Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 861: Admit mistake

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Chapter 861

She opened her eyes, and the empty eyes looked at him for a long time. "Ting...Ting'er?"

"Well, it's me! Mom, you see who's coming." Helping his mother, Thing pointed at the phantom wind that stood not far away with a smile.

The blurred vision gradually had a focal length. When he saw the magical wind in front of him, Lei Qiuyue, who was already close to the languish, seemed to instantly have a look: "Three... Three young masters? Are you? Three young masters?"

"Um..." Huan Yinfeng clenched his fist secretly and nodded indifferently.

He and Lei Qiuyue haven't seen each other for nearly 40 years.

In his impression, Lei Qiuyue was not very beautiful at the time, but it was considered to be in the upper middle, her hair was very eye-catching, and the spirit of the eyebrows was also very attractive.

Don't want to.

Times have changed, and the girl who was once full of spirits is now an old man in a flower armor.


Think about him, it seems to be a lot older!

"Me, am I dreaming? actually appeared in front of me. I thought...I thought...I will be in my life...I won't see you anymore!!!" The choked tears cut through On the cheek of the old man, every tear she symbolized missed the man.

I don't know why, Xue Wei, who was standing in the doorway to spy on this scene, was heartbroken. The scene in front of her seemed to change to herself, and the man standing there was... Huangfu Ming! !

Don't want to...

She really doesn't want to be like this with Huangfu Ming!

When he was in a dying year, he lay on the hospital bed and cried out his name with a dying breath. Out of pity, he reluctantly came to visit himself, but he could only sit in bed with a headache and crying, paying for his sins.


Even if I don't want to, I can't help it. It seems that this life can only be destined to have the same ending with Lei Qiuyue! !

Eyes closed, Xue Wei took a deep breath, unwilling to see the sadistic picture...

"Qiuyue, you're not dreaming, I'm really here." Perhaps it was moved by Lei Qiuyue's tears. The magical wind was obviously not as cold as when he first came in. He walked slowly to the bed.

Thunder raised his eyes and glanced at him, taking the initiative to retreat to the side.

"Three young masters, thank you...Thank you for coming...Can come to visit me." Lei Qiuyue tremblingly extended his hand.

Huan Yinfeng hesitated for a moment and slowly took her hand.

At this moment, what lingered in Lei Qiuyue's heart was full of warmth. "Do you know, three young masters, I have lived in hatred and jealousy for the past 40 years. I hate your ruthlessness, I love you that way, but you don’t even want to look at me your eyes; jealousy With everything you have, you can get your love. Until..."

"It wasn't until this week that when I was struggling back and forth on the death line did I wake up and realize how cruel I have done to you!"

Her eyes were drooping, and her hand shaking with the magical wind became stronger and stronger: "I said, I love you, but I did such a mean thing, forcing you to love me, forcing you to marry me, You are forced to leave the person you like. However, all this is not love at all, but my selfishness! I used to think that this is my contribution to you, and I don’t understand until now that this is just what I made for you. Nightmare."

"Sorry...Three young masters..."

As the saying goes, it is also good for people to die!

Lei Qiuyue hated forty years, and in just one week he realized how stupid he was for forty years.

She is too much in love, but this love is too narrow. If it is too narrow, it will become a jade stone.

Looking back 40 years ago...

When she told Huan Yinfeng her love, Huan Yinfeng refused herself, and she closed her hand. Perhaps she has now found a man who loves her and has a happy life. She doesn’t have to stay so hard all her life, Spend in grievances.

In fact, this selfishness, she did no harm, only hurt herself, and... Thunder! !

"Forget it, Qiuyue, don't mention the past, I don't remember it anymore." Huan Yinfeng patted Lei Qiuyue's hand with a smile.

She lifted her eyes and looked at Thunder standing aside in tears: "Tinger..."

"Mom, what's the matter?" Hurry to sit by the bed.

Lei Qiuyue withdrew his hand tightly holding Huan Yinfeng, and dropped his head in guilt: "Sorry, Ting'er."

"Mom, why did you say sorry to me?"

"Actually, my mother has been lying to you all the time. The three young masters have never loved me at all. It is my wishful thinking. I will give birth to you, also for my own selfish desires, eager to use you to seize the position of the three young grandma! , The old lady can't tolerate our mother and son, and will keep suppressing our mother and son in secret! These...all have nothing to do with the three young masters!!! It is all the mother's fault!"

Looking back.

Lei Qiuyue accepted the money given by Huan Yinfeng, and wanted to kill Thunder, but... she was still unwilling to wait for the child to find a chance to recognize her ancestors.


In an accident, she accidentally learned everything the old lady did to You Sujin. The old lady even wanted to kill You Sujin's children, not to mention her?

Therefore, in order to protect the children, Lei Qiuyue chose to be temporarily silent.


This is just a plan for her to deliberately return to the magical wind!

Thinking that if the Thunder grows up one day and has the ability to protect himself, after he has the ability and the good fortune, it seems better to recognize the ancestors.


When the day really came, the old lady of the hallucinator came to the door...

It can be said that this arrogant and powerful old lady relied on her iron wrist to push the magical wind to the position of commander step by step.

Otherwise, how would it be possible to inherit the position of commander-in-chief with the magical wind? !

Now, although her son has become a military commander, she does not allow her son to have illegitimate children outside. So, he intended to find Lei Qiuyue to negotiate.

The content of the conversation is simple.

She allowed Thunder to live in this world, because after all, there was only Qu Ling son at that time, so she naturally hoped that the more children, the better. But she did not allow Thunder's identity to be exposed, so she asked Lei Qiuyue to take Thunder to live elsewhere...

But you must know that Lei Qiuyue's dream has always been eager to stay beside the magical wind, how could she promise the old lady's request? So he chose to refuse.

This refusal immediately angered the illusionary old man, and then the thunder was constantly suppressed in the army...


This novel comes from reading

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