's a consolation from my aunt. If you have some fancy clothes, just pick a few."

On the fourth day of the fourth day, Xuefeier returned to Huangfu's house with his luggage early in the morning. Before the things were put down, he accompanied Ye Fei Yali to go shopping.

"Oh, I really want to thank Aunt Huangfu, and then Mayer would be respectful and obedient." Then, Xuefeier chose the clothes cheerfully.

"Sanya, Sanya." Ye Fei Yali smiled and waved to Xue Wei sitting in the waiting area.

"Auntie, what's the matter?"

"Three girls, you see, your second sister is choosing clothes. I can't lose the fairness, too? You should choose some clothes you like. Moreover, the fifth day of the year is the big day for our Huangfu family, you also have to Wear a decent point to fight for Minger and our Huangfu family."

Since the sisters of Xue family stayed in Huangfu's house as an alternate fiancee, Huangfu's family has always adopted a low-key attitude and never introduced them to their relatives and friends.

Now that Xue Wei is pregnant, Ye Fei Yali and Huang Fu Yang Rong have discussed, and I would like to formally introduce the sisters to friends and relatives on the day of the fifth family meeting.

"Oh, Auntie, you are so kind. I only bought some clothes years ago, so I don't need to pick them."

"That's it. Sanya, you are really a thrifty housekeeper. It seems that your aunt has to learn from you."

"Uncle..." Waiting for Xuewei to speak.

Xuefeier took two clothes and twisted and twisted over: "Auntie, you are now the mother of a country in our imperial city. Of course you need a lot of clothes to show the nobleness of our Huangfu family? Isn't buying clothes for our Huangfu's house?"


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