Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 662: Adopted two army commanders to go home

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Chapter 662: Adoption of Two Army Commanders

Listening to the voice from behind, Xue Wei's entire face instantly straddled.

God knows, in fact, this time it wasn’t just Ye Xianling who came with her, even the Magical Yinfeng also followed...

Of course, it was not only Xuewei who collapsed, but also Ye Xieling: "I said, Uncle Huan Yin, I didn't take Xuewei away, why are you still sticking to us?"

"I'm sticking to Xiaowei, not you. If you're upset, you can go." Then, Xian Yinfeng glared at Ye Fei with a look of discomfort, and then sat close to Xuewei with impoliteness. Down.

As he sat down, that serious expression immediately turned into a hippie smile: "Well, Xiaowei? Shall we drive him away?"


Xue Wei wanted to die. If it wasn't for her son who was still taking a shower on the second floor, now she immediately fell away and left!

"Uncle Huan Yin, you're almost sixty by now? Just walking around with a married young woman, so you are not afraid of gossiping?" Ye Fei Ling was cunning in her eyes when she asked this. .

However, Huan Yinfeng didn't even think, and blurted out: "Are you the same? Have you been wandering around with Xiaowei?!"

Thick eyebrows tightened.

In fact, he has been wondering today. How could the magical wind of low-key affairs help Xuewei so much?

In memory, this should be the first time between Huan Yinfeng and Xue Wei?

What is going on?

Thinking, Ye Fei turned around with blue eyes, turned around, and sat on the other side of Xue Wei: "Uncle Huan Yin, we are different, I am unmarried and have no children, other people will not say anything to me Yes. Right, baby?"

Being stuck with the two adhesive plasters on the left and right, Xue Wei was really going crazy. She lowered her head and kept puffing away. The hands holding her fists were creaking and creaking.

at this time……

"Mommy!" Xiao Jiu was naked, and the ``studded stare'' ran down from the second floor.

Seeing that her little things didn't even wear clothes, Xue Wei immediately caught fire: "Xiao Jiu, why don't you wear clothes?"

"The little aunt isn't there, people can't find clothes." The little guy pursed his lips.

After he was taken away by Ye Xieling, Li Xiao sent someone to find him, and he hasn't returned yet.

"Isn't the little aunt away, you can't do anything?????" Standing up angrily, her roar filled the entire living room instantly.

Phantom Yinfeng, who was sitting quietly beside him, couldn't sit up immediately: "Xiaowei! How can you talk to the children like this??" Abandoning the pride of Xuewei, he severely reprimanded the daughter.

Xue Wei bite her teeth angrily, and said sharply: "Aren't you the same with Qu Ling??"

Suddenly, Huan Yinfeng was questioned and quickly laughed: "That's different. Qu Ling is now more than twenty, but Xiaojiu is only a few years old now, and we have to love him. "

"Yeah, yeah, Mommy, this uncle is right." The big watery eyes finally noticed the magical wind in front of him.

When Xiao Jiu's eyes were fixed on the military uniform he was wearing, the little guy'stumbled' and ran to Xue Wei in front of him: "Mommy! Mommy! You are so powerful, you deceived another army commander Come to our house."

"..." What is cheating? ? Is this ‘admiral of the army’ unable to get out, okay? !

"Little guy, do you really like my military uniform?" Seeing Xiao Jiu was staring at his clothes all the time, he squatted down and asked about it.

"Uh huh." Xiao Jiu severely nodded his head twice.

Huan Yinfeng immediately took off his military uniform and smiled, "If you call my grandfather, I will give you my clothes, OK?"

"Wai... Gong...?" Xiao Jiu was dumbfounded.

Ye Xie Ling, who was sitting on the sofa watching the movie, was also stunned: "Grandpa?!!!" He suddenly rushed out of the sofa and looked at Xue Wei in front of him with surprise, surprised. : "Is Commander Huan Yin... Is it your biological father?!!!"

The space seems to be twisted, and Xuewei's world gradually becomes illusory. She felt that the only thing she should do now is sleep...

go to bed……

Ignoring Ye Fei Ling's doubts, she walked to the second floor with weakness.

Xiao Jiu walked blankly in front of Ye Xie Ling, reached out, and pulled his military uniform: "Dad... Daddy, is this uncle really my grandfather?"


Ha ha……

He also wanted to know if all this... is it true! !

With a dry twitch of the corner of the mouth, Ye Xieling's entire face did not have a trace of expression.

The phantom Yinfeng squatting on the spot leaned in the direction of Xiao Jiu: "Baby, I am really your grandfather, hurry up, call grandpa, grandpa buys you delicious food."

"Don't!" The little guy refrained behind Ye Fei Ling in a contradictory way: "Dad said, Xiao Jiu's grandfather is a bad guy. Xiao Jiu doesn't call you grandpa."

"Huh?????" The sympathetic expression became very gloomy in a moment, and the magical wind rose up sharply and asked sharply: "Ye Xie Ling, where did your uncle provoke you? You were carrying me and my grandson Tell me bad things??"

"..." Yes, the phantom Yinfeng did not provoke him, but... "The bad guy I said is Xue Weiguo, not you." Ye Fei zeroed her face helplessly, and he hasn't even looked at it now. Can't believe this is true.

"Oh, this..." Huan Yinfeng didn't pursue it, and continued to squat down and smile: "Baby, your old grandfather, he is indeed a bad person, but he is not your pro-grandfather. I It’s your mom’s biological father, your grandfather.”

"Dad, is this the case?" Xiao Jiu raised his head and tried to find the answer from Ye Xieling.

Question, this fact he just learned, how could Xiao Jiu answer? "maybe……"

"Coat..." As soon as the little guy received the message, he walked out from behind Ye Xingling: "Since you are not a bad person, then I will recognize you as my grandfather. Then, you can treat your Did you give me the military uniform?"

"Of course." Huan Yinfeng excitedly handed his clothes into Xiao Jiu's hands, and then said: "If you want to find your grandfather for the entire Qinglong Military Region, your grandfather can also give it to you."

"Huh?" The little guy puzzled his head in a puzzled way: "What does Xiao Jiu want to do with the Qinglong Military Region? Xiao Jiu wants to be an inventor in the future, so don't be a military commander."

"Yeah, my baby grandson, are you going to be an inventor? But you are really ambitious. Unlike your uncle's unpromising thing, the biggest dream is to ask me to keep it, book

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