Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 827: Have a new boyfriend? !

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Chapter 827 A New Boyfriend? !

Speaking of which, Li Tian sighed meaningfully, and when he looked inadvertently at Huangfu Yue next to his upper body, he immediately remembered his position.

The dreamy face instantly chilled: "Cough!!" Li Shitian tightened his throat and said seriously: "What's inside, these photos... I'm confiscated. As for you, you can go!!"

go? !

He also handed in the photos and finished the farts. Li Shitian thought he had crossed the river and demolished the bridge at this time? How is it possible that there are no doors!

Thinking, Huangfu Yuexie's eyes turned: "Brother, actually I still have a lot of small collection photos, are you sure you are just asking me to leave?"

"Huh?!" Li Shitian came to the spirit all at once, and hurriedly asked: "What does it look like? What does it look like????"

"Oh, I promise... more refined than what you have in hand! Cai! One! One hundred! Times!"

Seeing Huang Fuyue's hungry expression, Li Shitian wiped her saliva excitedly: "Really? Really?!!!"

"Of course!" He patted his chest confidently, but he had despised himself 860 times. Take the **** photos of his wife to coax other men to be happy, and this man is still his own uncle, what's the matter? ?

"Well, since you are so sincere, I will... allow you to meet Xiao Xiao!!"


It can be said that Jinshi was opened by Jinshi! Huang Fuyue stood up excitedly: "Brother, thank you so much. In which room is the little one, I'll go find her."

"She? Going out to play, you wait, it is estimated to come back after a while."

"Hang out?" Fortunately, they just separated for 2 days, and Li Xiao was in a mood to play? Huang Fuyue was inevitably lost.

"Well. Come, you give me a small picture first." Li Shitian can't wait to urge.

He glanced at him and narrowed his eyes hesitantly.

Li Shitian saw through his thoughts at once: "You stinky boy, are you still afraid that I won't regret it? I promised you and told you to meet my sister, hurry! Give the photo to Lao Tzu!"

In desperation, Huang Fuyue had to hand over the so-called "collected photos"...

About two hours later, there was still no trace of Li Xiao, but Li Shitian and Huang Fuyue were happily playing together.

The two played chess after game in the living room. When the day was just dark, a maid came in a hurry: "Young Master, Missy is back."

It is said that Huang Fuyue's face is hard to hide the excitement, but Li Tian is more than a hundred times more exaggerated than him, and a pair of eyes glowed with green light...

When Li Xiaogang just showed his head in the living room, Huang Fuyue stood up excitedly, just about to speak... Who knows, Li Shitian pushed him aside, and the arrow step rushed over: "Baby, you come back Alright!!!"

A side turned away from the little hungry tiger who shunned his brother sensitively. Those watery eyes looked straight at Huang Fuyue: "Why are you here?!" The cold questioning voice fell.

Huang Fuyue pursed her lips: "I..."

Before he could say the words, Li Shitian, who grabbed the mirror, suddenly overshadowed him: "Baby, are you hungry? I asked the maid to get you something?"

"Oh, where did you go today? Are you having fun?" The questions came out one by one.

Li Xiao gave him a cold glance, impatient.

at this time……

"Little, is this your brother?" A gentle male voice came, and everyone noticed that there was another person coming home from Xiaoxiao!

This man seems to be about the same size as her, with a height of about one meter and a few meters, and his face is very delicate, especially the skin is even smoother than a woman.

But his appearance suddenly pulled the atmosphere away from home to the freezing point.

"Who is he?!!"

"Who is he?!"

Shi Tian pointed at the man with a hostile face, and Huang Fuyue, who was not far away, rushed over with an arrow...

Looking at the two extremely angry faces in front of him, the man was scared and stepped back several times, his eyes blank.

Seeing this from Li Xiao on the side, he grinded his teeth badly and pulled up the man's hand like he was arrogant: "He is my new boyfriend, Xiao Mu!!"

"Boyfriend...?" Xie Leng's eyes glanced at the man in a condensed manner, and an unmaskable anger instantly covered Huang Fuyue's face: "Who allows you to make friends?!!!"

"Yes!!! Who allowed you to make a boyfriend?!!!" Li Shitian on the side was also extremely annoyed.

But Li Xiao smiled indifferently: "It's weird. I want to make a boyfriend from Li Xiao, do you still need to approve it?!"

"I am your husband!!"

"I am your brother!!!"

The two voices came out almost at the same time. Huang Fuyue and Li Shitian glanced at each other. The two of them pushed away the man standing next to Li Xiao, and immediately grabbed her wrists from left to right. .

The man stumbled backwards for several steps, his head blank and tilted his head: "Small... little, you, are you married?"

"Xiao Mu, don't listen to that man talking nonsense. It's nice to say, he's just my ex-husband, it's ugly to say, the two of us have nothing to do from beginning to end!!!" Shui Ling's eyes cast a disgust It's Huangfuyue.

With a somber face, he said sharply, "What does it matter that we have nothing to do?!!!"

"What do you think? You said that we were married, what about the marriage certificate? Besides...our marriage is just a bet between your Huangfuyue and others. Now that you have won, what would you like to do? Are you betting with someone again?!!!"

The ironic voice penetrated Huang Fuyue's eardrum.


He used to bet on people with Li Xiaoxiao, but that was just a joke!

The gloomy face was gradually banned by a guilt, he said softly: "Little, the past things are treated as wrong to me, don't you mention it?"

"Oh, you don't mention it if you don't mention it? Who are you when I'm away from Xiaoxiao? Do you call it and sway it away?!" Opening his hand, Shui Ling's eyes quickly turned to Li Shitian: "You let me go!!"

I thought that this strong and irritable man would carry him to the end with his sister, but what Huang Fuyue did not expect was that, from the little anxiety of Xiaoli, Li Tianlima let go of his hand honestly...

"Humph." Eyes flashed fiercely at the two of them, and took Xiao Mu's arm away from the little one: "Go, let's go upstairs and play."


The first book of reading novels

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