Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 594: Pleading for Xue Zhan

Pen Fun Club, update Queen Mummy to the latest chapter as soon as possible!

"Yes! General Xue, we'll report it now. Please go to the reception hall on the second floor."

"I'm now! Immediately! See General Xue Zhan, don't you understand?!!!" A low roar fell.

Several guards raised their heads slightly and said in unison: "Understood." But his body did not give in at all.

The hands behind Xue Wei's back clenched into a fist tightly: "No?"

The guards on the opposite side were silent...

"Okay!" After grinding the teeth badly after grinding, she took a half step back: "Slap me!!!" There was no emotional command.

The several adjutants brought by Xue Wei stared at each other, and two steps forward, one of them controlled one and fell the guards to the ground.

Taking this opportunity, she went straight to the room on the 8th floor.

The fallen guards stopped in front of her without any mercy.

Phoenix eyes flash...

When the guards were about to defend, Xue Wei had steadily, accurately and ruthlessly knocked the opponent down on the ground with an over shoulder...

"Knockknock..." Knocked lightly on the door.

With a squeak, the moment the door-opener saw Xue Wei couldn't help but stunned God: "Xue... General Xue!"

All of a sudden, everyone sitting in the darkroom was nervously packing up the documents at hand, fearing what she might see.

"Wei Wei...?" Xue Zhan's eyebrows were not far away, and when the line of sight met Xue Wei, he quickly stepped forward: "Why are you here?"

"General Xue Zhan!" Nowadays, no one in the Quanbaihu Military Region knows that these two are brothers and sisters. However, due to the division of military ranks, Xue Zhan is still the head of Xue Wei, and the military rules cannot be lost. She greeted a military salute chicly.

Xue Zhan also responded to her with a military salute.

Then, there was a brief silence between the two...

I do not know how long it has been.

"Suspend all your work and leave the room!" Xue Zhan ordered.

Everyone sitting in the darkroom left.

"You broke into the secret organization directly, did you want the news of Huangfu Ming?"

Looking at Xue Zhan's bright black eyes, Xue Wei's indifference in her eyes gradually melted: "Yes. I want to talk directly to Ming."

Shook his head. "This week, I don’t know whether it’s yours or Huangfuyue’s people who have repeatedly attacked my secretly organized communication channel. For this, I can close my eyes. But...discipline is always discipline, I can’t break it. ."

She knew that Xue Zhan could do this very hard.

If he directly reported this incident to Huangfu Chen, once Huangfu Chen checked it down, she and Huangfu Yue might both be in bad luck.

Of course...

"Brother, only you and I are here!!!" The trembling hands tightly grabbed Xue Zhan's arm.

His bright black eyes swept her hands, and at the next moment, she shook her hands relentlessly. "Sorry. Still that sentence, this is discipline."

Every soldier who comes from the army seems to have the same fault, that is, to stay disciplined.

No matter Bai Ye or Xue Zhan, Huangfu seems to be like this. They have no glory in their eyes and no one can desecrate the military regulations.


She, Huang Fuyue, Huang Fuchen, Mu Chenxuan, and other ‘wrong mind’, but those who are not thinking about the army are like this ‘no bottom line’.

Facts have proved that all the soldiers who defend the majesty of the soldiers are excellent; on the contrary, they can only rely on some'side doors and left lanes' to ascend!


Xue Wei smiled secretly and said lightly: "Brother, what do you think Huang Fuchen has complied with the military regulations?" He stood still and only sent 5,000 infantry to Vanguard as a vanguard, and planned to hold a state banquet in half a month Is his mind really in this country?!"

"Wei Wei, I know what you want to say, but Chen Chen is now our commander-in-chief, we have to follow his orders!"

"He is the commander? Ha, ha ha ha..." The little body stepped back, Xue Wei smiled with such disdain: "Are you and Huang Fuchen not good friends? He never told you, why did Ming put Give him the position of the commander?!!!"

"These have nothing to do with me!"

"No!!! It's about you! It's about everyone in the Baihu Military Region and everyone in the Imperial City! If Huangfu hadn't taken his life for justice, the Imperial City would have finished as early as a week ago!!!" Xue Wei's roar Echoed in this closed dark room.

Although Xue Zhan and Huang Fuchen have been friends for many years, he really never cared about this matter.

Now, listening to Xue Wei's cynical and angry words, he knows that the position of Huang Fuchen as the commander of the army must be overshadowed! !

"Wei Wei... I have never cared about the internal affairs of Huangfu's family. I only know that Chen is now our army commander, and he ordered me to contact Huangfuming in one line."

"Yu private, I and Huangfu Ming stand in different positions; Yu Gong, I belong to the same country and military region as him, and since I am responsible for taking over contact with Huangfu Ming, I will never be mixed with any personal emotions, I believe me!!!"

She believes that Xue Zhan, how can a man who observes military discipline do the same thing between public and private?


"Brother... I came here today not because I don’t believe you, but... I want to hear my husband’s voice. Huang Fuming is my husband. He is now on the front line to defend the whole country. I am a wife. Don’t even know his life and death, what do you do I feel?"

Sad tears filled my eyes.

In this week's time, Xue Wei couldn't count how many tears she had shed. Many times she shed tears unconsciously.

These tears are only for worry, only for her husband who is struggling on the front line! ! !

"Sorry, Weiwei..." Xue Zhan swallowed in a choked voice, fearing that he would be moved, and he quickly squinted at the intersection with Xuewei.

"Oh, forget it." Disappointed, he drank the tears in his eyes, and Xue Wei smiled helplessly: "Think about it, if you are the kind of person who has no distinction between public and private, allow me to contact Ming, maybe Ming early It’s just like this... like this..."

At the very least, she can safely tell Xue Zhan to contact Huang Fuming.

Lonely turned around...

Looking at Xue Wei's thin back, Xue Zhan's brows twisted into a ball: "Wei Wei, although I can't tell you to talk to Huangfu Ming, but... I can cut Huangfu Ming to the route I walked yesterday Picture for you."

The steps forward were still, Xue Wei turned back incredulously..."Thank you...Thank you...Brother, thank you..." Although she couldn't hear Huang Fuming's voice, as long as she knew where he was now, she was already satisfied. ...

Xue Zhan projected the circuit diagram calculated by the statistician on the big screen through a slide.

From the driving route of Huangfu Ming on the first day, everything seems to be normal, but the more he looks back, the more he travels... !


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