Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 591: Brother of Suzaku Military Region

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The little guy thought frowningly.

‘Cat, if you encounter difficulties, remember to call the police uncle. ’

‘Mommy, what is the phone number of the police uncle? ’

‘999. ’

Ear, echoing Xue Wei's voice, the little guy nodded firmly: "Yes, hit 999." Roudu's fingers pressed two 9s in succession, when the third 9 was pressed... …

"Damn, those stubborn old things dare to unite against me in front of so many people, it's just to death!!!"

There was a sharp and hoarse curse from the man in the hallway. The cat put down the phone nervously, jumped off the stool and panicked to find a place to hide...

"Brother, you don't need to follow their ambitions, the old guys will obediently bow to you sooner or later." Another male voice came, but it sounded significantly younger.

The door of the ‘click’ study was opened.

I saw that about 30 men a year came in first.

Others are tall and tall, at least 1m9 tall, sword eyebrows into the temples, a pair of eyes is full of domineering and arrogance. When he saw it, he couldn't help but avoid three points, and at a glance he could see how hot his temper was.

Even more striking is the fiery red uniform he wore. The two olive branches on the insignia plus five stars symbolize the status of his commander-in-chief. In the embroidered Suzaku-shaped pattern on the back, the zero character in the mouth is even more Can determine the identity of his commander.

The man who came in was less than 20 years old, and his dark hair was very eye-catching. The delicate and lifelike facial features were like carving, especially the man's lip-picking and evil smile, which brought out some bad boy's domineering and Bohemian.

As for the rank of this man, from the perspective of clothing, he should be the general of the Third Corps!

"Yu, have there been any disturbances in the military camp recently?" Oriental Yanda pulled out the swivel chair in front of his desk and sat on it.

The young man smiled and slowly sat on the sofa: "Inside the barracks, there is peace, but the barracks "outside" are not so safe. Brother... you have to be careful!"

This young man named Yu, whose full name is Dongfang Yu, is the younger brother of the army commander Dongfang Yan, his father and mother, and also the Yaozi of this Dongfang family.

"Huh? "Outside..."?" Dongfang Yan heard the mystery in his words and narrowed his eyes in confusion. "Which military region is uneasy?"

"White Tiger... Military Region!"

"Oh??" Dongfang Yan was stunned, and the sword brows were screwed into a ball: "What do they want?"

"I heard the spies saying that the old man of Huangfu in the White Tiger Military Region was dead. Rumors were that the people of our Suzaku Military Region did it. This is not...they are worried about punishing us." Dongfang Yu said very lightly.

But Dong Yanyan's handsome face became more and more gloomy: "Shit! Is Huang Fu Ming a fool? What are we doing to kill the old guy? He doesn't investigate, and the investigation is about to go to war!!!!"

Huangfu Ming? !

At this moment, the cat curled up in the bookcase was surprised, even if she couldn't understand what the two uncles said, they could hear them mentioning Daddy's name clearly.

The little guy raised his ears nervously, listening carefully to the conversation in the study...

"Brother, did you come too far behind this news? You don't know how many big things happened in the Baihu Military Region?!"

Looking at the despised face of Dongfang Yu, Dongfang frowned angrily: "Your kid has something to say, he knows what news in the end, tell me all."

"It's like this... the old commander of the Baihu Military Region was killed, and Huangfu was inexplicably taken away from the military. Today, the Baihu Military Region is headed by his brother, Huangfu Chen! It is also Huangfu Chen who brought us to fight!"

"Ah?????" Dongfangyan "Zi Leng" suddenly jumped from the chair: "Huangfu Ming was taken away from the military?!!!!"


"Can the news be true?"

"There will be absolutely no deviation. It is estimated that Huangfuchen will send invitations to the other three countries in a short time to congratulate him on his promotion to the rank of captain."

"I rely on...Yaya's..." Dongfang Yan took off the military cap on his head, and grabbed the burr-like head in surprise and joy: "Is the Huangfu insane? Put the captain improperly, set the position Giving his hand to Huang Fuchen's incompetent goods, even if Huang Fuming is crazy alone, the others are also crazy, is he not stopping?

"Oh, who knows what they think?" Dongfang Yu smiled helplessly.

Although he is only 19 years old, he has also heard about the strength of Huangfu Ming's military ability, and he has repeatedly wanted to go to the Imperial City to personally discuss with Huangfu Ming.

As far as the killer list established by the four gangsters is concerned, the highest reward in almost every year is Huangfu Ming, followed by Ye Fei Ling, or the two are comparable, showing that their abilities have already stood The first of the four countries.

"Oh, ha ha ha ha..." Suddenly, Dongfang Yan laughed out loud.

Dongfang squinted his eyes puzzled: "Brother, what are you laughing at?"

"Aren't you just saying that the Baihu Military Region said that our people killed the old man of Huangfu's family to attack us, which is a good opportunity. When they fight, we will fight against him. But Huangfuchen will play with me, but Huangfuchen's mediocrity is still with me. Can't you play?!" At this point, Dongfang Yan laughed again.

When Dongfang Yu said that people from the White Tiger Military Region were coming to attack them, he was really nervous.

But now, since the leader became Huang Fuchen, what is he afraid of? !

"Brother, I have heard that this time the vanguard of the White Tiger Military Region is led by Huang Fuming!"

"What?!" As soon as he heard this, Dong Yanyan's complexion turned dark, but the next second... "Scary boy, what you mean is to doubt your brother, I'm afraid that he will be emperor's emperor, right?" He picked up the table The military cap he put on hit Dongfang Yu.

Dongfang Yuxi took the military cap with a smile and buckled it on his head: "Brother, if you are not afraid, then why I said that the general of the vanguard is Huangfu, are you so nervous?"

"Cough..." Clearing his throat, Dongfang sternly put a face on his face: "Do not deny that his Huangfu Ming still has some talents, but... he is now out of military power, and he has become a vanguard. Isn’t this obviously from our Suzaku Military Region? Hum, I’ll just complete him.”

"Brother, haven't you thought about it, how could a former commander in chief be a general of the vanguard after he handed over his power?"

Dongfang Yu's words really reminded Dongfang Yan: "His... Really, damn, thin and dead camels are bigger than horses, how could Huangfu Ming serve as a vanguard and run to death? Is it impossible...? "Two eyes flashed."

Dongfang Yu nodded secretly: "Yes, I think... Huangfu Chen wants to take this opportunity to get rid of Huangfu Ming!!"


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