Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 816: I won't like you in this life

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Chapter 816

"What...who told me to say that?"

"Who gave it to you and told you to tell Ming that Weier sent someone to pretend to be Ming!!?" Bai Ye questioned Huang Fuqing in front of him.

She knew that Bai Ye would stay here, 80% because of Xue Wei's things!

Inwardly, I couldn't help but climbed into a flame, Huang Fuqing rolled his eyes like a sulker: "No one gave it to me, it's up to me!"

"Why are you running to tell Ming?"

"Because this is true? Xue Wei did such a mean thing. Of course I have to tell my second brother!" Huang Fuqing answered with a stern look.

But Bai Ye still didn't know what she thought? "Can you see Weier that way?"

Bai Ye's left sentence and right sentence's Weier, with the blaming expression on his face, caught Huang Fuqing's inner anger is rising: "Yes! I just don't see Xue Wei good, how?!"

"Huangfu Qing, have you thought about it, if that Sun Xiaoyu is a master of ulterior motives, if you break up Weier and Ming, and help her get into position, there will be no benefit to your Huangfu family and to you!! !"

"So what???? What is all about me?!" Huang Fuqing rolled his eyes in disapproval.

Bai Ye grudgingly grinded her molars: "It's none of your business? Isn't Huangfu's home yours??"

"Oh, Huangfu's family?? Where else do I have?" When I mentioned this, it was like poking into Huangfuqing's heart. Her eyes were full of sorrow: "My father is dead, my mother is dead." , My biological brother is also dead, Huangfu's family is no longer my home!!!"

"Don't you have second and third brothers!!?"

"Second brother? At night, don't you feel it? Since my second brother came back from memory loss, he is no longer as close to anyone as he used to be. He used to call me Qing'er, now he calls me Huang Fuqing, and!! He still killed my big brother's murderer! As for the third brother...he... he bullied me with the same brother and brother, and now, in their eyes, where am I still their sister!!! "

In Bai Ye's view, Huang Fuqing had asked for it completely today; but she was right in one thing. Since Huang Fu returned home from memory, she has never been as close to anyone as before!

"Then what you mean is that the Huangfu family and Baihu Military Region want to mess up the world?!"

"Yes! I just want Huangfu's family to get up and down with chickens and dogs. Xuewei's **** ** killed my father and killed my mother; Huangfu Ming killed my elder brother again. Don't think of any of them. I want them to follow Like me, there are no relatives and friends around me!!!"

"Huangfu Qing, I tell you, in fact, Huangfu's old commander..." The words were interrupted.

"What's wrong with my dad?"

Bai Ye really wanted to tell Huangfu Qing to know that Yefei Yali and Huangfuchen were all right. The reason they had today is because they killed Huangfu Yangrong.

But he knew clearly...

Once the truth of this matter is told to Huangfuqing, Huangfuqing will definitely collapse! !

"Huangfu Qing, don't you want to call Huangfu's chickens and dogs restless? Okay!!! Whatever you do, but... I hope that from now on, you don't appear in my sight!!!" Face, turn around and leave.

Seeing this, Huangfu Qing caught up nervously: “Night!!!” He grabbed his arm and said: “You don’t even need to help Xuewei, why are you still helping my second brother? As far as I know , Was my second brother taking Xuewei away from you?!"

Looking back...

Misunderstanding between Baiye and Xuewei At the moment when he saw dawn, Huangfu Ming forcibly married Xuewei. It can be said that he did indeed take Xuewei from Baiye's hands.


"No one robbed Weier from my hand, and Ming just did what I didn't dare to do." Bai Ye knew clearly that if he was more straightforward; he would go forward more courageously, maybe he and Xuewei had already He is a husband and wife, and it is because of his dodge and retreat that Huangfu Ming and Xuewei are cast today, so he can't blame anyone!

"If you want to really blame the culprit, if it's not you... We and I won't have a misunderstanding many years ago!" Bai Ye looked at Huang Fuqing and added a disgust in his eyes.

She frowned slightly: "blame me? Yes!!!! I admit! I did a mean thing at that time, and used tricks to separate you and Xuewei, but...I just like you, is there something wrong?"

"Oh, it turns out that you can do mean things if you like someone alone? That Wei Er should deserve everything he did to Sun Xiaoyu yesterday!"

"What should she deserve?"

Stepping forward, Bai Ye narrowed her eyes coldly and said, "I didn't like you at all. It's not wrong for you to do such a mean thing, then... Weier and Ming really love each other, she In order to defend your feelings, isn’t it supposed to be?!"

"You..." Bai Ye's words not only made Huang Fuqing feel ashamed, but also made her feel heartbroken.

But this is not over yet...

"Huangfu Qing, I am telling you clearly now that I have never liked you before, and it is impossible to like you now. Please don't come to pester me again in the future, I don't want to see you for a moment!!!" words falling, Bai Yetou Without disappearing, she disappeared into her sight.

Standing in the quiet corridor, Huang Fuqing's ear echoed the relentless voice of Bai Ye again and again. The tears of sorrow fell unknowingly down the eyes. At this moment, her only feeling is...

The world seems to be... she is left alone...


Second Corps.

Today is the last day of Xue Wei's military career. After today, she will become a housewife.

From then on, when he said goodbye to the military area and farewell to the army, Xue Wei could not tell what he felt in his heart, but there was a faint sense of relief.


She's really too tired these years.

Think about it, when she joined the Huangpu Military Academy at that time, she was just a little girl who was not involved in the world. She devoted herself to the military career with only a passion.

But before this military career started, Xue Wei was fired. How could she be reconciled?

From the beginning, a small nurse in the Third Corps Hospital, to the official soldiers of the Third Corps, major generals, generals, generals, and generals in the Xuanwu Military Region. So in the end her career stayed in the general of the Second Brigade of the Baihu Military Region!


This novel comes from reading

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