Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 285: Huangfu Ming's Fury

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285 Emperor Fu Ming's Fury

"This is the deal you did with my father?!!!" The calm, almost cold questioning fell, and Huangfu stood up sharply to look at Xuewei, who was facing away from him.

"Punch, thump..." The heart was beating unsteadily, and Xuewei stood motionless. I didn't expect that Huangfu Ming would be so smart that he could see through everything at once? !

"I said..."

"This matter doesn't need you to intervene..."

" have to make such an agreement with my father privately!!!"

The heavy footsteps accompanied by a sharp question approached Xuewei. When Huangfu Ming arrived behind her, she suddenly turned her body, her big hands, and strangled her neck in a vicious manner.


In an instant, Xue Wei felt a hard breath. When she met the cold black eyes, she knew how angry this man was!

very scary……

So terrible eyes, this is the first time she saw this man will show such a fierce side in front of herself.

"This... this... isn't it, isn't it good?" Xue Wei labored out a few words from between the lips.

"Fine? Ha..." Huangfu narrowed his eyes coldly, and the big hand stuck in Xuewei's neck became more and more imprisoned.

Seeing Ning Ning's face turned blue, Ning Ning hurried forward: "Second young master, second young master, my young lady is pregnant now, do you really want to strangle her?"

"It's none of your business, get off!" Huang Fu's palm swept away when he loosened the hand holding Xue Wei's neck...

Ning Ning shuffled back a few steps and fell to the ground.

"Cough...cough..." Xuewei gasped, breathing heavily, seeing that Ning Ning could not care for herself when she fell, and quickly ran over: "Ning Ning, are you okay?"

"Miss, I'm fine. It's fine..."

"Huangfu Ming!!!" Xue Wei's eyes slammed into Huangfu Ming who was standing on the side, and the black and white eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes: "Don't you always say that my second sister is very sensible? Why? I’m asking you to marry her now, and I don’t mind. Don’t you just laugh? Isn’t it true that you and my second sister haven’t gone to bed!!!?”

"I will go to bed with your 2nd sister, that's just a misunderstanding!!!" Huangfu Ming didn't deny that he did say Xuefeier was sensible, but those were all angry words, why didn't this woman understand at all? ! !

"Misunderstanding? Can you still have misunderstandings when you go to bed?? You've been there, you've been there, you've never been there. Since you have the first time, there must be two or three, why do you look so proud of yourself, one The deputy doesn't buy my second sister's account!!!? It's just... extremely hypocritical!!!" The last four words were almost squeezed out of Xue Wei's lips.

The anger contained in Huangfu's dark chest suddenly surged over his head. "You!!!" The big hand raised high, but at the moment of falling, his palm clenched into a fist, turned around, and left the villa without looking back...

For a moment, the villa smelled of gunpowder seemed so deserted.

Ning Ning stumbled up from the ground and shoved Xuewei's arm in embarrassment: "Miss... why don't you ask why the second young master went to bed with the second young master? Since the second young master said it was a misunderstanding, then there must be Is there a reason?"

Why didn't she ask?


She didn't know.

Xue Wei really really minded when this happened, but slowly... slowly... she didn't mind that much anymore.

But now this matter is mentioned, she will still be very concerned. Maybe... it's about the person Huangfu went to bed.

Xue Wei waved her hand in silence, and moved to the sofa with a tired expression on her face.

"Miss, let's not mention the second young master and the second young lady, just say that you promised to tell the second young master to marry the second young lady. In fact, it really hurts..."

"Hurt?" Xue Wei looked at Ning Ning blankly.

"Yes, miss. As you said, it should be a happy thing for a man to be able to marry two women decently. But the second master, so angry, is enough to testify how much he cares about you. However... You don’t mind at all, don’t you mean to throw the second master’s kindness into the sea?"

If I say this, is her behavior hurting Huangfu?


"Ning Ning..." Xue Wei bit her lip and chewed Ning Ning's hand bitterly: "I... I was actually forced to make such a decision!!!"

The memory returned to 7 hours ago.

When Xue Wei put Huanghuang Yangrong into Weng, although Huangfu Yangrong agreed, she would ask Huangfu Ming to return to Huangfu's house. However, the subsequent ‘but’ is exactly...

‘Xuewei, I can accept you, and I can return all the real power to the underworld. However, I have a prerequisite. ’

‘Uncle Huangfu, please speak. ’

‘I want you to accept that your second sister will also marry Minger together! ’

'what? ’

At first, Xue Wei was very angry with Huangfu Yangrong's proposal. She has always been at odds with Xuefeier, and she hates men half-heartedly. How could she accept Huangfu Yangrong's proposal? ! !

‘Uncle Huangfu, I refuse! 'Xuewei decisively rejected Huangfu Yangrong's request.


‘Xuewei, the first thing you should know is that you should have married three wives and four concubines on your own terms. The results you receive early and late are the same. Furthermore, didn't you say that you would bow your head for your family? Then... for the future of Ming'er, you should accept the fact that he married your second sister! ! ’

‘Uncle Huangfu, even if I am dying, your proposal has reached my bottom line. ’Still that sentence, she couldn’t accept the fact that sharing a man with other women in her life, let alone sharing it with Xuefeier? ‘It seems that I came here in vain today. ’

'stop! "When Xuewei was about to leave, Huangfu Yangrong shouted her sharply. ‘Xuewei, do you really think I have no way to get Minger? ’

‘You’re right, now I can’t take it anymore. The commanders of the other three military regions were staring at the white tiger military region. And Minger's ability is also my recognition. Otherwise, when he robbed his brother of the rank of commander, I could not say a word. but……! ! ! ’

‘Don’t forget. I have more than one Minger son. Even if I can't carry it, even if I'm being pinned by Ming'er. I can call Chener back! Even if Chen'er is not as good as Ming'er, I will not bow to Ming'er because of this. by that time……'

This novel comes from reading books

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