Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 980: Kidnapped

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Chapter 980: Abducted

Dongfang Yu had just arrived at his own home, but he didn't expect that when the phone rang, he saw the phone number in his hand, thought about it, or answered it: "Hey?"

"Yu, can you come over quickly, my friend is in danger, he was kidnapped in a place called'gravity', can you help my friend?" The girl came from there Anxious voice.

Dongfang Yuwei narrowed his eyes, his eyes under the sunglasses threw a deep red light, and only answered one word: "Okay."

He answered the phone and draped the jacket he had just taken off again. While walking outwards, he took out another mobile phone from his arms and dialed out: "Chen Dong? Go find a call now. "Gravity" place. I want to know where it is? There are a few brothers."

After Chen Dong heard the call, his heart was slightly counted, and he quickly replied: "Okay, boss."

There is almost no effort, and Chen Dong soon found this black bar called gravitation!

Then Oriental Royal driving his black Rolls-Royce Silver Charm quickly drove to Jinyuyuan, and then gave Bai Ruoxi a call: "I'm here, come down!"

Bai Ruoxi jumped at the bottom of his heart, and quickly squeezed the phone firmly in his palm, then went out the door, went downstairs and ran to his car directly, opened the door of the co-pilot and sat up.

"Yu, I am really worried about my friend." Bai Ruoxi said nervously, her cheeks were dark, she could feel that the girlfriend must have been in great danger.

Dongfang Yu didn't speak, but at that moment, a glint of light crossed his sunglasses.

Soon the car started and went directly towards "gravity".

At this time, Chen Dong has also taken people to surround here.

The woman in the car at Dongfang Yukan: "Don't go in, you are waiting for me here."

Bai Ruoxi looked at Dongfang Yu. At that moment, there was some tension in her heart. She looked at him and she really wanted to go down with him.

However, she knew that she could not do much to help her down, but would become his burden.

"Well, Yu, you should be more careful." Bai Ruoxi said, looking at the other party, with a slight worry in his eyes.

Did Dongfang Yu say anything else, and then, after glancing at her, soon, she loosened the seat belt and jumped off the car. Stride into this gravitational bar!

After entering, they saw no one. It turned out that this was an empty bar!

Chen Dong walked towards him and looked at the other party and said, "Boss, this bar has been sealed for a long time. I heard that the owner ran away with money. I've seen it everywhere. I've checked it. None. It was found that half of the figure is not like any place that has operated recently."

"A bar that no one runs is already an empty bar? Are we all cheated?" Dongfang Yu Leng frowned, a wise mangguang now in the depths of the pair of Danfeng eyes.

He looked at the bar carefully. It was indeed that he hadn't operated for a long time, and he was covered with spider webs everywhere.

But judging from his experience, this bar must be very problematic.

"Chen Dong, you are searching around immediately, including the toilet above and below this bar, and don't let go of a clue, I suspect there is a dark city below." Dongfang Yu said quickly.

"Yes, boss." Chen Dong thought for a while, then looked at Dongfang Yu and said: "Shall we call the police now?"

"The specific situation is still unclear. If you make a bold alarm, it will only be harmful to the hostages. On the contrary, the other party will tear the ticket, which is bad. I promised Bai Ruoxi to rescue her friend Then I want her friend to come out alive!" Dongfang Yu said, and her eyes calmed down.

Suddenly, a scream came from outside the bar door.

Dongfang Yu's eyes tightened, and immediately recognized that the voice came from Bai Ruoxi, too late to think. He turned around and quickly rushed out of the bar, looking at his black Rolls-Royce Silver Charm.

I saw that the door of the driver's cab was open, but there was no one in it.

"Bai Ruo Xi! Bai Ruo Xi! Where are you Bai Ruo Xi!" Dongfang Yu shouted quickly, he never thought that the other party would come to this hand?

So obviously, this is not an empty bar anymore! It is the "Empty City Plan" that the other party is singing with him!

What a terrible enemy!

Yes, at this moment he has clearly and accurately listed the opponent as an enemy!

That way he would never let go so easily! !

"Boss, Miss Bai..." Chen Dong couldn't speak at all when she saw this scene. But how could Bai Ruoxi disappear in a blink of an eye?

But obviously she must have been hijacked by someone, so the person who hijacked her is not just for money!

And one of their most likely goals is directed at the Eastern Royal.

Soon Chen Dong's guess was confirmed by Dongfang Yu.

"An enemy came to the door, and this enemy obviously came towards me!" Dongfang Yu stood next to the door of the car, his voice pressed down. A dark haze appeared on his cheeks.

Suddenly, he smelled a particularly quiet breath in the air. It can be said that this quiet smell can be described by the word "strange".

Dongfang Yu Ning twitched and immediately thought of something.

"Quick..." Dongfang Yu shouted violently, and immediately took Chen Dong's arm and ran towards the street in front of him.

After running a distance of less than ten meters, there was a bang behind, and the black Rolls-Royce Silver Charm had been blown apart!

At that moment, Dongfang Yuhe Chendong immediately fell to the ground.

The waves of heat beside him rolled over, causing some uncomfortable feeling on the skin.

Even their hair was curled up by the explosion of this heat wave.

"Damn, his grandma's really came to us!" Chen Dong could not help but gritted his teeth.

Didn't expect to be on the other side's way almost before?

Then they are so deadly wrong!

But who are these people? How dare you do such a thing under their eyes so boldly?

"This enemy must be hiding deep." Dongfang Yu said. He stood up and patted the dirt on his body. At this moment, the phone rang.

Dongfang Yu glanced at Chen Dong, and then quickly took out his mobile phone. This is a strange number. There are not many people who know his number.

Then it is certain that this is a familiar enemy.

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