Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 515: I like big brother the most

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515 I Like Big Brother The Most

If you tell the truth, it may embarrass the elder brother and make her look very nasty.

If it wasn't for seeing the elder brother's girlfriend today, she might still respect Xue Zhan as far as before.

"Forget it, needless to say." Xue Zhan did not continue to embarrass her. "You stayed with me for a few days to recuperate. As for the future, I will talk about it later."

"Um. Inner, brother..."


"Why are you following Huang Fuchen?"

Everything will have a reason.

It is just like Mu Chenxuan's wholeheartedly helping Huangfu Ming.

So Xue Zhan also had his own reason for Huang Fuchen's wholeheartedness: "Chen helped me."

"Brother, you should know that Chen Xuan used to be Huang Fuchen's friend, but why is he breaking up with Huang Fuchen now? There must be a reason. The man in Huang Fuchen really deserves to support him so hard to support him?"

Xue Zhan silently said.

He is not a fool, nor can he see what Huang Fuchen is like, even less likely to see what his talents are. however……

"Who do you think I should support? Huangfu Ming? Do you still speak for him at this time?"

"I'm not talking for Huangfu, but just talking about things. I clearly remember how high your achievements were during my years at the Xue Family!!"

Xue Zhan is 28 years old, and he is already ranked as a general at the age of 18.

Throughout the history of the four countries, only 10 people were promoted to generals before they reached 20, which shows how strong Xue Zhan's military is.


Ever since he joined Huangfuchen's camp, he hasn't made any progress.

As Huangfu came to power, his talents were suppressed to the lowest point, resulting in his inability to perform.

simply put……

Not long ago, the first military regiment led by Huang Fuchen won the last place. On the one hand, Huang Fuming's military capabilities are too superior; on the other hand, he is too arrogant to ask Xue Zhan to participate in the battle, otherwise he will never be the last one.

"You were in the wrong team when you were young. I don't want you to stand in the wrong team now. The overall situation is fixed, and Huang Fuchen is destined to do nothing."

"Wei Wei, you should go back to rest." Even if Xue Zhan didn't want to listen anymore, he still interrupted Xue Wei's words with a gentle gesture.

Seeing this, Xue Wei didn't have much to say, but had to go back to the room unwillingly.

"Oh, standing in the wrong team? Even if you have chosen the monarch, even if you are wrong... you have to go down. Weiwei, my destiny!" A faint murmur fell and Xue Zhan sighed sadly. Tone...


Military prison.

The military vehicles of the First Corps slowly entered the prison area of ​​the military area.

As the car stopped, several soldiers walked respectfully to the door of the car: "General Huangfu and his wife are already waiting for you in the waiting room."

Upon hearing this news, Huang Fuchen opened the car door and went straight to the waiting area.

open the door……

Xue Kewei sat haggardly in a prison uniform.

Seeing her face, Huang Fuchen felt distressed. "Kewei..." Slowly sitting in front of her, he stretched out his hand and shook her hand: "Are you still used to being here these days?"

"Oh, okay. Where has the process gone?"

Huang Fuchen sobbed his eyes and muttered, "It has been delivered to the judicial organ."

"Oh, then I'll just wait for the sentence to be pronounced." Seems to have faced reality, Xue Kewei laughed very innocently.

She had already figured out many things in the two days she was waiting in prison.

Human life is always determined by heaven.

God had arranged her fate, even if she was struggling, she could not escape her destiny.

"Kewei, you tell me, did you... harm Xiewei's children?!"

"Is this important? Now that the people's evidence and physical evidence are complete, even if I say I haven't done it, who would believe it?"


Compared to Xue Kewei's indifference, Huang Fuchen was obviously not so willing.

He once caught Xue Wei under the condition of complete witness and material evidence, and even sent her to the sentencing platform. Huangfu Ming easily changed the finale as soon as he appeared.

And he...

His wife was framed and imprisoned, and he could not save his wife if he wanted to break his head! !

Thinking about it is not reconciling!

"I asked my mother if she did it. My mother said she hadn't done it. If it wasn't you, it wasn't my mother. You said... who else wants Xuewei's child to die?! As long as we can find this person, you will be saved, but Wei."

Xue Kewei shook his head silently: "I don't know. I had thought that the biggest suspect in this matter might be..."

"Who is that?!"

"Oh, but I don't think it's possible." She shrugged helplessly: "Chen, I have recognized it. You don't need to worry about my things."

"Kewei..." Huang Fuchen rubbed her small hand in distress, as if suddenly thought of something: "Right, Luluo is missing."

"Huh? Lulu... disappeared?" She opened her eyes incredulously, and the next second, she smiled sadly: "No wonder those two ingredients will be tested on my clothes, it is Lulu dried."

I can't figure it out, why these two kinds of abortive spices appear on her clothes.

Now listening to Huang Fuchen's words, everything seems reasonable.

I am afraid that someone would deliberately use her hand to deal with Xuewei before they bought the green dill.

Since Ye Fei Ya Li has denied that she did not do it, Xue Kewei really can't think of anyone who doesn't want Xue Wei to give birth to a child...

"Report, General Huangfu." A guard of the First Corps pushed in.

He frowned impatiently: "What's the matter?!"

"Zha Yuanla has an urgent matter to find you in the past!"

"Huh?" Huang Fuchen rolled his eyes tightly, and Huang Fuchen rolled his eyes, wondering: "Do you know what it is?"

"It's about Grandpa Zha."

"Cha Xiaoxin?" He was even more curious: "I have no contact with Cha Xiaoxin. What did her granddaughter ask me to do?" The muttered voice fell.

The guards thought for a while and whispered, "It seems that the commander of Huangfu drunk Dr. Cha's granddaughter...and raped him..."

"What?!!!" Huang Fuchen's eyes widened incredulously, and his brain sprang from his position: "When did this happen?!!!"

"It should be the night that General Xue aborted."

"The night when Xuewei aborted...?" Huang Fuchen's pupils gradually dilated, and the look on his face looked both surprised and full of joy.

"It's Xuewei!!! Really Xuewei!!!"

The first book of reading novels

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