Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 975: Give you this opportunity

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Chapter 975 Give You This Chance

When she came to the skyscraper, her eyes were shocked by the building in front of her, and the gem tower of the Gemini star looked exceptionally shiny.

Bai Ruoxi walked into the building, but the management here was very strict. Unsurprisingly, she did not see Dongfang Yu so easily.

Bai Ruoxi looked at the lady at the front desk and smiled, "Can you give this thing to him? Thank you."

"Okay. Wait, if the president passes by, I'll give it to him as soon as possible." The front desk lady said politely.

"Thank you. This thing is very important, please give it to him."

Bai Ruoxi looked at the lady at the front desk gratefully, then turned and left here, walking aimlessly on the street, and suddenly there was a feeling of being abandoned.

It's really funny! Actually it's nothing, but why is it so uncomfortable in my heart?

After shaking for a long time, she back to school.

But as soon as he entered the school, he was called into the principal's office.

"Student Bai Ruoxi, I know this matter is embarrassing to you, but you have to think about the reputation of our school, Yu Hanxi also said, this time the mv influence is definitely great, but they are all professionally born , Will be handled carefully in the production."

"If you cooperate with the filming of the scene, the whole film will be perfect and ideal. You can rest assured that it is just a shot, there will be nothing." Dean Zhang Deheng said of the college patiently.

Bai Ruoxi looked at the dean with great embarrassment, and said after a while: "The dean...can I change people?"

She really didn't want to make the kiss scene, which would make her very uncomfortable. She came to study at Fenglin Noble University. Since she was studying, it was just studying. Why should she ignore other things?

What's more, she doesn't do things that make her uncomfortable.

The principal's face suddenly turned black. He looked at her and said after a while: "Classmate Bai Ruoxi, you are also an outstanding student representative of the school. Why is this attitude? The college gives you this opportunity, but you Is it not cherished at all?"

"You should consider this matter carefully. Before school ends in the afternoon, you will come to my office again and tell me your decision. Go to class first!" The principal's voice also cooled slightly. The good student in his mind had a feeling of wanting to demolish his platform, which was really unbearable.

"Yes, principal." Bai Ruoxi turned around and left the principal's office.

This half-day class was very heavy.

Bai Ruoxi was already sitting in the classroom, but he was already in love. On the beautiful face, the old smile cannot be seen, but there is only a complicated dark light.

In that skyscraper building.

When Miss Qiantai saw Dongfang Yu coming down, she quickly handed over the painting to Dongfang Yu.

Some impurities spewed out slightly from the eyes under the Oriental Imperial Sunglasses.

Back to his president's office.

Dongfang Yu opened the painting. This is a well-colored "Mengluo". The comic expression is quite realistic and cute. In addition to being sexy, it also expresses Monroe's purity.

Dongfang Yu looked at the painting and didn't say a word for a long time. He slowly tapped one and took two sips.

After a while, the intercom phone rang.

Dongfang Yu pressed inside.

"President, Assistant Chen is back." The voice of the secretary came from the other end.

"Let him come in." Dongfang Yu said, and directly cut the inside.

Soon Chen Dong came in. Seeing Dongfang Yu, he truthfully told him about Yu Hanxi's visit to Fenglin Noble University that day, and also included some things about Bai Ruoxi.

"Boss, the heroine of this mv had already decided to let Bai Ruoxi appear, but he was about to withdraw from this mv because of his unwillingness to shoot kiss scenes." Chen Dong said looking at him, his expression was very cold .

The boss asked him to investigate this matter, of course, has his purpose.

"The boss, the news from Yu Hanxi seems to have to be Bai Ruoxi. But if Bai Ruoxi refuses, then Fenglin University may lose the opportunity to cooperate with Yu Hanxi, which will also be a loss for Feng Lin. ."

"Yu Hanxi's star effect has a certain influence in the world. If he can help him make Fenglin University a first-class university, it is not impossible."

Dongfang Yu didn't speak, and was listening all the time. After smoking the cigarette in his hand, the eyes of the pair of phoenixes dimmed gently.

"You go first." Dongfang Yu waved his hand lightly.

But at this meeting, the phone rang.

Chen Dong glanced at Dongfang Yu, and the other person's eyes signalled before he connected the inside line for him.

"President, Yu Hanxi is looking for you."

Chen Dong was a little surprised. When he looked at Dongfang Yushi, there was a glimmer of dark light on Dongfang Yu's sunglasses.

After a while, Dongfang Yu's voice calmed down: "Let him come in."



The last class in the afternoon is over. After school.

The good friends at the same table looked at Bai Ruoxi and said, "Bai Ruoxi, do you really not be the heroine of mv? Why are you so stupid, this is a great opportunity!"

Bai Ruoxi glanced at her, smiled lightly, and said nothing. To be honest, she didn't want to think more about it. The bottom of my heart is already messy enough.

Seeing Xu Ruoyan's disappointed look, she couldn't help but smile: "Looking at you so lost, why don't I talk to the principal and let you be the heroine?"

Upon hearing this, Xu Ruoyan waved his hands in a panic: "Don't, you don't have to tell the principal, I... I was born to be the life of a female mate, but I can't be a mistress."

"Huh..." Bai Ruoxi smiled, but said nothing.


Several other figures walked towards this side. One of them was a pearl jewel, a brand name all over her body, and several others followed her.

"It's O Meibao, Bai Ruoxi, let's go!" Xu Ruoyan said quickly.

Ou Meibao has always been bullying at school, and all girls are almost afraid of them.

Bai Ruoxi nodded, and then stood up with his shoulder bag ready to leave.

Ou Meibao and others stopped the two of them again.

"Yo, you want to go when you see me? I'm afraid I bullied you?" Ou Meibao said looking at Bai Ruoxi.

Bai Ruoxi's eyes also cooled down: "I have nothing to do with you, please let go."

"It's no deal, but! If you recommend me to the principal, maybe I will treat you better in the future." Ou Meibao said with a smile. Thinking of that time, there was a bit of fire. If it weren’t for Ye Xiejue, she wouldn’t be so easy to let this woman go.

What's more, she couldn't swallow this breath, and that night, Xie Ju was absolutely going to exhale for this woman.

Bai Ruoxi listened to her and looked at her: "You want to be a mv hostess, go and tell the principal yourself!"

"Stupid, I told the principal, what am I telling you?" Ou Meibao said angrily.

For a while, Bai Ruoxi said: "Okay, let me tell the principal that it's okay, but if the principal wants you to be an mv hostess, that's what the principal means." Between the speeches, there was a ray of cunning in the eyes dark light.

The first book of reading novels

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