Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 863: Let my brother inherit the position of commander

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Chapter 863: Let My Brother Take Over the Position of Chief

Thunder shook his head in silence.

"Brother?" Xue Wei puzzled: "Do you still hate Dad? Didn't Aunt Lei tell you the truth?"

"I didn't hate him. In fact, I didn't hate him so long before he came to my Raksha Army. After all, he really didn't know my existence. It's just...after my mother told me everything, I thought I'm sorry for him." Thunder's eyes bowed apologetically.

Xue Wei asked again: "Did you not want to go with us because of guilt?"


"What the **** is that? Brother, you should know..." Xue Wei grabbed his hand helplessly: "Raksha Army is not your long-term plan!"

"Yes! What you said to me before you left, I thought about it deeply, and it turns out that you are right. But... Do you know, Weiwei. I'm just like my mother. A selfish person! My mother used me in order to return to the side of the magical wind; and I, in order to retaliate the magical wind, built the Raksha Army! Now, my misunderstanding with the magical wind is solved, your name is I'm leaving, what do they do...!!!"

Thunder is born as a lecturer.

His purpose of building the Raksha Army was impure, but slowly, he has already been integrated into this united team!

"You can take them to the Qinglong Military Region!" Suddenly, the sound of the magical wind came from the door suddenly.

The siblings turned around quickly.

"No, it's impossible! Those people came to me because of the suppression of Shikoku. I promised them that they would give them a whole new world. If I take them back to weave now, That would be tantamount to... I deceived them! It was tantamount to pushing them into the sea of ​​fire again!!"

Now that the Thunder is riding a tiger, even if he knows that the road ahead may be wrong, he can't turn back.

Of course...

The phantom Yinfeng's expression was cold, and he growled angrily: "Then will you limit those innocent soldiers to death for your promise?!!!"

"What do you mean?!"

"What do you mean?! I tell you, when I came here, when I knew it was the base of the Raksha Army, when I knew that you were the commander of the Raksha Army, I was actually very angry!! "

Yu Feng turned... "Tinger, I can't deny your ability. You have built an army that can match the four countries in just a few years. This is your innate military talent. You can make this The army has survived for so many years and is a headache for the four countries. This is your strength. But... you don’t know!"

His eyes flashed, and the words of Yin Yinfeng said: "Just five days ago, I received a joint secret letter from the four countries. They have found your coordinates accurately and intend to fully attack your Raksha in half a month. military!!!"

"What?!!!" Thunder was startled, his eyes subconsciously cast on Xue Wei.

"Brother, I... I never mentioned your business to anyone."

"I don't doubt you, Weiwei, but... Huangfu Ming?!"

Huangfu Ming? ?

Five days ago, it was already after she and Huangfu Ming divorced. But... "Brother! No matter what my relationship with Ming is now, I can tell you very responsibly, Ming... will never betray you to others!!!"

"Yes, this matter was indeed not initiated by Huangfu Ming, but by the Eastern Royal of the Suzaku Military Region!" Huan Yinfeng solved the mystery in Thunder's heart.

"Dongfang Yu?" He narrowed his eyes squinting: "So what? I could have built this Rakshasa Empire and thought of fighting the four kingdoms!" But he didn't expect everything to come so early.

"Oh. Fight against the Four Kingdoms? Ting'er, do you know what the role of Xiewu Zero in the Xuanwu Military Region? Do you know what the role of Huang Fuming in the White Tiger Military Region? Even if the Eastern Flame of the Suzaku Military Region does not matter, his brother is absolutely It’s a first-rate, fierce role, that is, I’m ignoring the Qinglong Military Region. If you pick one out of three, do you think you can win them?!!!”

"No way. This is my destiny. Isn't...I want to be a deserter?" If the Thunder should not fight at this time, it would only become a laughing stock for everyone.

"Brother!" Xue Wei, who has remained silent, opened anxiously: "You are not a deserter. The three of them united and beat you one. This is bullying. So, we can not fight. You just listen to Dad, Bring your people to the Qinglong Military Region!!!"

Shook his head.

Thunder lowered his eyes silently.

"Weiwei, forget it, just follow him. I was so stubborn when he was his age." Huan Yinfeng smiled helplessly.


"Tinger." His eyes slowly met Thunder's eyes: "Actually, if you bring your people to the Qinglong Military Region, you can still fulfill your commitment to them. I can open up a brand new brand in the Qinglong Military Region. Troops, you are the people who will manage you, so they still don’t have to be managed by the four countries. But..." Yu Feng turned, he smiled faintly: "If you want to fight, I will lead the Qinglong Military Region unconditionally Give you support."

‘If you want to fight, I will unconditionally lead the Qinglong Military Region to give you support. ’

When the words of Yin Yinfeng reached Thunder's ears, he raised his eyes unbelievably: "Why?"

You know, once the magical wind has helped the Raksha Army in this battle, it means that he will also be reduced to a bandit army, and will even be tried by the military court!

"Just because you are my son of Huan Yinfeng! So, I can't allow anyone to bully you!" Hualuo, Huan Yinfeng patted Thunder's shoulder with a smile, turned and took Xue Wei and left Luo Chajun ...

"Dad, I really didn't expect that you could accept your brother so quickly." Floating in the helicopter in the clouds, Xue Wei smiled and chatted with Huan Yinfeng.

"Is there any pleasure? Bloodline is something that can't be changed. Moreover... this is what I owe him. If I can pay more attention to Lei Qiuyue in those years, I might have learned that...I still have a son presence."

"Hehe..." Xue Wei smiled without saying a word, and snuggled snuggly on the shoulder of Phantom Yinfeng.

She suddenly felt that she was so happy, so happy, that there was such a gentle father who was so dependable and gentle...

"It's you!" Suddenly, Phantom Yinfeng raised his face and squeezed the tip of Xuewei's nose.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Are you satisfied this time?"

"Ah? What are you satisfied with?" Xue Wei blinked blankly.

"You brought your brother to my side at this time, isn't it... not to tell your brother to inherit the position of commander of the Qinglong Military Region?!!!"

This novel comes from the book reader

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