Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 926: Announce marriage

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926 Marriage Announcement


Looking at the time, another week is Dongfang Yu's birthday. According to the agreement, it is also time for them to take their daughter home.

"Um. Okay. I'm waiting for you."

"Um..." Hang up the phone, Huangfu Ming quickly booked a ticket and rushed back to the Imperial City.

Since his marriage to Xue Wei was not only a personal issue, but also a national issue, the statement of remarriage was extremely important.

Huangfu Ming discussed with his own think tank for 1 day and night, and finally wrote a perfect answer.

It didn't take long for this remarriage speech to be made public in the Imperial City.

Huangfu Ming truthfully told his people about his amnesia, which led to the divorce from his wife. Because the memory was restored, he was moved by love and prepared to remarry his wife.

The content of this speech is very sincere and simple. He originally talked about his hard-won marriage with Xue Wei.

For the common people, it is easier for them to accept such real and touching stories. Therefore, Huangfu Ming and Xuewei recombined again, and received the support of a large number of people in the Imperial City.

Not only that, but they also felt that the leader of the army, who always saw the dragons before and after, seemed to come to the people. And the story of him and his wife has become a topic that people talk about; it has become the most perfect love textbook...

As for the senior management of the Baihu Military Region, they surprisingly agreed to the marriage. This is indeed an accident.

After all, the combination of Huang Fu Yang Rong and Ye Fei Yali was met with opposition from the top leaders of the two countries.

But in their eyes, Xuewei is different from Yefei Yali!

Ye Fei Yali alone is the gift of Ye Fei's family; Xue Wei has served in the generals of Xuanwu Military Region and Baihu Military Region, and her strength is evident. In addition, the identity of her illusionist Qianjin was exposed, and she was even glanced at.

For such a woman who can gain a firm foothold in three countries, they will naturally be happy that their military commander can marry such a woman back as the first lady.

Perhaps, this is called an independent woman more intimidating!

As for the other three kingdoms, it is clear that this marriage between Huangfu Ming and Xuewei is equivalent to the marriage between the Baihu Military Region and the Qinglong Military Region.

They also know that if they do not work hard, it will be difficult to surpass the achievements of the Baihu Military Region and the Qinglong Military Region!

Similarly, because Huang Fuming read out the speech of this marriage, even the status of the hallucinator in the Qinglong Military Region has been improved a lot.

As soon as he read out the union declaration on his forefoot, Thunder was hired by the veteran of the Qinglong Military Region as acting commander.

Said to be an agent, but the Qinglong Military Region is not a Thunder sooner or later? Unless, Qu Ling wants to grab!

Five days later, Yin Yinjia.

Looking around, this ancient rhyme chanter seems extremely happy today. When the maids heard that their grandfather was going to the door to raise their relatives, they arranged the house early. Huan Yinfeng and his two sons put on their suits and waited for the arrival of Huangfu Ming.

"Master, my aunt is here."

"Well, tell him to come in." As the maid finished, Huan Yinfeng pulled his suit and deliberately put on a serious face.

Sitting sideways, Li Xiao smiled secretly, reaching out and squeezing Xuewei beside him: "Uncle is so majestic."

"Oh, he deliberately wanted to give Ma Wei."

Li Xiaoxiao saw it!

Otherwise, the phantom Yin family will not appear so grand today. At a glance, I know that Uncle Huan Yin is actually eager for this aunt to enter the door, which may be hampering his face, so I want to give Huangfu a bit of mawei.


"Uncle Yin Yin."

Huangfu Ming walked into the living room with many men, accompanied by Huangfuyue, carrying large and small bags.

"Those are the gifts I brought to you." He smiled and pointed to the big and small bags.

Where do you know, Huan Yinfeng doesn't even look at it. "Well. Have a heart."

"Dad, this brother-in-law is so attentive, you are also greeted and greeted anyway." Thunder on the side played a round for Huangfu Ming.

Huan Yinfeng looked at him coldly, and then looked at Huangfu Ming coldly: "Xiaoming, I have no prejudice against you. Even, I appreciate you very much. But, appreciate the appreciation. When you do me From your son-in-law, everything will change."

"I understand." Huangfu looked at a servant with a smile, walked in front of her in two steps, took a cup of tea, and returned to the magical wind: "Dad, I never like to promise. .. because I think all the promises are just lip service. But I swear to you in the name of my Huangfu family today, in the future, I will not ask your daughter to leave a tear." Saying that, he's **** Kneeled on the ground with one knee.

to be frank.

Huangfu Ming's last sentence seemed to poke Xuewei's heart nest invisible.

Countless women say how, how and how happy they are; countless women say how and how good their husbands are to themselves.

She has always felt that if a woman proves that she is happy or not, she doesn’t need to say that much, just a word to tell everyone that I haven’t shed tears since marrying my husband, which is equal to the greatest happiness!


This man of her family, really does not understand romance, but can touch everyone with the most real thing!

" daughter, Weiwei... please give it to you." The expression of the phantom Yinfeng changed, tearful eyes took the tea from Huangfu Ming.

Such a picture seems to infect everyone.

Especially when the phantom Yinfeng choked out the words, it even reflected a man's unwillingness to his daughter!

"Dad, although I and Wei are remarrying. But... you regret not having witnessed my first wedding with Wei. So, I plan to hold a grand wedding with Wei, as for the engagement, it is even more important. Huangfu sat next to Xue Wei with a smile, and cast his eyes subconsciously towards Huangfu Yue.

He hurriedly took out a paper from his pocket and handed it to Huan Yinfeng: "Uncle Huan Yin. This is for you."

"this is?"

"Dad, this paper document is my permanent registration right for the Baihu Military Region to open to Longdu. In the future, no matter whether Longdu’s officers or ordinary people come to the Imperial City, they will never apply for approval, and you can log in directly!"

Upon hearing this, Huan Yinfeng and Thunder couldn't help but be surprised. Then the two laughed at each other.

This made Huangfu a little puzzled. "What's wrong? Dad?"

"Ha ha ha ha, mum, do you know what my dad gave Wei Wei's dowry?"

"Huh?" Huangfu meditated for a moment, then looked at Xuewei subconsciously, and slowly said: "Isn't it... is Longdu's permanent login right to open a house in my imperial city?"

"Yes!" Then, Thunder gave Huangfu Ming the approval that his father had given him early.

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