Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 936: Snatch cat

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936 Robbing Cats

"Miss, don't be afraid, this is just a power outage, and you'll call in a while." A woman's voice came.


Xue Wei thought about it and turned over beautifully, and the whole person successfully reached the balcony on the second floor.

Putting on night vision glasses, she spied on the cat's house.

Sure enough, a maid was patiently teasing the scared cat.

"Pappa..." Xuewei picked up a stone and threw it at the glass.

"What sound?" The maid heard the news and opened the floor-to-ceiling windows of the balcony. "You?!!!" The words just arrived.

Xue Wei strangled the man's neck quickly.

"Um..." The maid took a cold breath, her dilated pupil flashed, and a beautiful kick.

Xuewei was almost kicked!

The royal family is indeed the royal family, and even the maids in the family have been specially trained!

Of course, it is not only the maids of the Oriental family who are capable and capable; the maids of the Huangfu family are also hidden!

But, nevertheless, this maid will not be the opponent of this female general!

After three, five and two, Xue Wei stunned the maid...

"Woo...Woo...Who are you?" There were no fingers in the room, and the cat crouched nervously at the head of the bed.

Xue Wei smiled helplessly: "Baby, it's me."

Hearing this familiar voice, the cat immediately stopped crying: "Mom...Mommy?"

"Oh, baby, let's go, Mommy took you home." Slowly walked to the front of her daughter, she smiled and put the cat in her arms.

The little guy blinked his eyes incredulously: "Really? Does Mommy really want to take cats home this time?"

"Well, it's true."

"Great, Cat and Cat can finally be with their brother, Daddy and Mommy." Cat and Cat clapped happily.

But the happier the daughter is, the more guilty Xuewei is.

Although, she has a thousand words of pains to leave the cat. However, she never respected the opinions of cats and cats. Maybe, cats and cats are not afraid of danger and want to stay with their parents?


With a deep sigh in her heart, Xue Wei's eyes were filled with guilt at this moment. She gently stroked the top of the head of the pet cat: "Baby, let's go." He held the cat in his arms and faced the window. Just a few steps away...

"Beep... beep... beep...!!!"

The harsh alarm sounded, and the dim Suzaku Palace immediately regained its brightness. The sound of Xue Wei's eyes being stabbed, and a small face suddenly turned white and white.

damn it!

Who touched the organ? ? ?

"Mommy, mommy, what's going on?" It's unclear why the cat is hugging her neck nervously.

Afraid to scare her daughter, Xue Wei smiled lightly: "It's okay, cat, no matter what happens, just remember to close your eyes."

"Well!" The little guy nodded affirmatively, and then immediately closed his eyes: "Is it like this? Mommy?"

"Yes, cat is really a good boy." She petted the top of her daughter's head, and a small face full of smiles suddenly cooled down...

Banquet room.

"Fantasy! Yin! Old! Brother!!" Dongfang Shuotian hurriedly asked Dongfang Yu to take him to find Yin Yinfeng after he had dealt with those guests.

As soon as he saw the magical wind, he seemed to be a different person, and the whole person seemed to be trembling a hundred times.

"Brother Shuotian, are you finally busy????" There was an unspeakable murmur on the face of Huan Yinfeng.

The ostentatious Eastern Sky is so misty: "Ming, what kind of temper is your old man? I ran to find him happily, why is he so angry?"

"Humph!" Huan Yin chilled his face, and looked over with dissatisfaction.

Seeing this, Huangfu smiled helplessly and slowly walked to the front of Dongfang Shuotian: "It's true, Uncle Dongfang and my father-in-law have been talking about you all the way here, who knows, he has arrived I haven't seen you again, so..."

"Oh!!! It turns out so!!!" He pursed his lips and motioned to let Dongfang Yu beside him. Then, he pretended to walk in front of Huan Yinfeng with a pretence: "Brother Huan Yin, your elder brother will not compensate you, okay? It's all his brother's fault, so don't be angry."


I thought that if I apologized, I would be able to get the phantom Yinfeng's understanding. Who knows, he doesn't have a point to forgive himself. Dongfang Shuotian wrinkled his troubles and turned his eyes: "Do you know? Brother Yinyin, we haven't seen it in a few years, but my chess skills have grown a lot, would you dare to come with me for two games?"

"just you?!!!"

"Why, don't believe it??"

"Huh, I still don't believe that your stinky chess basket will have a day when chess skills grow!" Xian Yinfeng's scornful hands hugged in front of him.

Dongfang Shuotian's expression is obviously unpleasant: "What do you say?! I can't do it, let's know if I compare it?"

"Bibi is Bibi! Who is afraid of who?!" As he said, the two elderly men in flower-coats ignored the eyes of others and walked towards the lounge of the outdoor reception area.

Seeing this, Dongfang Yu and Huangfu couldn't help but laugh.

It is said that old children, old children, this old man is just like a child at a certain age, quarreling, noisy, very interesting and fun.

Although, these two juniors have never witnessed the heroic posture of Dongfang Shuotian and Huan Yinfeng, but what they look like now is the most commemorative!

"Bell Bell Bell..."

Suddenly, a ring of telephone bell interrupted the two smiles.

Dongfang Yu glanced at the caller ID, turned around apologetically, and took the call...


Huangfu Ming, who had just planned to leave, heard the shocking voice of Dongfang Yu, and a pair of eyes that were bottomless suddenly flashed a ray of light.

The next second...

"Captain Huangfu, stay here!"

Dongfang Yu's voice came from behind, and Huangfu Ming stood slowly and turned his head back: "What's the matter? Eastern commander?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just curious...Where's your lady?" Putting the phone in your pocket with one hand, Dongfang Yu walked in front of him with a wicked smile.

Huangfu Ming looked left and right: "I think she should make up."

"Oh? Just 20 minutes ago, I saw Mrs. Gui left the venue in a hurry. Does it take so long for her to apply makeup?"

"Then who knows?" Huang Fu Ming shrugged his shoulders with a smile, playing with the taste: "I am not a woman."

"Oh, as long as Commander Huangfu confirms that your lady has done makeup, just in case... we'll be wrong if we mistake your lady as a thief!"

"Oh? Like the meticulous residence in the Royal Garden, where thieves dare to break in? It seems that the security system of Dongfang's house is not very good, eh?" Huang Fu said with a smile, amused.

This book was first published in Book Reader

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