Without saying a word along the way, several people soon arrived at the country of soup, a hot spring mecca.

The clay dragon landed outside the village, and several people walked there, and just as they approached the village gate, they heard a noisy noise from inside.

Walking inside is a lively scene, with people coming and going through the streets and the shouts of various vendors.

And most of these people are still wearing cat and dog masks on their heads, and their hands are either holding cats or dogs, which makes Dedidara look at each other, a little unclear.

Deidara shrugged and walked inside first.


"None of you have heard of the cat and dog festival?"

A big man with a white towel around his head looked at Deidara, and he was a little surprised.

"Duh!" With a popsicle split in two, Deidara handed Kurotsuchi half of it.

The uncle who sold popsicles, seeing that Shui Wuyuebai and several people were eating popsicles, shook their heads, and said with a smile:

"This cat and dog festival is an annual festival in our country of soup, you see those who wear dog masks are dog pies, and those who wear cat masks are cat pies."

"You guys are coming, today this is just a warm-up, tomorrow is the real cat and dog noisy festival, but it is more lively than this."

"Thank you, uncle, hehe, Deidarani, you see the place I chose is right." Eating popsicles and black soil, he looked stunned.

"Junmaro-kun, do you like cats or dogs?" Shui Wuyuebai glanced at Junmaru and asked.

Junmaru shook his head and said lightly, "I don't like hairy ones very much, I like snakes." When

Deidara on the side heard this, the corners of her eyes twitched unconsciously....

"Ah, I... I love rabbits... Raw, cooked... I like it..." Shui Wuyuebai said softly with a serious face, and the more he went to the back, the louder he became.

Just because she thought that she really liked rabbit meat under the demagoguery of Deidara, she is very conflicted now.

"Woof, ah——!"

But at this moment, a big wolf dog suddenly rushed towards a young girl who was approaching with an altar in her arms, and the vicious dog barked twice.

The girl was frightened, stumbling under her feet and looking like she was about to fall, and she strode forward with a popsicle in her mouth, and quickly dragged her into her arms.

The two looked at each other, and the dark brown liquid that spilled out of the jar splashed Zhongwu's body without realizing it.

"Hmm?!" Shigego said with a popsicle in his mouth and slurred.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I got your clothes dirty." The girl stood up and said with a blushing face.

"Cat-eared lady?!"

The girl had long brown hair and two cat ears on her head. Deidara, at first, thought it was a hair ornament, but when he looked closely, he realized that it was a pair of real cat ears.

The tall Shigego scratched his head, "It's okay, we're going to go to the hot spring too, we'll replace it later."

"Me too, let's go clubbing... No, I mean I can go with you guys meow? The

girl blushed and did not dare to look directly at the tall Shigego, and found that the words she blurted out were a little ambiguous, and immediately changed her words timidly.

Without waiting for the stunned Shigego to speak, Kurotsuchi stepped forward, "Hehe, of course, what is in this jar of yours?" "

It's fish sauce, used to season cats, meow." The cat-eared girl replied with a smile.

Immediately, several people and the cat-eared lady walked towards a warm soup.

On the way, I also learned that the girl's name was Xiaohuan and she was from the Land of Fire.

When she heard her name, Deidara was slightly stunned, and secretly said in her heart that she was the granddaughter of the cat mother-in-law.

(Don't ask, ask is changed...)

Seeing her, Deidara remembered their role as a source of intelligence for the Uchiha clan and a shop with custom ninjas.

Their family has some kind of agreement with the ninja cat family, which allows the maverick ninja cat to assist in its work and has excellent detection skills.

Deidara, who had thought about forming his own intelligence source before, looked at the small ring walking in front of Kurotsuchi at this time, and an idea came to life.


"It's really comfortable..."

Soaking in the warm pool, Deidara's whole body felt completely transparent and extremely comfortable.

Closing your eyes and feeling your whole body and mind relaxed, which is very different from taking a bath at home.

He didn't understand it before, didn't he just take a hot bath? Still have to go outside and spend money?

But now after soaking once, he has a deep understanding.

The whole body was transparent, and the thoughts were naturally accessible, and the previous sealing technique suddenly had a new insight at this moment.

Deidara smiled slightly, feeling that he only needed to go back and try twice more, and the sealing technique of the Soul Lock could be fully mastered.

Soon, Deidara's three came out of the male soup and waited outside for a while.

Because they hadn't looked for a place to stay, they went to the hotel where they stayed with Xiaohuan.

"Xiao Huan, why did you come back with strangers?"

Just up to the second floor of the hotel, a pointy-eared cat with the word ninja engraved on his forehead appeared at the entrance of the stairs, spitting out words.

"Tian Huo, this is the friend I just made today, meow." Xiaohuan propped his knees and looked at the ninja cat with a smile and said.

"Friends? Since it is a guest, it is rude to meow not to bring a gift. At this time, a rake-eared orange cat jumped out from the side, and its face was anthropomorphic.

"Okay Hina, you'll always be like this, Meow." Xiao Huan glanced at the orange cat without anger.

"You want this, right?" Shigego smiled and handed the Kitenkata drink gift box that Kohuan had given to Hina, the orange cat.

"Well, that's pretty much it, meow."

Hina's face turned from cloudy to sunny, and he jumped up and took the drink from Shigego's hand, and then went to the side with Tianhuo to open the package and enjoy it.

Later, under the leadership of Xiao Huan, Deidara, several people and the cat mother-in-law who smoked dry cigarettes in the room briefly had a face-to-face.

The next morning

, together with Xiaohuan and the cat mother-in-law, Deidara, each of them put on a cat and dog mask and went to the cat and dog noisy festival.

The competition of various cats and dogs on the scene is a grand event for cats and dogs, as well as a grand event for cat lovers and dog lovers.

There are those who participate in the most beautiful cat and dog competition, there are those who compete in various cat and dog talents, and there are those who eat more cats and dogs....

There are various projects, and the wonderful presentation is also eye-opening for several people in Deidara.

"Hey! All give me a quiet moment!!

Suddenly, a man with a big back and a scythe appeared on the roof of a building, holding a loudspeaker and shouting:

"You cat and dog sects, come and believe in our great sect!!"

"Flying segment!" Deidara saw the man's appearance clearly, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Join our cult, my great evil god, may I enjoy glory with you!" Otherwise, I can only sacrifice you to Lord Evil God, hahahaha! "

The flying section with the megaphone in hand is full of fanaticism and makes people look a little crazy.

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