Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 947: Insulted the pig

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947 Insult Pig

The pig-faced man nodded again and again: "Yes, that was an insult to the pig!" Then he looked at the yellow hair young people and shouted, "No one can call me the boss of the pig!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the pig-faced man felt his head wrong: "Huh... how is it to insult the pig?"

"Uh... Brother, did I say that?" Cat Cat looked at him innocently again. It seems as if I have never said this.

The pig-faced man thought for a while, and said, "You... said the pig insulted me?"

"Yes! Hee hee!" Cat cat smiled again. This stupid fork is really stupid!

Looking at the boss, the pig's head was stunned by this girl. A person next to him whispered: "Boss, he is the woman of the Eastern Royal!"

Pig-faced man blacked his face, looked at her, took out his mobile phone, and said: "It's quite pleasing to see you like this. In this way, you call Dongfang Yu and let him come with a ransom of 100 million yuan! Pay the money and let go of it! Brothers don’t bother you!"

The cat looked at the pig-faced man and said with great frustration: "I'm really not a woman of the Eastern Royal, I don't know him at all."

"Don't know?" Pig-faced man immediately looked at a yellow-haired young man next to him: "Search her phone, I don't believe you don't have that Dongfang Yu's phone!"


Soon, a yellow-haired young man took out the mobile phone from the cat's cross-body bag, and was about to hand it to the pig-faced man.

Cat Mao was shocked. There was a phone of father and mother in this phone. If they let them know their details, it would be bad! Mom and Dad will never let her come to Fengdu to study abroad.

Cat Mao concentrated on wisdom, and suddenly one of them stood up and ran his head towards the yellow-haired young man.

Boom, the phone slipped out of the other party's hand, was falling into a glass wine jar on the coffee table without sinking, and sank directly.

"I'm fucking! Dead girl! Sure enough, there is a ghost!!" Pig-face manly grabbed the cat, directly palm, and slammed her face.

The cat fell to the ground.

The cat's half of Jiao Mei's face was swollen, and bloodstains escaped from the corners of her mouth, and she looked at the other person angrily.

pig! Dead pig! !

Dare to fight sister, wait! Sister revenge, not too late ten years!

As the saying goes, dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water! One day, my sister must use boiling water to burn your pig's head! !

The cat was tired and shrunk, but the long skirt was lifted at a corner, revealing its white thighs, so that all the young people looked at it with blood.

Pig-faced male squinted at the cat: "Hurry up! What is the phone number of Dongfang Yu! Otherwise, don't be afraid that your brothers will come and serve you one by one!"

Cat looked at the pig-faced man, resisting the nausea of ​​turning his stomach, scolding: "Even if you ask me a hundred times, I don't know who he is. Also, I don't want to hit you anymore, you go to the zoo to see Is there a job suitable for you, otherwise you can easily get shot by the police while running around with a face that needs to be rebuilt?"

"Marvelous! Dare to curse the guy being shot by the police? Okay, very good, very kind, see how the guy tunes you little girl!" Pig-faced man said, immediately took off his coat and began to untie the belt...

Cat looked at this disgusting man, his heart pounding. Oh my god, she really wanted to die! !

The pig-faced man smiled evilly, looked at the woman on the ground, and walked towards her step by step...


Bang, the gate was kicked open.

"No movement, police!"

A large number of policemen rushed in, and all of them faced the people in the room with real bullets.

Immediately afterwards, a godly man's suit appeared in front of everyone. The man was wearing sunglasses, and although he couldn't clearly see his eyes, the face was extremely cold and domineering.

The powerful aura even enveloped the entire box.

Cat looked at the brilliance of the police uniform, his nose was sour and his eyes were red for a moment.

It's raining in a hurry!

"Uncle policeman, you are really my goddess!" Mao Mao gave a sweet smile to the people in uniform.

However, she noticed that Dongfang Yu did not wear military uniforms, but instead wore suits and leather covers, with black super-covered faces. It seemed that no matter when, his eyes would never be taken off, giving him a feeling of being handsome. .

Boss Pig and others will be completely scared,

"Don't shoot, shoot another, we are good citizens." Boss Pig quickly hovered and raised his hands in panic.

Cat smiled at each other with a smile, and immediately stood up from the ground, picking evilly around the corner of his mouth, as if unaffected by the incident just now: "Boss Pig, you are wrong to say so? Uncle policemen are idiots! You play uncle policemen, but uncle policemen will be angry!"

Soon, the police rushed forward and arrested the boss and others.

After almost everyone left here.

Dongfang Yu stepped forward and looked at the cat, a pair of eyeshadows through the sunglasses with a mysterious light.

Cat smiled and approached him, picking up with one hand, as he was about to take off his sunglasses.

Unexpectedly, the other party's hand was faster, holding her arm.

"Oh, I don't mind if you have red eyes. Let me see if you are disabled." Mao Mao said with a smile.

Dongfang Yu listened, his eyes slightly dimmed. The sharpness of the soldiers was raised.

"you know me?"

The cat smiled slyly: "It's a good idea, haven't you met in the 360-degree revolving restaurant before?"


Dongfang Yudan lightly answered, and said no more. For a while: "Why did they catch you?"

"It's not because of..." Speaking of this, the cat paused, looked at the person in front of him, and didn't go on.

I don't know why, the other party feels very uncomfortable wearing sunglasses like this?

There must be a limit to pretending? Now the light is so dim in the box, can he see it with sunglasses?

"Why don't you go on?" Dongfang Yu looked at the girl, which was a little funny for a while.

Mao Mao also resolutely replied: "I suddenly don't want to say." But the eyes immediately revealed the brilliance of the thief: "Hah, it's easy for me to say, first remove the sunglasses on your eyes. under."

Dongfang Yu didn't speak and ignored the other party. Zhe'er didn't plan to ask any more, and soon turned around to leave.

Looking at the figure he was really going to leave, Mao Mao was in a hurry: "Hello? You just left me like this?"

Dongfang Yu turned around and looked at her coldly, saying: "Love or not, I have no time to accompany you."

"So stingy? Are you really angry?" Mao Mao walked directly in front of him with caressed hair, and passed by, smiling at him naughtily: "I am hungry now, take me first Eat a meal, and then I will tell you slowly."

Dongfang Yu didn't speak, looking at the girl, her eyes under the sunglasses also showed a glorious first novel of the net novel

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