Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 819: Visit the little fish

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819 Visiting the Little Fish

"No. I'm not a doctor. It's no use going back. I've called Huang Fuqing to call the doctor. Let's continue playing." Then, Huang Fuming was thrown into the lively atmosphere.

Xue Wei's slightly gloomy face also changed a lot because of his attitude...

Perhaps she was too sensitive, or maybe she was a guilty conscience. It seems that Huangfu Ming didn't know what happened last night, of course... he also changed a lot, at least he didn't run back anxiously because Sun Xiaoyu twisted his feet...

The atmosphere in the second half of the party was exceptionally good, and Huang Fuming and everyone were basically together. The party lasted until about 10 o'clock in the evening, and everyone left reluctantly.

"Huh... I haven't played with everyone so happy in a long time. I'm really sorry that I ended up so early." Sitting in the car, Xue Wei's expression was obviously full of loss.

Huangfu, who was driving, looked at her helplessly: "It's 10 o'clock, it's too early? You don't have to go to the army from tomorrow, but do you think about other people?"


This is also true.

From tomorrow on, she will be a housewife, and she no longer needs to get up early to go to work, but other people still have to go to the army to report in the morning. Indeed, they should not play too late.

"If you feel sorry, then wait for Saturday and Sunday, look back, I'm calling everyone to play with you."

"Huh?" Xuewei was surprised when she heard Huangfu Ming's words. "Why did you suddenly become so good? It was such a two-handed encouragement to encourage me to attend such a party?"

"Don't I support you before?"

"It's not..." Huangfu Ming never restricted her personal freedom before, but at such a party, let alone Huangfu Ming wouldn't give her Zhang Luo, he wouldn't even go.

"Isn't it over? The important thing is that you are just happy..." Huangfu patted Xuewei's hand with a meaningful meaning.

She was stunned for a moment, as if she could see through all the phoenix eyes and quickly thrown at Huangfu Ming's profile...

For some reason, Xue Wei always felt that Huang Fuming's clapping of his hands seemed to imply something, and the smile he hung on his face was like that... unreal! !

"Xuewei, let's go home first. I'll visit Xiaoyu." Back at Huangfu's house, he just left Xuewei at the door and was about to leave.

Even though all the performances of Huangfu Ming this evening were to surprise her, at this time, he made such a request, which made Xue Wei taste a bit. However, she showed nothing. "Well, go."

"Um." Just about to turn around and leave, Huang Fuming suddenly stood still and turned his head back... "I'll be back within 20 minutes."

The hand that was about to open the door paused. When Xuewei turned around, Huangfu Ming had left...

"His..." Strange, doesn't this look like Huang Fuming's style? Think about it, since the emergence of Sun Xiaoyu, when the two were chatting alone, Huangfu Ming never reported time with her, why now...?

Forget it, leave him alone!

Huangfu Ming walked all the way to the other courtyard of Huangfu's house. That beautiful face was extremely fierce under the moonlight. A pair of bottomless ghost eyes revealed a sharpness that was hard to conceal.

Finally arrived at Sun Xiaoyu's villa, Huangfu Ming adjusted his expression, raised his hand, knocked on the door... "Knockknock..."

In a little while, the door opened.

"Second brother, you are finally here!" Upon seeing him, Huangfu Qingli opened the door and smiled immediately.

But Huangfu Ming was obviously not in her good mood. "Why are you here?"

"Oh, didn't I tell you on the phone, Xiaoyu's sister twisted her feet, you won't take care of it, of course, my sister is coming, you say it?"

Huangfu said nothing. A sharp face showed a different kind of coagulation. With his hands on his back, he quickly walked to the villa hall...

"My brother, it's so late, why are you here?" On the sofa, Sun Xiaoyu was holding a book and looked at Huangfu Ming who walked in quickly.

He forced down the dark cloud in his heart and forced a smile out of his face: "Are you hurt?"

"Well, it's no big deal, it's just twisted."

"Have you seen a doctor?"

"I have seen it."

"Second Brother..." Huang Fuqing who walked in slowly interrupted the conversation between the two, and grabbed Huang Fuming's arm abruptly: "Why are you standing here talking? Sit down first..."

Dragging him on the sofa, Huang Fuqing smiled and said, "You continue to talk, I'll get some water for my second brother."

"Well, please trouble your sister Qing'er." Sun Xiaoyu thanked Huang Fuqing gratefully, knowing that she was unable to entertain guests now.

Facing the sister's enthusiasm, Huangfu Ming seemed so indifferent throughout the journey. "Xiaoyu, the doctor said when will your feet be okay?"

"Almost a month." Sun Xiaoyu put down the book in his hand and turned his posture with a sweet smile: "Hi, really thank you for coming to see me. You can rest assured that my injury is not a big deal."

"Oh, that's good, that's good..." Huangfu nodded thoughtfully.

At this time, Huang Fuqing came over with a glass of water: "Second brother, drink water. As for me, just go back. Xiaoyu sister can trouble you..." Then, she smiled at the two. Waved his hand.

Sun Xiaoyu gratefully watched her leave, his eyes inadvertently noticed a serious Huang Fuming. "My brother, what's wrong with you? You don't seem to like your sister very much?"

"No..." He lowered his eyes and took a drink from the glass: "I like Qing'er very much."

"Um... yes, Brother Hai, I went out shopping today."

"Oh? Where did you go shopping?"

"Oh, when I went to the city center, don't say that the life in the city is really colorful, and all kinds of small objects are rare. It is no wonder that you will be so persistent to return to live here."

Speaking of this topic, Huangfu Ming's bottomless eyes were obviously dark: "Oh..." He smiled faintly and slowly put down the cup in his hand: "Little fish, I came back, not because I look forward to such a colorful life."

"Oh? Is that...?"

"Because, I want to know what my original life was like. Are there people who need me to take care of, and are there people who need me to be responsible." Deep eyes slowly met Sun Xiaoyu's eyes .

Although this girl lives in the countryside, she is a very clever little girl. She can naturally hear the charm from Huangfu Ming's words. "My brother, I understand that I know that you can't stay in that village forever. After all, there are your family and the people you need to be responsible for. But you treat your wife..."

This book comes from the book reading network

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