Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 845: Leave the imperial city

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845 Leaving the Imperial City

"Thank you, night. If, I just said that if, one day, I am no longer wayward, and I'm not too arrogant, I have changed all the bad things in my body, will you... accept me?"

"Huh..." Faced with this question, Bai Ye didn't answer, but he didn't deny it, he just smiled faintly. This smile looks so intriguing.

However, Huang Fuqing seems to have lost, because...she wants to hear that Bai Ye can say ‘will’ to herself, at the very least, to cover up her sadness at this time.

"Also, I want to tell you... Xue Wei... and my second brother have officially...divorced..."

"What? For what reason? Sun Xiaoyu?"

Seeing Bai Ye's nervous look, Huang Fuqing laughed helplessly and speechlessly: "Actually, it's not important for them to divorce because of anything! My second brother's divorce from Xuewei have a chance with Xuewei , Isn't it? I'm gone, night..." Turn around and leave.

This is the first time she hopes that Xuewei and Baiye will be together, not because she feels that she owes something to Xuewei, just hope...

I hope Bai Ye can get the happiness that should belong to him...

After all, Xue Wei and Bai Ye's misses were all due to her!


‘Actually, it’s not important for them to get divorced! My second brother's divorce from Xuewei have a chance with Xuewei, don't you? ’

The empty room, Bai Ye's ear kept echoing Huang Fuqing's words.

Perhaps, the separation of Huangfu Ming and Xuewei this time really heralded the opportunity.


Missed, just missed...

He had already let go of Xue Wei's obsession, and now he wondered more about why Xue Wei and Huang Fuming were separated because of whether they could... be together again...?


The night of the imperial city is different.

Looking at the night sky, countless stars woven into a galaxy...

Inside the military airport, a plane flying the flag of the Xuanwu Military Region is in a state of waiting to fly.

In the cabin, Xuewei sat quietly in the VIP cabin, staring at it in a daze. .

"People have come out of the Huangfu's house?" At the entrance of the VIP cabin, the magical wind was calling from back to Xuewei, but his voice caught the sight of Xuewei invisible.

"Okay, I know. You find a suitable opportunity to **** him to Longdu." The phone hung up, and Phantom Yinfeng cleared his expression, twisted his face, and immediately smirked at his baby Gada. Ran over: "Baby, why are you staring at me all the time?"

"Dad, you...really decided to execute Xue Weiguo secretly?" Although she didn't know the content of the conversation, Xue Wei guessed that the phone call must have been ordered by the Yin Yinfeng to kill Xue Weiguo.

He put away the smirk on his face and dropped his eyes silently, the big hand held on the armrest of the seat tightening secretly. "Actually, he took Su Jin and raised you to grow up. I should have thanked him. But... I can't forgive him for what he did, more!! I can't forgive him for killing... my Su Jin... "The luster contained in those sharp eyes is full of sadness.

This is a sad murmur of a 60 year old man.

He only loved Sun Yunyun as a woman in his life. Although they missed each other's life, that love could not be let go. Because of Xue Weiguo, he didn't even see Sun Yunyun's last side!

"Dad, actually... when I knew that Xue Weiguo had killed my mother, I also hated him so much that he couldn't die. But maybe it's been a long time, maybe... it's because of my bloodless brother . I still can let him go..."

Even though Xue Wei had no longer nostalgia for the entire Xue family, she couldn't forget the love of Xue Zhan.

She doesn't want to be one day when Xue Zhan learns that the murderer who kills Xue Weiguo is phantom wind; she doesn't even want to one day become a rival with this unrelated brother.

"Wei Wei, I know that Xue Weiguo still has a son still alive; I also know that Xue Zhan is still good to you. Because he is quite good to you, so I did not kill him, otherwise, you think Can he escape safely abroad?" Huan Yinfeng's tone was so decisive.

Xue Wei almost forgot that the loving father was actually one of the commanders of the Four Kingdoms. He used his means and fierceness to believe that he would never lose to Ye Fei Ling and Huang Fu Ming. Therefore, if he thinks that Xue Zhan is dead, it is really easy. can……

"Dad, just when I beg you, you can spare Xue Weiguo's life." Perhaps Huan Yinfeng said that the above words just didn't want Xue Wei to worry too much, she didn't want her to take into account Xue Zhan's revenge, but Huan Yin The wind doesn't understand, she is not afraid of Xue Zhan, but she doesn't want to become an enemy with Xue Zhan.


"Dad! Actually, you don't know Xue Weiguo. In the Xue family, I know him too well. He is actually an uncompromising villain, and it has been so far. Why did you kill him? And dirty your hands? Anyway, even if that kind of person doesn’t die, he will be punished by God sooner or later!"

Seeing her daughter's attitude is very tough at the moment, Phantom Yinfeng breathed out: "Okay, I understand..." took out the phone, sent a message, and looked at her with a smile: "I have followed my The subordinates were finished and told them to evacuate the imperial city."

"Thank you, dad."

"Silly girl, what are you talking about? I'm your dad, and tell me thank you?" Phantom Yinfeng squeezed Xuewei's cheek.

This is really a bit embarrassing for her already 26 years old.

"Commander Huan Yin, everything is ready. Can the plane take off?" An adjutant hurriedly walked in front of Huan Yin Feng.

"Well, take off."

"Yes, Captain Illusion!" After receiving the order, the adjutant quickly transmitted the message.

The chanting wind buckled the seat belt while whispering in excitement: "Actually think about it, you are also very divorced, so that you can go home with your dad."

Ha ha.


Think about it, when you were young, the most longing is to get the care of your father, but unfortunately, I have never been able to do so. Today, almost 30 years old, the dream father finally came to his side, he can also be reunited with him forever...

"However, alas..." Huan Yinfeng whispered, sighing again and again.

Xue Wei glanced at him curiously: "What's wrong with you, Dad?"

"Ah, think about what my baby grandson should do? Legally speaking, Xiaojiu now belongs to the ancestral home of the imperial city. Even if we want his custody, we have to sue in the imperial city. It must have been towards Huangfu Ming, the kid, and will definitely not condemn my baby grandson to him. Hey, what can I do?"

This book was first published

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