Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 932: See cat

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Chapter 932

Both Dongfang Shuotian and Dongfangyan's attitude towards cats and cats are known by Xue Wei from the spies' mouth. Only Dongfang Yu's nervousness about cats and cats is what she saw and experienced in person.

I still remember that this was her first visit to Dongfang's house, but she only said a few words to Mao Mao, which made Dongfang Yu unhappy; the other time was on a world-class brainstorm.

When Dongfang Yu saw her alone with cats and cats, she still rushed over nervously, which is obviously Dongfang Yu's fear that she would do harm to cats and cats.

I would like to ask, if it is not from the bottom of my heart, how can Dongfang Yu be so nervous?

"That's fine..." The big rock at the bottom of Huangfu Ming's heart was considered to have fallen to the ground.

But Xuewei shook her head thoughtfully: "Ming, this may not be...a good thing."


"If they don't treat our baby daughter badly, maybe we won't be able to pick up our daughter at all, but... because they are too good for our daughter, so..."

Recently, Xue Wei has been tangled in the matter of picking up cats and cats. She had a hunch that they might not be able to pick up her daughter so smoothly.

"Actually, I have been thinking about it. Is it right or wrong to leave cats in Dongfang's house? Or is it wrong?" Xue Wei sat frowning on the sofa, her one hand on the back of the sofa, and sighed heavily. .

The emperor on the side hugged her shoulders in relief, comforting: "You don't have to blame yourself, it's all my fault. Think about it, when you are the most difficult, I am not by your side, you should be helpless Didn’t you leave the cat next?"


Recall that knotty.

Huangfu’s death disappeared; Yafei Yali and Huangfuchen stared at each other. She was a woman who not only shouldered the responsibility of maintaining her husband’s reputation, but also protecting two children at the same time was really strenuous, but when there was a helper at that time, Help her, maybe she won't leave the cat in someone's home.

"Forget it, meditation, don't mention it, everything is okay now, as long as we can successfully pick up the cat, our family will be reunited." For fear that Huangfu Ming thought guilt in the past, she quickly thought of the beautiful Screen.

Huangfu smiled silently, and the depth of a pair of black eyes was still dotted with self-blame that could not be dispersed. After all, some history can never be covered...

The dusk gradually arrived, and the entire royal garden was bathed in a golden dawn.

Because of the arrival of the VIPs, the Suzaku Palace in the Royal Garden was lit with colorful neon lights early on.

"Wow, what a beautiful home today..." Standing in the lobby on the first floor, Cat and Cat was wearing a princess dress, his eyes blinking and staring at the maid who was hanging neon lights.

"Oh, little girl likes it?"

"Well, I like it!" Cat Mao nodded sweetly.

That cute and cute look, don't mention more like it, the maids who are doing work seem to forget their troubles at once.

It can be said that since the moment the cat appeared in the Oriental family, the family members did not dislike her. Whether it is the old man in the East or the people in the family, they all hold the cat in their palms and spoil them.

"Yeah, our little princess is so happy this time?"

Hearing the voice behind him, Mao Mao turned around with joy: "Grandpa...!!!" The little guy leaped up and down in front of Dongfang Shuotian.

"Master, the little lady seems to like the layout of the house today." The housekeeper came over with a smile.

Dongfang Shuotian heard this, and couldn't help sighing: "That feeling is good, then these things will be hung at home every day, don't withdraw."

"Yes, lord..."

"What time is it?" Dongfang Shuotian looked at the butler beside him.

The butler looked at the time: "It's 6 o'clock now."

"Well, ask Yan'er and Yu'er to come over, and it's time to open the table."

"Yes..." After receiving the order, the housekeeper hurried to invite the two young masters.

Dongfang Shuotian took the cat's hand and slowly came to the living room, waiting for the arrival of Xuewei and Huangfu Ming...

At that time when the needle was about to point at 6 o'clock, the Huangfu Ming couple finally arrived at Suzaku Palace in a gorgeous costume.

Headed by Dongfang Shuotian, they had been waiting at the door of Suzaku Palace early.

After crossing a corridor like a flowerbed, several figures standing at the end of the corridor gradually broke into the sight of Huangfu Ming.

Xue Wei clearly felt that Huang Fuming's emotions were not quite right, and even the hand holding hers was trembling slightly.

"Dark?" Afraid that this discordant reaction would cause others to doubt, Xue Wei hurriedly reminded.

Huangfu Ming exhaled slightly, took a deep breath, tried to keep his heart calm, and the eyes of the pair of small figures staring far away gradually also moved away...

"Huangfu Commander, Commander's wife." When the couple stopped, Dongfang Shuotian kindly greeted them.

"Uncle, you're out of the office, and according to your seniority, you can just call me Ming."

How to say, Dongfang Shuotian is the one who has fought the world with Huangfu Yangrong, so Huangfu Ming is no different from facing his father in front of this old senior.

"Oh, think about it. I still saw you more than ten years ago. I didn't expect that I have grown so much now. You are really much better than your father."

Speaking of Huangfu Yangrong, Dongfang Shuotian had a headache.

Among these four old army commanders, Huangfu Yangrong had the most stubborn temper and was very difficult to touch.

"Ming, I think you should be familiar with my two sons, and I won't introduce you to each other. Come, this is my baby granddaughter." Dongfang Shuotian's pet smiled and pulled over The cat standing behind him: "Ying'er, quickly call Uncle Ming."

Uncle Ming...?

The bulging little face gradually turned to Huangfu Ming, Mao Mao blinked those **** eyes, her lips moved slightly, as if to say something, but couldn't say it, she had to turn to her for help. Xuewei.

Looking at Huangfu Ming, a pair of eyes staring directly at cats are full of insincere thoughts, and both hands clenched into fists.


Xue Wei immediately noticed that the atmosphere was not right. I was afraid that it would be a stalemate like this. The Eastern family had to see that there was something wrong between Cat and Cat and Huangfu Ming.

"Ying'er? Is it your grandfather's name for you?" Xue Wei Yang lips smiled, attracting the cat's attention deliberately.

"Hmm..." She nodded silently, Yu Guang still couldn't help sweeping to Huangfu Ming.

At one glance, Xue Wei could see that there were tears in the little guy's eyes. The cat was crying. The side of her body cruelly blocked the father and son from staring at each other: "Little guy, do you remember your aunt?"

This book was first published in the book

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