Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 841: Can we start again?

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Chapter 841 We, Can We Start Again?

"Xue Wei, you are a smart woman in my heart, and I appreciate your wisdom in major matters more..." The memory returned to the scene where he had just been rescued and returned to the Imperial City.

That was the first time he saw Xue Wei and his strange wife. It can be said that there is no feeling other than conflict.

But with the fall of Huang Fuchen; they fell into the mysterious territory, the righteousness and wisdom displayed on this woman attracted him so much, and made him sink deeper and deeper.


When he got up, Huangfu walked slowly to her: "I really don't understand, why are you!! You must use your cleverness in the incidents of this incident, eh?!!!" Big hand, fierce. Squeezed Xue Wei's chin.

Her eyes turned red and red. "Because...because I'm not confident..."

"Because...because I don't know if you come back, will you still be like me..."

"Because... because I'm afraid of you... I'm afraid you will fall in love with Sun Xiaoyu!!!" The tears in the eyes could not stop falling on the back of Huangfu Ming's hand.

This is Xue Wei's voice.

It was also her confusion during this time.

The reason why she can violate her own principles and do this thing that she despises herself is only because her lack of self-confidence is also due to her distrust of Huangfu Ming!

If it was before...

Not to mention a Sun Xiaoyu, maybe even ten came he was not afraid. After all...she is confident and trusts...Huangfu Ming...!

"I know! I know! I know all these!!!" The big hand clamped on her jaw loosened and Huangfu clenched his fist tightly: "Otherwise, I will not know that you are looking for someone to pretend to be me , Not only did you not disassemble you, but wanted to persuade Xiaoyu to leave, just..."

It was only then, when he was about to tell Xiaoyu to leave, the aphrodisiac broke out.

In fact, that day, the reason why he would run to visit Sun Xiaoyu, the real purpose is to tell her to leave Huangfu's house only!


It’s just not what people want.

The next day, Xue Wei said that she was going to the Imperial City.

Huangfu Mingben didn't want to doubt her, but the ghost messenger sent his men to follow.

‘Master and Son, as you might expect, Master Mother... The ticket booked by Mother Mother goes to Fengdu...’

When he heard the report from his subordinates, he collapsed completely with Xie Wei's last trace of patience. ‘You will come back immediately and take my private plane to Dongming Village in Fengdu. ’

'Yes! ’

With the secret instructions of Huangfu Ming, those people arrived at Fengdu's village two hours before Xuewei and ambushed them in advance in Xueweiguo's home.

When the video was sent to him by his men, Huang Fuming was not really desperate for her, otherwise she would not repeatedly confirm whether she would pursue it after Xue Wei returned.


Xue Wei went against his mind step by step toward the abyss of hell. At that moment, Huangfu Ming completely died of her heart...

"When Xiaoyu first came to Huangfu's house, you really acted too generously, so that I didn't take into account your feelings and always accompanied her until late at night. But..."

"Slowly, slowly, I don’t think I’m doing that right. Just once or twice, and more times, I know you can’t mind; also know, maybe I can’t give you safety after amnesia Feeling. So..."

"I'm trying to give you a sense of security, and try to dress as I used to be, just to be afraid of hurting your heart, but..." The hand holding the fist gradually burst into a few green bars, and Huangfu blinked, Shouted: "You actually did something so disgusting to me, I really do!!! I really can't accept you now!!!"

‘I really...can’t...accept the’

Ears, what echoed was Huangfu Ming's decisive voice; in front of him, what reflected in her eyes was his desperate face.

Xuewei paused, took a deep breath, and slowly said: "Since you already know all this, why should you... drive away Sun Xiaoyu, and take it straight through me, right?"

"I drive away Xiaoyu, I just want to tell you that I am still the same as before! I have no affection for Xiaoyu except brother and sister. I can drive her away without any reason, because no one is more than you. Important, however!!!" When it comes to this, Huang Fuming silently lowered his eyes.

Xue Wei smiled quietly and continued: "However... you can no longer accept me like this, do you?" The hoarse voice sounded so distressing.

Huangfu Ming didn't say a word, but turned around silently, pulled out a document from under the coffee table, and handed it to her: "I have signed my name on this divorce agreement, we now... …Is not a husband and wife anymore, you...let’s go..."

divorse agreement? ?

Xuewei took the document and opened it quickly.

I saw her name on the divorce agreement.

After careful comparison, it was indeed her autograph.

But why?

When did she sign this divorce agreement? !

The moment of ‘Om’, the broken memory quickly returned to a year ago...

I still remember that at the time, because of the rumor that Huangfu Ming and Cha Xiaoxin had spread, the Senate jointly forced their couple to divorce. Under pressure, she signed the name on the divorce agreement and then mailed it to Huangfu Ming.

But this divorce agreement has not been used yet. He misunderstood Zha Xiaoxin and the divorce agreement is gone.

Don't want to...

I don’t want to use the things that were not used in the past, but they are just used today. Maybe... this is the result of God’s will!

Clenching the divorce agreement in his hand, Xue Wei sucked in the tears in her nasal cavity, raised her head indifferently, and met his eyes: "Ming, I just want to ask you the last sentence..."


"Are you...can't you do something tonight has never happened, start with me...start...?" The choked murmur fell, and the time seemed to suddenly stop.

All the people on the screen are slowly and slowly disappearing...

In this large and cold living room, it seems that only two of them are left.

Xuewei is waiting and looking forward to...

She has always been such a woman. She doesn't like to explain anything, and she doesn't like to plead with anyone, let alone she is wrong this time, and she won't even plead with Huangfu to forgive herself.

She just hopes...

I hope Huangfu Ming can put this matter aside for a while and give her a chance to ask them to come again...

Go back to this hard-won love.


This article comes from reading novels

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