Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 821: Was drugged

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Chapter 821


Feelings Huang Fuqing has put all his efforts into Xiaojiu?

I'm afraid that if I change the cat, I will repeat what Huang Fuqing said. When she finishes listening, she only thinks that her daughter has seen Huang Fu Ming, and Huang Fu Ming will come back after a while.

But now it seems...

Oh, Huang Fuqing turned out to be Sun Xiaoyu's free watchdog. I'm afraid it's not easy!

"Xiao Jiu, you go to bed first, mommy, go and ask your father to come back now..." Then, Xuewei put on a dress and walked quickly in the direction of Bieyuan.

Huang Fuqing was still waiting at the junction of the main yard and the other yard. When she saw Xue Wei coming from afar, her eyes immediately dimmed. "Damn, how come Xue Wei, a bitch, is still here?" Little hand, a fist clenched.

Xue Wei walked in front of her with a smile: "It's too late, don't you sleep...?" As she said, she walked past Huang Fuqing.

She rolled her eyes and intercepted in two steps in front of Xue Wei: "Yo, Ersao, aren't you so stingy? My second brother just came to visit the little fish. Are you so worried?"


If Huang Fuqing didn't act as a stopper, she might not be so nervous. Now that Huang Fuqing appeared, Xuewei had to feel that there was any conspiracy in it.

"Huangfu Qing, you are mistaken. I am not worried about your second brother. I also want to visit the little fish. How can I say that this little fish is also a life-saving benefactor?"

"Huh, the words are pretty good. Just sent your son to come over, and you came over in person, and you said it was not because of jealousy?" Huang Fuqing's provocative hands hugged him.

Xue Wei lowered her eyes and raised her lips with a smile: "Speaking of this, I really want to boast about you. Your watchdog is really competent."

"Xue Wei, who are you scolding for a watchdog??"

"What do you say?" The smile on Yang's face disappeared instantly: "Keep off!"

Huang Fuqing didn't speak, just stopped in front of Xue Wei.

She narrowed her eyes coldly and stepped closer to Huang Fuqing: "You can't know my skills, don't force me to shoot, Huang! Fu! Qing!"

Hearing the words, Huang Fuqing took a nervous breath, and had to give way to the way forward...

Seeing Xuewei hurried towards Sun Xiaoyu's residence, she held her fist resentfully. "Damn, what the **** did the ghost say to Xue Wei? Why did you provoke her?!!!"

Everything was as expected by Xue Wei, the words that Huang Fuqing asked Xiao Jiu were all based on Huang Fuming's tone. Once Xiao Jiu really stated all this, maybe Xue Wei would not come over.

But where did she know that although Xiaojiu was a child over five years old, she was no worse than an adult...

"What the **** are you planning? What is Huang Fuqing hiding?" Xue Wei was approaching Sun Xiaoyu's residence all the way. She kept thinking about Huang Fuqing's purpose in intercepting herself.

It stands to reason that if she is just to match Huangfu Ming and Sun Xiaoyu, there is no need to sell her life like this! !

The more Xuewei thinks, the more strange it feels, and the pace on his feet has accelerated a lot.

Half a minute later, she finally arrived at Sun Xiaoyu's residence.


"Knock..." No one yelled once or twice. Xue Wei's brow furrowed into a ball, and he started, twisting the door handle.

Fortunately, the door was not locked.

She unconsciously pushed open the door of the villa and slowly approached the living room...

Feng eyes, looked around the hall, and there was no one in the living room. A used cup is placed on the coffee table.

Obviously, Huang Fuming should have stayed in the living room, but is it pleasant? Where did he go with Sun Xiaoyu? !

Feeling tight, Xue Weiang looked up coldly at the second floor of the villa, and she ran to the bedroom on the second floor after pulling her leg.

"Wow la la... la la la la la..." The sound of a stream of water in the bathroom in the living room affected Xue Wei's pace.

She stood still and listened to the sound of water in the bathroom with her ears raised.

According to the direction, Xuewei walked lightly to the bathroom door in the living room...

"Wow la la... La la la..."

Yes, the sound of water flow comes out from here!

Regardless of Sanqi'er, Xuewei pushed away from the bathroom...

I saw that Huang Fuming was wearing his clothes and was buried in the bathtub, and Sun Xiaoyu squatted beside the bathtub with anxious face.

"What's the matter?!" Xie Wei rushed to the bathtub without help.

Because Sun Xiaoyu twisted one of her feet, she had to stand on one foot and stood up strenuously: "Why are you here?"

"I'm asking you, what's wrong with my husband?!" Then, she pulled up Huangfu, who soaked her body in the bathtub.

"Dim? Dim?!!!" Patted his cheek.

Huangfu Ming didn't have any consciousness, and a pair of wandering eyes stared at Xue Wei blankly and looked at: "Snow, Xue Wei... I, I'm so hot..." A quick breathing breath gently blew her face.

Xue Wei's brow tightened, and he quickly diagnosed the pulse of Huang Fuming.

There was no poisoning, but his pulse was beating too manicly. Obviously... "What have you eaten for him?" The sharp phoenix shot at Sun Xiaoyu.

She didn't speak with a cold face.

Seeing this, Xue Wei grinded her teeth badly. "Ming, be patient, I will take you home immediately." With a full breath, she laboredly lifted Huangfu Ming out of the bathtub, using her body as a cane, and asked Huangfu Ming to support herself.

"Hot... It's hot..." After leaving the water, Huangfu Ming became more and more hot, pulling his clothes violently.

"Soon, it will be cool soon, you wait." Stepping out of the bathroom step by step, as Xuewei passed the living room, she took Huangfu and sat on the steps. "Wait for me to get down, I'll come over immediately." Hurry up and walk towards the glass of water placed on the coffee table...

Picking up the glass, she sniffed it lightly, and dipped it slightly with the tip of her tongue.


‘Papa’ angrily threw away the cup in his hand, and Xuewei looked at Sun Xiaoyu standing not far away.

"Look at what I do?" Sun Xiaoyu is also polite, staring back at Xuewei without fear.

"Is this what you said to be fair competition? It was actually in my husband's cup...aphrodisiac?!!! Hmm?!!!" The rebuke sounded like a sharp blade inserted into Sun Xiaoyu's heart.

Her body stiffened..."Aphrodisiac?"

Xue Wei didn't pay much attention to her, and helped Huangfu Ming to leave Sun Xiaoyu's residence...


This novel comes from the book reader

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