Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 882: Trade drugs for everything

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Chapter 882: Get everything for drugs

At the highest council hall that was blocked by water, the troops of the four countries stationed here evacuated one by one.

Dongfang Yu was the first to walk out of the meeting building accompanied by several senior officers.

"Go back first!" He stopped at the gate and ordered his entourage coldly.

"General Orient, the Eastern Commander gave us a death order before coming, asking us to protect you in any way." Several entourage staff refused to leave.

Some of this intangible annoyed Dongfang Yu: "Why? Are you still afraid that I will be attacked in the Dragon Capital? Even if they have this courage in the Qinglong Military Region, I don't believe I will be stupid enough to be captured by them!"


Evil cold eyes flashed, Dongfang Yu didn't give those people a chance to talk nonsense, and said sharply: "Go away now!"

Seeing this, those accompanying persons had to go back to the embassy first.

As soon as the front legs of his subordinates left, Dongfang Yu's pair of bottomless evil eyes quickly looked around the door of the conference building, and then walked towards a car parked at the door...

As he approached, the door of the black car slowly opened, and Xue Wei greeted him with a pair of sunglasses and a smile.

"Auntie, I've finished the things you explained!" Standing in front of her, Dongfang Yu laughed evilly with her hand in her pocket.

Xue Wei took off the sunglasses on her face and extended her hand with a smile: "Thank you, General Oriental!"

Looking back a few hours ago...

When she left the embassy of Baihu Military Region in Qinglong Military Region, she ordered her to go to the embassy of Suzaku Military Region.

Xue Wei only saw Dongfang Yu, and her intention seemed to be known to Dongfang Yu!

‘Auntie, would you come here this time to tell me to dispel the idea of ​​partitioning the Raksha army? ’

Being called like this, she is naturally very upset, but after all, she is asking for people and has to bear with it: ‘General Orient is really a smart person. I came here for this matter indeed. ’

‘Oh, I advise you not to waste your tongue, I will not let go of this delicious cake of Raksha Jun! ’

‘General Orient, you are so powerful, do you really care about the military power of the Rakshasa Army? ’

‘Auntie, it’s useless even if you flatter me. Not bad! To tell you the truth, I'm really not that rare military force of the Raksha Bandhan, but... "Eastern Imperial Evil Eyes are cold, saying one by one: "If I don't **** it, it's not just that you are the only one in the Magic Yin Family. ? ’


He just took the line of "I'm not good, don't think about it". He is not uncommon in the military power of the Rakshasa Army, but he can't call a family in the Qinglong Military Region.

‘General Orient, why are you this? Presumably, you already know the fact that the commander of the Raksar Army is my brother, that is, you really successfully divided the military power of the Raksha Army. As long as it is my brother, the benefit you get will only be disintegrated in an instant. Moreover, if you are taking away a few of the masters in Cao Ying’s heart, are you even more trying? ’

‘I don’t mind anyway, if your brother really disbanded the Raksha Army, I won’t get it. Don’t even think about it, you guys don’t think about it, it’s better! Still that sentence...I really don't care about the military power of the Raksha Army! ’

This guy! !

Facing the arrogance of Dongfang Yu, Xuewei just wanted to give him a title, that is... crap! He is completely blindly mixing!

‘General Orient, I understand what you mean, don’t you just fear that after the Raksha Army settled in my father’s Qinglong Military Region, will the Qinglong Military Region be the only one in the family? But you need to father is now tall this year, he is no longer a militant, what can the Luosha Army give us the Qinglong Military Region? Better than giving Ye Xie Ling and Huang Fu Ming? ’

This is a big truth.

Since Fantasia is over fifty years old, it has really been a lot of low-key, not at all as competitive as when I was young.

If this Rousha army of more than 10,000 people gave Ye Xie Ling or Huang Fu Ming one of them, I am afraid they would immediately declare war on the world!

‘Yes, I don’t deny that Uncle Yinyin has been quite low-key in the past ten years, but... Thunder... is his son! ! "Dongfang Yu finished the sentence one by one."

Xue Wei lowered her eyes and smiled silently.

I have to say that this young man under the age of 20 is really far-sighted. What he is currently guarding is not the magical wind, but... Thunder who is very likely to take over as the commander of the Qinglong Military Region!

after all……

The Thunder can mobilize troops like the Raksha Army, and it can be seen how powerful his management ability is!

‘Oh, I really didn’t expect that General Orient would be so afraid of my brother, forget it...just when I hadn’t been here...’ Xuewei shook her head disappointed disappointedly and just turned to leave.

‘Auntie, you made it clear to me, who is afraid of your brother? ! ! Dongfang Yubu stopped her.

‘Isn’t it? To say ten thousand and ten thousand, aren’t you just afraid that my Qinglong Military Region will become stronger, is my brother taking over as the commander of the Qinglong Military Region? ’

Seemingly insulted, Dongfang Yu fisted with a somber look on his face: ‘I tell you aunt, I really don’t want the Qinglong Military Region to become stronger, but it’s not about my brother. ! ’

‘Do you think this is unfair? ! ’

'Correct! 'Dongfang Yu nodded coldly, his hands slowly behind his back:'The four countries have always had restrictions on soldiers, each military region can only have a maximum of 50,000 troops, and now it can be done. Surrender, your Qinglong Military Region is better known as two troops, actually the number of troops doubled! ’

The Qinglong Military Region has 40,000 soldiers, and the Raksha Army has 30,000 soldiers. As soon as the two armies merge, the number of people in the Qinglong Military Region has not only skyrocketed, but you don’t have to worry about the so-called ‘restricted soldiers’ regulations.

Xue Wei thought for a while and crooked her head with a smile: ‘Well then, how about I make this matter fair? ’

'Ok? ’

‘If you promised me not to divide the forces of the Rakshasa Army, I will provide three military drugs to your Suzaku military area in an unconditional and personal way, and promise you that it is definitely ‘exclusive’ to your Suzaku military area! You think, even if you divide the strength of the Raksha Army, you will share it with the other three countries. It is far less than the benefits I provide to you. ’

indeed! !

This temptation really made it difficult for Dongfang Yu to resist.

You know, ‘military weapons’ are many times higher than the military’s strength. In addition, Xue Wei’s medicine research skills are well-known in the four countries. How could he refuse? ?

The first book of reading novels

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