Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 664: Quarrel between husband and wife

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Chapter 664

The memory is pulled back.

Unwilling to clenched his fists: "Mrs. Ye Fei, Qing, rest assured, as long as Xue Wei's **** does not doubt me one day, I still have a chance to seize her loophole!!!" .

Huang Fuqing patted her shoulder comfortably: "Well, you can rest assured that my mom and I will definitely help you get rid of Xuewei!"

"Okay, that night Madam Fei and Qing, I'll go first."


Farewell to Ye Fei Yali's mother and daughter, Li Xiaosheng was afraid that others would see her trail, and quickly covered her cloak.

All the way to the exit of Huangfu's house along Shizi Road.

The moment when she was about to walk out of the back garden...

"Little, you...what were you talking to Ye Fei Yali?" An unhurried voice of evil cold came, and then, Huang Fuyue, who was hiding at the exit, appeared in front of her!

Through the dark moonlight, the expression on Huangfuyue's face was so gloomy, as if the storm was about to oppress people's hearts.

Li Xiao subconsciously pumped a cold, widened his eyes panicly: "Yue, you, how are you... how come Huangfu's family?"

"I was thinking about coming over to fetch something. Where do I know... actually! Outward! Take away! Get!" Xie Jun's face was cold, and his big hands squeezed his tiny wrists: "Say! You! What were you talking about with Ye Fei Yali?!!!"

The bone was pinched, and it sucked from the little pain, stubbornly said: "You, you can't control it!" Make every effort to throw his hand away.

However, Huang Fuyue instead pinched and tightened: "Li Xiaoxiao, I ask you... Is it!!! Did you betray us?!!!"

"I... I don't know what you are talking about." The gaze game hung down.

"Don't you know?" The narrow and long Dan Feng's eyes flashed, Huang Fuyue shook her hand away and squeezed her jaw rudely: "Today, Brother Ye suspected that someone had leaked. But the one who knew we wanted to rebel against my brother's secret Only Xue Wei, me, and night. The three of us believed that the other person was not the one who betrayed this secret. But... we just forgot... actually you were in the villa that day!!!"

Today, after he and Bai Ye left Xuewei's villa, they were reluctant to suspect that Huang Fuchen was among the three of them.

But just a few minutes ago...

When he saw Li Xiao who appeared in the pavilion, he suddenly remembered what Ye Xie Ling had said!

‘Maybe it’s really not one of the three of you, but don’t forget, yeah! wall! Have! ear! ’

There are ears in the wall! !

Yes, there are ears in the partition.

When they discussed countering Huang Fuchen, Li Xiaoxiao was also taking care of Xiao Jiu in the villa at the time, which meant that...

She is the fourth person to know this secret! ! !

"Okay, Huang Fuyue, I admit that I betrayed you..." The stubborn expression suddenly softened, and it was cold from the small eyes.

Huang Fuyue let down her hand holding her jaw in disappointment, and said coldly: "Why?"

"Why? This has to ask you why!!! Huangfuyue, from the day you marry me, did you really treat me as your wife? From the day you marry me, did you look at me right now?" There was endless grudges in the voice of questioning.

He clenched his fists tightly: "Li Xiaoxiao, don't forget, I was the one who married you!!"

"Yes... you are afraid that others will know you like Xuewei, so you take me as your shield. But..." His face was cold: "I am a person, I am not a rag doll, I also have feelings and thoughts Yes, have you ever thought that I am only 19 years old this year, why should I destroy my good youth in order to be your shield????"

‘Chuck’ Huangfu was questioned dumb for a while.


Li Xiao is an individual and a living person. He has never thought about her feelings or thought of anything from her perspective.

Of course...

"Little, I don't deny that in this matter, I really owe you Huang Fuyue. Because of my personal selfishness, I married you without thinking so much, but one thing is one thing, why do you want Choose to betray us and turn to Huang Fuchen?!!!" The puzzled question fell.

Li Xiaoxiao laughed and shook his head: "I did not turn to Huang Fuchen, nor did I want to betray you."

"Then... why did you run to inform Huang Fuchen?"

"Because..." Her expression was cold, and her eyes were immediately filled with hatred: "I want Xuewei to die! If it were not for her, I would not marry you at all; if it were not for her, you would never have never Valued our marriage!!!"

"Enough!'Slap' a heavy slap fell on Lili's face, and Huangfu's eyes were utterly ruined, "I already said that because my selfishness owed you, but you blamed The hatred is transferred to Xuewei, don't you think you are too vicious? "

"I don't think I'm wrong!!!" Li Xiaoxiao replied sternly.

Huang Fuyue's attitude became more and more disappointing: "Did you forget that Xue Wei is your friend!!!"

"What about that?? I have paid what I should have paid for her, but... what have I got again!!!?"


Huang Fuyue sneered.

He no longer knows how to communicate with Li Xiaoxiao.

Are there so-called rewards between friends?

Even if there are.

The marriage between them has nothing to do with Xuewei. How can she blame Xuewei for all this wrong? !

Putting away the expression that should not be on his face, Huang Fuyue clenched his fists and said coldly: "Li Xiaoxiao, I am too disappointed with you. But, I do owe you what you want from me I won't say anything when I get back from my body. But... I will never ask you to hurt Xuewei!!" If the words fall, he will leave when he turns around.

Li Xiao's eyes widened nervously: "Huangfuyue, you... wouldn't you want to tell Xuewei about this?"

"Otherwise? Do you want me to watch you step by step to hurt Xuewei?"

"No... just when I beg you, don't tell sister Wei Wei about it, or else... or I swear to you, I will never betray you in the future, I beg you, don't take this Tell her about it." Li Xiaoli begged for Huang Fuyue in front of her.

He lowered his eyes silently for a while, then disappeared silently in front of Li Xiao.

"Little..." Suddenly, Ye Ye's mother and daughter, who had already seen all this, came over.

She put away the sad expression on her face and turned back with a smile: "Mrs. Ye Fei."


This article comes from reading novels

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