Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 961: Really want to scare people to death

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Chapter 961

"What a terrible broken thief! It's just abnormal!! Let me catch you, I must destroy you! Or throw you into the solar system to melt it!" Bai Ruoxi could not help cursing a few words. And stomped his feet very vividly. I wish I wanted to trample to death with my feet.

Seeing that the man behind him smiled slightly: "It's really not at all graceful for such a beautiful girl to scold people." It's really funny, how could he feel that she is gentle?

This girl is probably the kind of docile, brutal heart! However, it's not too much, this kind of barbarism makes people look very pleasing to the eye!

It's like being coquettish. As soon as he thought this way, Dongfang Yu was slightly surprised, and his mind was concentrated, and he quickly put it away.

"What else do you want in front of the pervert, it's just looking for death! It's best that they all get caught and squat to jail tomorrow!" Bai Ruoxi said angrily.

"You don't have to wait until tomorrow." Dongfang Yu laughed, and then unfolded the things in his hands in front of Bai Ruoxi's line of sight. This is the camera Chen Dong gave to himself just now.

"Yu, what's the matter?" Bai Ruoxi looked at him with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Dongfang Yu nodded towards her: "Come in and have a look."

Bai Ruoxi said nothing, and soon came to the bedroom computer office with Dongfang Yu. Dongfang Yu plugged this camera into the computer, and after a while, the content on it was read out.

When Bai Ruoxi saw this picture, the whole person was stunned.

Because she saw in this picture that a man with a frivolous appearance came down from the ventilation window on the top of the toilet in her bedroom...

"Ah..." Bai Ruoxi didn't think she covered her mouth, and her body was trembling somehow.

Khan, she admits that she is not such a girl who is so easily afraid, but, however, no matter how calm it is, it will be a little calm.

Especially last night, she once showered in the washroom...

If you think of it this way, it must be that the pervert took the opportunity to act through the draft window, and wanted to wait until he fainted before committing some kind of perverted violent behavior...

Suddenly, a pair of arms took her shoulders slightly and forcefully: "Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Dongfang Yu smiled comfortably at her. The girl always aroused her desire to protect at some point. As if it were the weak cat at the beginning...

"...Thank you." Bai Ruoxi grinned reluctantly, but when she squinted slightly, she still looked at the washroom that was a few steps away, her beautiful big eyes inexplicably horrified.

How did she never expect that this pervert lived upstairs in her house?

Khan! It's so perverted, so surprising.

Dongfang Yu took off the miniature mushroom camera and handed it directly to Chen Dong next to him: "Chen Dong, call the police! Immediately catch people."

"Yes, boss." Chen Dong finished, immediately took the mushroom camera, respectfully towards the Oriental Yuju, quickly exited the room, and left the apartment.

When Chen Dong left, only Bai Ruoxi and Dongfang Yu were left in the room.

Before waiting for Bai Ruoxi's eyes to be more fearful, he took her out of the room and took the door of the bedroom directly.

"Don't think about it, everything will be fine." Dongfang Yu said slowly. There was a trace of gentleness that was imperceptible on the line of sight.

Bai Ruoxi looked at him, and his throat twitched, barely running into the corner of his lips: "Well."

But at this moment, she couldn't laugh, and felt that her heart was still beating.

Dongfang Yu looked at her lips with dry hair, and couldn't help saying: "Go, go downstairs together to drink slobber, and be surprised."

Bai Ruoxi nodded gratefully at him.

The two came together in the hall downstairs.

Dongfang Yu personally poured her a cup of hot water and handed it over.

For a while, Bai Ruoxi calmed down a little bit: "If you didn't discover this loophole in time, you really want to scare people to death."

Dongfang Yu looked at her and said that, but at this moment she had a smile on her face, knowing that she had gradually calmed down from this shock. He couldn't help laughing: "I believe that after a while, you can get back everything that belongs to you, including your painting!"

"Yes! My paintings, my Monroe! My goddess, I spent a lot of effort painting, I must take her back!" Bai Ruoxi said, his eyes glowed with water. .

A beautiful face was a little ruddy because of the slight anxiety, and it was even more beautiful and moving.

Suddenly, Dongfang Yu asked, "Bai Ruoxi, do you have a boyfriend at school?"

Okay, this sentence was asked for some reason, and I learned about it when I beat him to her school during the day.

I don’t know why I want to inquire about her like this, or maybe I just think that if she finds him to help, then you trust him, and he should do her best to help her.

Bai Ruoxi is better holding a drinking glass, but fortunately the sip of water was drunk in his mouth, otherwise he would really choke on his words.

"No." Bai Ruoxi replied immediately. She looked at him and picked playfully around the corner of her lips, saying very proudly: "I don't want to talk about boyfriends!"

"Oh?" Dongfang Yu smiled, but didn't speak, looking at her like a naughty and arrogant kitten, and then humorously answered: "It seems that Fenglin University is a school of vision Quite high, the boys in the school probably won't get into your eyes?"

Bai Ruoxi was said by his eyes, and she smiled shyly and shyly on her beautiful face. It took a while to say: "What school flowers are not school flowers, I don't care, those are just empty names given by others, meaningless. ."

Dongfang Yu looked at her and said what she said: "So what do you think makes sense?"

Bai Ruoxi heard the words, stood up, holding a glass of water, raised his head, and slowly stomped in the hall: "The meaningful things I think must be what I like and do."

"For example?" Dongfang Yu chased him completely in a questioning way.

"For example, my paintings, whether they are illustrations I draw for others, or my comics, as long as I like them, I must make them well! I have always been satisfied with myself! I am satisfied with the customers! No matter how much work I have done, I think it is worth it!" Bai Ruoxi smiled brilliantly.

"But..." Dongfang Yu thought for a while: "Do you still have a major in finance?"

"Huh? How do you know?" Bai Ruoxi froze for a moment, with a hint of doubt deep in his eyes.

Unconsciously, it seemed like something was missed. Dongfang Yu smiled and persevered in the past: "Isn't the most popular major in Fenglin Noble University the finance? I think you must have learned it."

This novel comes from the book reader

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