Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 859: Finally agreed

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Chapter 859

"It turns out so...!" It's strange that Phantom Yinfeng, this son is almost thirty, hasn't appeared yet, how come this time? ? "Do you know why Thunder refused to recognize me?"

"Don't you just hear it? He didn't intend to recognize you. In addition, he always misunderstood you. You sent someone to suppress him in the Qinglong Military Region, and you are even more reluctant to recognize you."

"Oh, that kid is very kind." By comparison, Thunder is much more spineless than his younger son Qu Ling. At the very least, no matter how difficult his life is, he never thought of running and relying on his father. "Ah, I really don't know his existence, nor do he know that he has received so much gas in the Qinglong Military Region. But I think... he should be related to me because of his suppression..."

"Dad? You, what do you mean?"

Eyes lifted, Huan Yinfeng smiled helplessly: "Think about it, it must be your grandmother who did these broken things!!!" He finally understood why his spy would say Lei Qiuyue decades ago Dead, I am afraid his mother ordered the spy to say so.

of course……

Xue Wei had already guessed that the true response of the matter should be like this!

In a large family, there will always be 1 or 2 women coming out to make wind and rain. You can sacrifice everything for your husband and your son. In the final analysis, they just like power! At all costs I want to hold the man in my life to heaven!

I was thinking.

Huan Yinfeng suddenly got up and walked towards the door. "Dad?? You haven't answered me yet, are you going to visit Aunt Lei!!!"

"Let me think about it."

"Consideration? Aunt Lei was running out of time, what else are you thinking about?" Xue Wei hurried to him: "So, if you go, I can unconditionally agree to a request from you, Will it work? But... if you don’t go, I will ignore you in the future!!!"

Seeing her sassy look, Phantom Yinfeng pricked her head helplessly: "If you are such a silly girl, if it wasn't for me that my skin was clinging to your mother, I might have called your mother Lei Qiuyue He Huang, let alone your birth, are you still helping her now?!!!"

To say ten thousand and ten thousand, actually...

This is why he really hates Lei Qiuyue! !

At that time, Lei Qiuyue was not only crying, arguing and hanging three times in order to be with him, but he even wanted to stir up his relationship with Sun Yunyun several times.

If it weren’t for Yin Yinfeng who wanted to be with Sun Yunyun, I’m afraid they would have broken up long ago!

But this point, Xue Wei had already guessed.

Think about it, Lei Qiuyue can't just look at his mother and father like that, okay?

"Dad, you're wrong, I'm not stupid." He smiled and shook his head, small hands, slowly took his hand: "It's just... the past has passed, now my mother is in heaven, thunder My aunt is running out of time. Why should we be enemies of those who will accompany us for the rest of our lives? Know that if you don’t visit Aunt Lei this time, I’m afraid my brother won’t Forgive you. In addition..."

"You and Aunt Lei were at the beginning of a mistake. We... can't call this a matter of ending with a mistake..."

Ears, echoing Xue Wei's eloquent words.

Huan Yinfeng really didn't expect her baby daughter to have a thorough understanding of life. Even the old man, who is more than sixty years old, seems to have failed her consciousness and failed!

"Oh, I really can't tell you! Okay, let's go tomorrow morning, is it ok? My baby girl?"

Hearing the words, Xue Wei was happy to grab his neck and kissed a big mouth: "Thank you, Dad!!!"

For a moment, the magical wind didn't slow down, he touched his cheek, and then it was not a dream. He immediately begged happily: "Come on, come on, pull it out, OK? ?"

"No, I'm going to sleep!"

"Huh, then you take a rest early..." Even though he was a little lost in his heart, he couldn't bear to disturb his daughter when he was so cute.

Early the next morning.

The genius was just dawning, and Huan Yinfeng had already dispatched someone to prepare a helicopter to park at the back mountain of the house.

The three of the group were heading in the direction of Hou Shan. When he was about to board the helicopter, Thunder pulled out a black veil and handed him in front of the magical wind: "Make this blindfold!"

"Huh?" He frowned puzzled, somewhat dissatisfied with Thunder's rude attitude.

"Brother? Isn't this necessary?"

Seeing Xuewei intervene, Thunder didn't even bother with it, and there was no slight change in his strong attitude.

She knew the man's stubborn character, so she had to persuade her dad: "Dad, just cover your eyes first."

"Why do you do this?"

"It's because... oops! You'll know when you get there." Lazy explained, Xue Wei grabbed the black veil and tied it to the eyes of Phantom Yinfeng.

He was helped to board the helicopter.

Thunder sat in the driving position and set the helicopter to auto cruise.

In an instant, the plane rose slowly. When rising to a certain height, he made a wink at Xuewei, indicating that she could take off the black veil that was covered in the eyes of Huan Yinfeng...

After unlocking the black handkerchief, Xuewei walked slowly behind Thunder: "Brother, let me control the helicopter."

"It's okay, I'll be fine."

"Oh, I used to be a clerical officer in the Xuanwu Military Region and the Baihu Military Region. I rarely have the opportunity to touch the plane. You just call me to play."

Seeing Xuewei's stupid posture, Thunder was very helpless and had to exchange a position with her and sit in the cabin...

The entire flight process was unusually quiet. The father and son sat side by side without any communication. Until after flying for almost an hour...

"Cough." Xian Yinfeng cleared his throat awkwardly, peeped at the thunder beside his eyes, and slowly said: "You and your mother have been living in the Imperial City all these years?"

Hearing a voice behind her, Xue Wei smiled secretly. The reason why she asked to exchange positions with Thunder was simply to ask the strange father and son to communicate and exchange feelings.

Who knows, Thunder's answer is very simple: "No." The cold words fell.

Huan Yinfeng is a bit embarrassed, but it also triggered his curiosity: "Wei Wei didn't say that you are a soldier in the imperial city? didn't follow your mother in the imperial city?"

This novel comes from reading books

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