Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 898: Dad, don't do this

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Chapter 898

"No, it's okay. Grandpa is useless. Grandpa always... always says that your uncle is useless. It seems...useless...I'm right..." The voice behind him became smaller and smaller.

Xue Wei frowned helplessly: "Dad! You're right!" Sharp eyes quickly turned to his son: "Xiao Jiu, Mommy asked you to apologize, then do you know what's wrong with you?"

"do not know……"

"I tell you." Slowly squatted down: "Juniors must learn to respect elders! And, learn to do your own thing. Now, your things, but your grandfather to complete it for you, more than that, you have not respected Are you wrong with your grandfather's labor?"

"Mommy, I..." Xiao Jiu is about to be six years old. Although he is a child, he knows he did something wrong. Pitifully glanced at the magical wind beside him: "Grandpa, Xiaojiu won't be like this in the future. Grandpa, don't you be sad?"

"Good boy! Good boy, my grandfather is not sad, not sad... Xue Wei!!! What do you really compare with a child?"

This is true every time!

This is true every time!

In fact, when Xiao Jiu was sent by Huangfu Ming a month ago, he was obviously very good-natured, but by now his family has become more spoiled.

She has failed very much as a woman and does not want to be a failed mommy. "Xiao Jiu, go upstairs to play."


After leaving the baby son, Xue Wei sat seriously in front of his father: "Dad, I understand your psychology of hurting your grandson, but, do you know that you are hurting him?!"

"I understand! Qu Ling was brought up by him. He became like this just because his mother spoiled him. But... Xiaojiu was only 6 years old. When it was severe, we were not too late."

The phantasmatic wind favors the female endlessly, and the grandson is the one who can blush with her daughter. It can be seen that he loves Xiao Jiu much.

"I will be eighty at three years old, Dad!!! I hope our family will be able to unify the caliber in the face of Xiao Jiu's education."

"Okay, I know, don't talk about it... I will pay attention next time." Fearful of head-on conflict with her daughter, Yin Yinfeng chose to retreat.

Xue Wei Yufeng turned: "In addition, Dad, Gang Xiaojiu said you that way, are you very unhappy?"

"It's not like that, it's... a little bit of a blow." He is a high commander, what can stump him? But a toy was dismissed by his grandson, can he not be beaten with confidence?

"But have you ever thought about it... you treat my brother like that every day, how does my brother feel?"

Speaking of this question, Phantom Yinfeng stopped breathing: "Huh, I counted him so much, and I didn't see any progress?"

"Dad! You have hurt Qu Ling's self-esteem, I am afraid that he has already been scolded by you and he is going to break the pot."

"You have never seen Qu Ling while in the Baihu Military Region. At that time, it was him who came to pick me up. I could feel the great ambition of a boy from his tone; but this time when he came in contact with him, he was It's getting more and more decadent. Isn't it because you keep hitting him?!!!"

Listening to Xue Wei's words, Huan Yinfeng was stunned for a while: "I've never seen the kid have great ambitions."

"I think it's because he just got a little bit of ambition, and he was suppressed by you. After a few times, do you think he still has a dream?"

This is true...

Recalling in detail before, Qu Ling was not without dreams, but every time he finished, the magical wind always wiped out his dreams. Over time, he never heard his son say any dreams.

The phantom Yinfeng silently fell into contemplation.

Seeing that his father had realized the purpose of his remarks, Xue Wei didn't speak. She knows clearly the difficulty of her father, and she knows how heavy the burden that this great father is carrying is just...

She was really afraid that one day, because the father's suppression of Qu Ling, the father and son became enemies! !

The night came quickly, and Thunder returned home with his tired body, and returned to the room after dinner.

This month, he went back and forth in such a cycle, commanding operations in the troops every day; returning home still deploying battles.

It can be felt that he did not want to lose this four-nation joint operation! ! !


"Go in!"

After getting the answer, Xuewei walked into Thunder's study room with a cup of tea: "Did you bother you?"


"Drink some tea, refreshing." Smiling put the tea cup on the desk, Xue Wei just left...

Thunder immediately shouted at her: "Wait, Weiwei."

"What's wrong? Brother."

"After all, I was leading the Qinglong Military Region for the first time. The only Raksha army to be activated was Yanxi. All aspects seemed not as smooth as I imagined. If..." pressure.

Compared to the handy commanders of the other three countries, the Thunder who took over the Qinglong Military Region for the first time will inevitably have strangeness, which is understandable.

In addition, he could not lose this exercise, it would be extremely stressful.

"Brother, don't put too much pressure on yourself, I believe you are okay!" Feng Mi accidentally cast a strategic layout on the desk. "Brother, do you want to fight the main attack?"

"How?" Thunder picked up the strategy map and wondered: "Shouldn't it?"

"Oh, I believe that in terms of military layout, you are definitely much stronger and much stronger than me. But in my impression, can't there be more than one enemy in the main attack station?!"

"Yes!!" Thunder affirmed Xue Wei's words: "So, I want to grab a military area after the start this time!"


This seems like a good idea.

Main attack; very different from self-defense counterattack.

If the main attack is defeated by more than one enemy, but the firepower is extremely fierce, you only need to find the target, the firepower is full, and the opponent is won;

The self-defense counterattack is a time-consuming. The commander must have a strong psychological quality and rely on time to kill the enemy a little.

It can be said that the two military layouts are often used on military strategists...

"Brother, who are you going to attack this time?"

"I'm going to say, will it make sense to attack the White Tiger Military Region?"

Main attack on the White Tiger Military Area...


Xue Wei smiled indifferently: "You are the commander, of course you want to fight whoever you want to fight."

"Teasing you! The white tiger military area of ​​Huangfu Ming has always been the target of Dongfang Yu. I might as well call them to compete with each other." Thunder said this.

Xue Wei was stunned for a while, and asked: "That brother, you mean... Do you want to attack the Xuanwu Military Region with all your strength?!"

"Yes! At that time, the Suzaku Military Region will face the White Tiger Military Region; I will play against the Xuanwu Military Region. When there are only two military regions left in our four military regions, I plan to change my military strategy and fight back in self-defense. Meet the final challenge!"

This book was first published on Kanshuwang

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