Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 929: Sisters recognize each other

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Chapter 929

Speaking of which, Sun Xiaoyu shook his head mockingly, and his guilt-stricken eyes slowly cast towards Xue Wei: "Cousin, I just said I'm sorry to you, because...I really did you. Haige’s third party. In fact, at the time, I didn’t think I was wrong. Until I came back, I talked to my friends and they scolded me angrily. I said that my behavior is the behavior of a third party. , Everything is as you said, even if Haige is amnesia, it is your husband. I should not take advantage of it. Sorry, cousin, I hope you can forgive my behavior. Because... no one ever told me It’s wrong to be a third party..."

Sun Xiaoyu had no father and no mother since childhood. She did not know what was right and what was wrong. Even more unaware that his actions may cause the destruction of a family!

Yes, nevertheless. Xue Wei still feels Sun Xiaoyu's super high EQ. Nowadays, there are really too few girls who can make mistakes. Sun Xiaoyu can face his mistakes so positively. It is really rare!

"Xiaoyu, have you finished?"

"Um. Finished!"

"Okay. Now, I should tell you why I came to find you." Then, Xue Wei smiled gracefully, got up, and bowed to Sun Xiaoyu.


"I came here this time and actually apologized to you!"


The sentence in Xue Wei's mouth, "How do I lose my face, how do I earn it" is to apologize to Sun Xiaoyu! !

"Xiaoyu. Since you called me a cousin, then I have to shoulder the responsibility of a cousin. Indeed, it is wrong for you to be inserted between me and Ning as a third party. But... I use tricks to frame you, but it is also me That’s wrong. If I don’t come here today to apologize to you, I’m afraid that my life will be uneasy.”

after all……

This is the first time Xue Wei has done such a mean and shameless act in his own initiative; it is also the first time that he has dealt with a little girl like a bad woman.

However, there are evil rewards, she can thoroughly appreciate the punishment for doing bad things!

"Then...cousin. We are all wrong once, and we should be levelled, OK?"

"Oh Well."

"Cousin, Haige, it's not too early, you can't go back. After a while, I called the big guy, how about we have a meal together?"

Hearing the mention of Sun Xiaoyu, Xue Wei looked at Huangfu Ming.

He thought for a moment and nodded silently. "Well, then trouble you."

"My brother. Oh, no, I should call you cousin. We are all our own. Don't be polite to me." Sun Xiaoyu stood up smiling: "Sit for a while, I'll cook."

"I help you." Then, Xue Wei followed Sun Xiaoyu to the kitchen.

The two sisters talked and laughed while sitting at the table and chatting.

After a while, the people in the village came to Sun Xiaoyu's house endlessly.

This is Xue Wei's second visit to her mother's hometown, and her first taste of folk customs. When everyone learned that Xue Wei was Sun Yunyun's daughter, she was even more dear to her.

Soon, she and everyone became together, and heard many mother's previous stories...

At about 10 pm, everyone dispersed.

"Little fish, then we are gone."

"Cousin, it's so late. Why don't you live here with Brother Hai?"

Xue Wei shook her head with a smile: "It's true, we have other things to do. We must arrive in the city tomorrow morning. So, we can't live here anymore."

"Ah? Then...okay..." Sun Xiaoyu dropped his head in loss.

She was so lonely and lonely.

Finally, a relative came, and she was leaving so soon, she would be a little uncomfortable.

Seeing Sun Xiaoyu's eyes filled with sorrow, Xue Wei smiled and said, "Xiaoyu, I am your cousin, so you can come to me at any time. If we are okay, we will come here to find you."


"And... have you ever thought about... coming to the city to develop in the future?"


"I think it's very good here. It's not worse than the city." During the whole banquet, Huangfu Ming didn't say a few words, but at this time, he suddenly opened his mouth, and it was inevitable that Xuewei was a little surprised.

"Yeah. Yeah, the cousin is right. I also think it's not worse than the city. Wait until later..."

"Well. Okay. Then let's go first."

"Good...cousin, cousin...bye-bye..." Standing at the door, Sun Xiaoyu waved back to them reluctantly.

When Xue Wei gradually walked away, she finally couldn't help but say: "You don't seem to want Xiaoyu to develop in the city?"

"Yes!" Huangfu Ming with one hand in his pocket, nodded coldly.


The footsteps moving forward were still, he turned to look at Xue Wei: "Because Xiaoyu is too clever, she will definitely have a huge room for development in the bustling city. But... no one guarantees that she is looking good. Development; or development towards the bad. It would be better to ask her to stay here, at least, she can still guarantee an innocence!"

Sun Xiaoyu's clever Xuewei had seen it early. She is really different from the average girl. She belongs to the kind of girl whose EQ and IQ are not leaking.

As for...

Huangfu Ming said that Sun Xiaoyu was innocent, and Xue Wei also recognized it!

Otherwise, at the time of Huangfu's house, as long as Sun Xiaoyu moved her misrepresentation, she would not simply eradicate her.

As for Huangfu Ming’s worries, it is not without reason!

It is said that the child is a blank piece of paper, and what others have written on him is what he is. And Sun Xiaoyu, who has always lived in a simple atmosphere, is like a blank piece of paper.

If one day she arrives in a metropolis, under such a chaotic big dye tank, no one can ensure that she will develop in the good direction; or will develop in the bad direction.

With Sun Xiaoyu's IQ, once he has gone the wrong way, the consequences... must be unbearable! ! !

"Huh? You now know that Xiaoyu is smart? At that time, you didn't realize that she was smart?" Xue Wei glanced at Huangfu Ming with a pretended sarcasm and went on.

He shook his head with a smile, followed slowly behind her: "I don't even know what I thought at that time!"

Now that Huangfu Ming has recovered his memory, when he traces the days when he lost his memory, he almost feels every flaw in Sun Xiaoyu. But at that time, he know her flaws, but why did it make things like that, nobody knew.

"Hey, meditation, I ask you..." Xue Wei walking under the moonlight suddenly turned back.


"If, now, you find that I frame Sun Xiaoyu like that, would you still divorce me?" Xue Wei has always been curious about the answer to this matter. She would like to know how Huangfu Ming, who has no memory loss, will go Coping with that matter?

This article comes from reading novels

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