Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 865: I'm pregnant

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865 I'm Pregnant

Under the reflection of the moonlight, Huang Fuyue's Xiejun's face gradually forced a ghostly smile. The next second...he blinked and one turned...

Jumped up!

"Moon?!!!" Li Xiao looked at Huang Fuyue who had fallen into the river in amazement.

Since it was dark, he disappeared after he jumped down.

"Yue?!!! Huangfuyue?!!!" This was really terrifying to Li Xiao, she couldn't help looking for traces of Huangfuyue.

After a while, a small head popped out of the calm river. "Enough? You stinky torture girl?!"

Wen Yan.

The whole person was relieved when he was away. God knows that when Huang Fuyue jumped down, she really freaked her out. She just wanted to play with him. He didn't expect him to jump down.

"Huangfuyue, are you a fool? Why did you really jump down?" At a distance of thirty meters, she questioned him resentfully.

"If I don't jump, can you let out that bad breath?"


This is true, thinking of the past, I couldn't help but want to torture Huang Fuyue. In the past half month, she has really worked hard to revenge him...

"Huangfuyue, do you love me?" Li Xiao asked aloud, relying on the handrail of the bridge.

Huang Fuyue, who was not in the water, smiled faintly and asked, "What do you say?"

"I told you to say it, not asked you to ask me!!!"

"That's good. However, I want you to answer me first. Do you love me?"

"I don't love you!" Li Xiao shook his head without hesitation, but the sweet smile on her face sold out the true answer in her heart.

"Okay. Now I should answer you. I... love you!" The words fell.

The smile on Li Xiao's face grew brighter, and she tilted her head: "Ten minutes later, I will see you at the door. If you are late, you will go back to the Imperial City alone..." After that, she disappeared. Qiaotou.

"Hey! Hello! Little... Damn stinky girl!" Huang Fuyue, still in the water, patted the surface resentfully.

She can now go home by taxi in 10 minutes, but he is still in the water, it will take a while to swim ashore?

In desperation, Huangfu Yue swam to the shore quickly with a full breath, and drove non-stop in a car. When he arrived at the door, it was just ten minutes...

"Well, you are very punctual!" Li Xiaoxiao, who was waiting in front of the house, smiled with satisfaction.

The embarrassed Huang Fuyue breathed out exhaustedly, and looking for a young and young wife might be very good-looking, but... he really can't stand the ghost girl.



"Take you to see your parents." Li Xiaoxiao smiled swiftly, took Huang Fuyue's hand and rushed into the house...

"Brother!" opened the door, and ran away from the small path towards the living room.

Li Shitian, who was drinking tea, saw that the baby sister was back, not to mention much happiness, but when he saw the soaked Huangfuyue, he almost did not choke to death. "Cough cough, what's the matter, is it raining outside?"

"Oh, brother, good evening." Huang Fuyue greeted embarrassingly away from Shi Tian.

"Brother what brother? Who is your brother, your brother is in the imperial city, why don't you go back?" This time, Li Shitian didn't send someone to stare at his sister, but the spies didn't say Huangfu The news that Yue is still in Yucheng, you know when you think about it, I am afraid that Huang Fuyue has been running away from his eyes.

"Brother, Yue will go back immediately." Li Xiaoxiao took the conversation with a smile.

"Huh?" Huang Fuyue's reaction was dazed.

"What are you doing?" She pursed her mouth angrily, and then smiled before Li Shitian: "Brother, I decided to marry Yue."



Huang Fuyue was stupid; Li Shitian was stupid, and the hands holding the tea cup were shaking: "You, you, what are you talking about?"

"I said, I want to marry Yue!!!"

"Knot...knot...knot...marry?????"? I don't know how long, Li Shitian seems to have reacted this way, and threw the tea cup out of his hands angrily: "No, I object! I don't Allow you to marry him!!!"

"I didn't ask you to agree to come back with the month this time, I just told you to say it. You will object if you are willing to oppose it. That's your business. Anyway, I just want to marry the month!" Li Xiaoxiao completely ignored Li Shi Tian, ​​with a smile on his face, took Huang Fuyue's arm.

This time, Huang Fuyue raised his eyebrows and exhaled, and his waist plate seemed to be straightened.

"I don't care!!! I don't care!!! If!!! If!!! If you have to marry, you can only marry Lan Yu, the rest, don't even think about it!!!" Li Shitian is like a hair Crazy.

But where can I control so much? "I don't like Brother Yu, why should I marry Brother Yu?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't like it. You can cultivate feelings after marriage. If you don't have feelings, you will get divorced and go back to your brother. Brother can take care of you forever!"

"..." If Huangfuyue's previous understanding of Li Shitian was that he was the first sister-in-law in the world, then the current understanding will become that he is a love girl.

Obviously, Li Shitian wanted to ask Li Xiaoxiao to marry Lan Yu for nothing more than to let the water flow out of the field, and he never thought about Li Xiaoxiao's feelings.

"From the general, I know you love Xiaoruu as life, but I hope you can give me the Xiaotuo. I will never be worse than you."

"Leave it to you?!!!" An angry look quickly turned to Huang Fuyue: "Did I not give my sister to you? But you? Have you cherished it?!!!"

"Yes, I admit that the previous time was wrong with me. But I promise, there will never be another time."

"I don't believe you any guarantee. Huangfuyue, I tell you, you will go back to your imperial city now, otherwise! I will send someone to arrest you on the charge of clearance!"

"Dare you!" Take a small step and protect in front of Huangfuyue.

Seeing her sister's aggressive look, don't mention the heartache when she was released: "You even yelled at you for this man?"

"What if I yell at you? Li Shitian, I tell you, I have had enough for so many years. At first, I finally had friends, but you scared them away; I finally made a boyfriend, You also ran him away, and as a result, I couldn’t make a friend over the years. Have you thought about my feelings? I’m your sister, not your pet. Why should you treat me like this?” Li Xiao Xiao finally couldn't help but broke out his grievances about Li Shitian these years.

This novel comes from the book reader

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