Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 872: The true night

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Chapter 872

Think about it, even if Xue Wei's height is high, Ye Xieling is one and a half heads higher than him. He just pads his toes slightly and Xue Wei can't reach...

"You!!! You hurry up to me!!! Give me!!!" It seemed like she was mad, and she completely ignored the image.

Just listen, in this closed automatic camera, the sound of ‘boom, bang, bang’ comes.

Where did people passing by accept this voice?

They all pointed and sighed. "Ah, young people now, they are so frivolous, and even in such a place... really anxious!!"

the other side……

The antique villa only listened to the sound of ‘beep’, breaking this cozy atmosphere.

Huan Yinfeng sat on the sofa and slowly took out his mobile phone... "Huh, you also said that Xiaowei's blind date will never succeed. Now it turns out that you are wrong? Xiaowei told me His blind date is getting better!" He lifted up the photo of his phone like a show.

Qu Ling's exaggerated wide-mouthed mouth: "Ah???" An arrow step quickly rushed past Thunder.

They took the phone, and the photo on the phone is the kissing photo of Xue Wei and Ye Xie Ling!

"Wow, dad, the boyfriend you introduced to your sister... so beautiful..." Qu Ling looked dumbfounded, and didn't recognize who the person in the picture was.

On the contrary, it was Thunder, and at a glance... "Ye! Fei! Zero?!" Leng Pu flashed a flash of light: "Dad, the boyfriend you introduced to Wei Wei is Ye Fei Zero!!!!"

"Yes! How is it? Dad has a good vision?"

"Dad!!! Are you crazy?!!!" Thunder quickly walked around him: "Within the four kingdoms, he was the most affluent in his actions. You introduced Wei Wei to Ye Fei Ling, Didn’t you push Weiwei into the fire pit? That man would never give Weiwei any happiness!!! Dad, you are really too much!!!"

Facing the accusation of his son, the expression of Phantom Yinfeng gradually cooled down: "Ting'er, you are wrong...Sometimes the more dangerous characters may be more worth relying on!"

"What is Ye Feiling worth relying on? I heard a lot of his lace news in Raksha Jun. Which of the women around him didn't end miserably? Is there a happy one?!"

"That's because Xiaoling doesn't love them."

"Then you are sure that Ye Xie is called Ai Weiwei?!!!"

"Yes! I'm sure!!" Xian Yinfeng nodded affirmatively, the light contained in his eyes was extremely firm...

If it is said that this cause happened ten days ago, it may kill him, and he would not agree with Ye Fei Ling and his daughter.

However, when Ye Feiling approached him personally, the attitude of Huan Yinfeng changed...

Ten days ago!

‘Uncle Yin Yin, long time no see. ‘It’s surprising that Ye Xie Ling went to the Qinglong Military Region in a low-key manner.

Seeing his appearance, the phantom Yinfeng was unavoidably surprised: ‘Xiaoling, why are you here? Why didn't you let me know in advance? ’

‘Oh, Uncle Yinyin, I came here just to talk to you about something personal, so I didn’t report to the two countries for diplomacy. ’

'Oh? Private matter? What do you want to talk to me about? ’

‘I believe you have known about Xuewei’s divorce; and, I believe that with your experience it is impossible to see my attitude towards Xuewei...’

At that time, at the ceremony of the succession ceremony held by Huang Fuchen, Ye Xie had no intention of taking Xue Wei away. It was only when Phantom Yinfeng intervened personally that he would change his mind!

‘Oh, what’s your attitude towards my daughter, I don’t know. After all... among the three of you guys, the one I can’t see is Xiaoling you! ’

Huan Yinfeng is the commander of the older generation. Naturally, it is someone who has watched the three newcomers grow up a little bit.

The Huangfu family of Huangfu's family seem indifferent from the outside, but inherently pure, and they are also conscientious in their work. They are very definite, and they are far-sighted and ambitious. They are definitely the best choice for a good husband.

The two brothers Dongfangyan and Dongfangyu of Dongfang's family are big-tempered and small-minded, but they are not disgusting!

Only the Ye Xie of this Ye Xie family! This made him a veteran of galloping battlefields and countless old people who are somewhat invisible! So, how dare he entrust his daughter to such a man? !

‘Uncle Yinyin, as far as I am concerned, how unintentional it is! I just want to tell you one sentence... I can give Xuewei all the things that can not be given to others; for my endurance limit, it can be infinitely extended in front of Xuewei; for the interests that I care most about, I can do it for her... Give up all, is this not enough? ! ’

Ye Fei Ling's conception is very clear, that is, his attitude towards Xuewei is different from that of others; he can lower his endurance for Xuewei; he can give up everything for Xuewei!


‘Oh, little zero, you can do all these little things, he’s even better than you do! "The magical wind is not a blind man. What Huangfu Ming has done for Xue Wei, he is not unheard of.

‘Uncle Huan Yin, have you forgotten? Now that Huangfu Ming has lost his memory, his chances of retrieving memory are not even 0.5%, so... he has been eliminated! "Ye Xie Ling is very accurate in seeing things! Speaking is even more bloody.

Perhaps, in the eyes of others, he Huangfu did not love Xuewei! It was Xuewei who did the wrong thing to anger him.

However, Yin Yinfeng and Ye Feiling clearly knew that if Huang Fuming had nothing, his attitude towards that matter would not be like this now!

‘Yeah, I don’t have any hope for Xiaoming now. But there are more good men in the world, and Xiaowei has more choices! ’

‘Oh, it seems that your daughter’s appetite is not clear to you. ‘Ye Fei’s eyes turned blue, and he whispered slowly: ‘She’s not something in the pool, and the nature that matches her is also a dragon among people. Maybe there are a lot of good men, but casually a mediocre man, do you think she looks good? And within the Four Kingdoms, only me and Dongfang Yu might be able to get into her eyes. But Dongfang Yu is a furry kid, how could she like it? The main thing is...’

Speaking of which, a confident luster quickly crossed his eyes: ‘Xue Wei... It’s not that I have no feelings for me! ’

This alone is enough to persuade Fantasia.

He is the head of a country and an ordinary father. No matter how good the daughter is married, there is no relationship.

In addition to the character of Ye Xieling, he can really show his sincerity when he runs so respectfully and dearly!

of course……

This article is from reading novels

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